




      2021-09-26 01:00吳玲玲馮再勇
      河南科技 2021年24期

      吳玲玲 馮再勇

      摘 要:在全球變暖的背景下,氣溫升高使得四季的起止時間和長度有明顯的改變。研究21世紀南京市季節(jié)開始日和長度的變化,可以為工農(nóng)業(yè)生產(chǎn)、人民生活以及政府決策提供更多的參考依據(jù)。通過對CMIP5中的模式結(jié)果進行預(yù)估,結(jié)果表明,在21世紀,南京市春季推遲,夏季提前,秋季推遲,冬季提前,春秋長度變化較小,夏季長度明顯增加,冬季長度明顯減小。與RCP4.5排放情景相比,四季開始日和長度變化在RCP8.5排放情景下更加顯著。與21世紀中期(2041—2070年)和前期(2011—2030年)相比,21世紀后期(2071—2100年)其變化更顯著。


      中圖分類號:P467? ? ? 文獻標識碼:A ? ? ? 文章編號:1003-5168(2021)24-0100-04

      Projection Research of the Beginning Data and Length of Seasons in Nanjing in the 21st Century

      WU Lingling? ? FENG Zaiyong

      (School of Transportation Management, Nanjing? Jiangsu 210031)

      Abstract:On the background of global warming, the starting and ending dates of seasons and their length change obviously owing to air temperature rising. Research on the varation of the starting dates of seasons and their length in Nanjing can take more reference for industrial and agricultural production, national life and governmental decision. By using of the model results of Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5, we predict the varation of the starting dates of seasons and their length in Nanjing. The results show that in 21st century, the staring date of spring and autumn in Nanjing will delay, and summer winter will advance. The change of spring and autumn's length is not obvious, while the variation of spring and autumn's length is obvious with longer summer and shorter winter. Compared with RCP4.5 emission scenarios, the varation of the starting dates of seasons and their length in RCP8.5 emission scenarios is more noticeable. The change is more manifest in the later period (from 2071 to 2100) of 21st century than in the former (from 2011 to 2040) and middle (from 2041 to 2070) period.

      Keywords:Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5; starting dates of seasons;length of seasons; emission scenarios



      圖1—圖3給出了RCP4.5排放情景下的預(yù)估結(jié)果。在2011—2040年(圖1),ACCESS1.3模式預(yù)估春季開始日比1951—2005年平均開始日推遲12 d,冬季開始日和1951—2005年基本一致,CMSS_CMS模式預(yù)估夏季開始日比1951—2005年平均開始日提前3 d,秋季開始日比1951—2005年平均開始日推遲10 d。此時段內(nèi),IPSL_CM5A_MR模式預(yù)報春季長度縮短3 d,夏季延長11 d,秋季縮短2 d,冬季縮短6 d,夏季長度增加顯著。

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