




      2021-09-10 10:52:49麻爽朱德淼陶百慧高迪迪
      中國現(xiàn)代醫(yī)生 2021年21期

      麻爽  朱德淼  陶百慧  高迪迪

      [關鍵詞] 乳腺癌;化療誘導閉經(jīng);預后;激素受體陽性

      [中圖分類號] R737.9? ? ? ? ? [文獻標識碼] B? ? ? ? ? [文章編號] 1673-9701(2021)21-0045-04

      Effect of chemotherapy-induced amenorrhea on the prognosis of patients with hormone receptor-positive breast cancer

      MA Shuang? ? ZHU Demiao? ?TAO Baihui? ?GAO Didi

      Department of Breast Surgery,The First Affiliated Hospital of Jinzhou Medical University,Jinzhou? ?121000,China

      [Abstract] Objective To retrospectively analyze the relationship between the occurrence of chemotherapy-induced amenorrhea (CIA) and prognosis in patients with hormone receptor (HR)-positive breast cancer. Methods A total of 194 premenopausal breast cancer patients admitted to the First Affiliated Hospital of Jinzhou Medical University from January 2014 to December 2017 were retrospectively analyzed.All patients enrolled in this study were treated with regular adjuvant chemotherapy after surgery and did not receive ovarian suppression treatment (OST).Patients were followed up for disease free survival (DFS) and the relationship between the occurrence of CIA and DFS was analyzed. These patients were divided into two groups according to their HR status,and the relationship between the occurrence of CIA and DFS was compared in subgroups. Results At a median follow-up of 51 months,119 patients had CIA,with an incidence of 61.34% (119/194). There was significant difference in DFS between the group with and without CIA (P=0.014,92.43% vs.82.67%).In the HR (+) subgroup of 146 patients,the DFS in patients with CIA was significantly higher than those without CIA (P=0.023,95.65% vs. 87.04%). However,in the HR (-) subgroup of 48 patients,there was no significant difference in DFS between patients with CIA and those without CIA (81.48% vs. 71.43%,P=0.488). Conclusion The occurrence of chemotherapy-induced amenorrhea has a positive effect on the prognosis of patients,which is more significant in hormone receptor-positive patients.

      [Key words] Breast cancer;Chemotherapy-induced amenorrhea;Prognosis;Hormone receptor-positive

      乳腺癌是絕經(jīng)前女性常見的惡性腫瘤[1]。其治療是手術、化療、放療、內分泌及生物靶向治療聯(lián)合的綜合性治療[2]。化療誘導閉經(jīng)(Chemotherapy-induced amenorrhea,CIA)是絕經(jīng)前乳腺癌患者化療后出現(xiàn)的一種副反應[3],其發(fā)生會影響女性生育能力,產生絕經(jīng)期癥狀,影響女性生活質量[4],同時,國外一些研究發(fā)現(xiàn)CIA與乳腺癌患者的預后有關[5-7]。本研究對出現(xiàn)和未出現(xiàn)CIA的絕經(jīng)前乳腺癌患者的無病生存期(Disease free survival,DFS)進行對比,并依照激素受體(Hormone receptor,HR)情況分成亞組,以觀察CIA發(fā)生與乳腺癌患者預后的關系。

      1 對象與方法

      1.1 研究對象

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