



      TAPPI JOURNAL 2021年第1期目次

      2021-09-16 06:22:54
      中國造紙 2021年8期


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      Agility and adaptation in a dynamic business worldScott Rosencrance, Joe Mahoney, and Lebo Xu


      Application of foamed additives to the surface of wet handsheetsTerry Bliss, Mingxiang Luo, and Matthew Nicholas


      Spraying starch on the Fourdrinier—An option between wet end starch and the size pressCole Price and Martin A. Hubbe


      Understanding wet tear strength at varying moisture content in handsheetsAdele Panek, Joel Panek, James Faught, and Peter W. Hart

      39 ADDITIVES

      The effect of contact time between CPAM and colloidal silica on the flocculation behavior in the approach flowPaul Krochak, Klas Johansson, and Ignacio De San Pio


      Co-ground mineral/microfibrillated cellulose composite materials: Recycled fibers, engineered minerals, and new product formsDavid Skuse, Jonathan Phipps, and Tom Larson


      The effect of microfibrillated cellulose on the wet-web strength of paperJonathan Phipps, Tom Larson, Mark Paradis, and Diana Tanase

      ?COVER CREDIT:In their study of microfibrillated cellulose and the wet-web strength of paper (p. 61), Phipps and co-authors devised a laboratory method for preparing handsheets with varying moisture content. Top image shows the handsheet after formation, middle shows couching with a variable number of blotters, and bottom show s the laboratory press with constant p ressure and variable blotters.


      Peter W. Hart peter.hart@westrock.com

      +1 409 276-3465

      Associate Editor

      Douglas W. Coffin coffindw@miamioh.edu

      +1 513 529-0771

      Editorial Director

      Monica Shaw mshaw@tappi.org

      +1 770 367-9534

      PRESS Manager

      Jana Jensen jjensen@tappi.org

      +1 770 209-7242


      Trina Heath theath@tappi.org

      +1 770 209-7416


      Randy Branston, BASF

      randy.branston@basf.com, +1 704 819-4251

      Brian N. Brogdon, FutureBridge Consulting & Training LLC

      brian.brogdon@gmail.com, +1 678 581-9114

      Douglas W. Coffin, Miami University

      coffindw@miamioh.edu, +1 513 529-0771

      Mahendra Doshi, Doshi and Associates

      mahen@aol.com, +1 920 832-9101

      Marc Foulger, Valmet

      marc.foulger@valmet.com +1 315 767-2920

      Peter W. Hart, WestRock

      peter.hart@westrock.com, +1 409 276-3465

      Carl J. Houtman, USDA Forest Products Laboratory

      choutman@fs.fed.us, + 1 608 231-9445

      Vamsi Jasti, Ahlstrom-Munksjo Nonwovens LLC

      jvamsik1@gmail.com, +1 818 585-3524

      Lucian Lucia, North Carolina State University

      lucian.lucia@gmail.com, +1 919 889-7059

      John A. Neun, John A. Neun LLC

      john.neun@gmail.com, +1 518 275-8139

      Jim Niemiec, Jim Niemiec Consulting LLC

      jim.niemiec@outlook.com, +1 715 213-4766

      Steven P. Ottone, Omya

      steven.ottone@omya.com, +1 919 641-7854

      Gaurav Pranami, Imbed Biosciences

      gpranami@imbedbio.com, +1 515 230-7005

      Arthur Ragauskas, Oak Ridge National Laboratory


      Gerard J.F. Ring, University of Wisconsin—Stevens Point

      gerrryring@wi-net.com, +1 715 592-3732

      Scott Rosencrance, Kemira Chemicals

      scott.rosencrance@kemira.com, +1 770 429-2753

      Paul Wiegand, NCASI

      pwiegand@ncasi.org, +1 919 941-6417

      Junyong Zhu, USDA Forest Products Laboratory

      jzhu@fs.fed.us, +1 608 231-9520

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      JANUARY 2021 | VOL. 20 NO. 1 | TAPPI JOURNAL 5

      基隆市| 鸡西市| 岱山县| 建平县| 曲靖市| 定西市| 会昌县| 汶川县| 同仁县| 余江县| 弥渡县| 大安市| 启东市| 慈溪市| 耒阳市| 阳春市| 乳山市| 阿克陶县| 唐山市| 湖州市| 化州市| 无锡市| 赤峰市| 志丹县| 松阳县| 思茅市| 成安县| 湄潭县| 武威市| 思茅市| 左贡县| 精河县| 肥东县| 普定县| 陈巴尔虎旗| 卢湾区| 柘荣县| 安徽省| 筠连县| 通州区| 准格尔旗|