著:(美)尼爾·柯克伍德 譯:付泉川
1 韓國蔚山市現(xiàn)代工業(yè)景觀The modern industrial landscape, City of Ulsan, Republic of Korea
接下來介紹哈佛大學GSD的研究生設計工作坊,主題為:蔚山市再造——制造現(xiàn)代工業(yè)城市(圖2)⑧。該工作坊聚焦蔚山市及其腹地,該地區(qū)擁有110萬居民,在未來的幾十年里,位于海岸線、山脈和草地的自然環(huán)境中的工業(yè)區(qū)、工業(yè)綜合體和居民社區(qū)都將被重新思考并改造(圖3)。因此,建議將城市基本要素(土地、水、基礎設施)與蔚山市工業(yè)和市民文化相結(jié)合,以此創(chuàng)造一個將公共部門和私人機構(gòu)不斷變化的關(guān)注點納入考慮的現(xiàn)代工業(yè)景觀。1 000 km2的初始研究區(qū)域以及毗鄰的邁普和溫山工業(yè)區(qū)及其腹地位于朝鮮半島東南角。在前半學期,學生們制定了蔚山市生物動力學重建的整體方法,在戰(zhàn)略層面提出了建立當?shù)啬茉催B通和資源流動的景觀基礎設施的策略。在后半學期,學生們針對技術(shù)基礎設施以及工業(yè)生產(chǎn)和生活場所,在細節(jié)層面提出了個人設計方案并繪制了大量圖紙。其中,關(guān)鍵的背景圖紙,不僅包括了研究區(qū)的基本信息、工業(yè)資本及其關(guān)鍵綜合體、工業(yè)生態(tài)系統(tǒng)交換潛力的信息,還涉及韓國其他工業(yè)中心的情況。復雜的地理、工業(yè)和社會信息,例如,與太華江(the Taehwa River)相連的河岸狀況以及沿河的城市發(fā)展,或者一系列陸地和水上的公共空間以及相應的社會和文化景觀,通過組織一系列基于1960年杜登圖解詞典⑨的圖像進行表達。在設計評圖和中期評圖中,在與校內(nèi)和校外老師的正式和非正式的會議上,這些材料被介紹和討論。因為涉及19世紀朝鮮半島和中國大陸地圖的邊界,在正式出版前材料受到了嚴格的審查。學生們共同合作,通過討論、論證和對背景信息的批判性調(diào)查,制定了基本的原則和方向。
2 蔚山市再造(2017年)Ulsan Remade 20172-1 水、土壤、空氣、火:環(huán)境危機與關(guān)懷Water, earth, air and fire: environmental risk and concerns2-2 未來可持續(xù)發(fā)展目標與管理:能源副產(chǎn)品及交換的編錄Future sustainability goals and governance: inventory of energy byproduct and exchange2-3 場地剖面概念Conceptual site section2-4 西北軸測圖:橋NW axonometric runnel bridge
3 韓國蔚山市海岸線Coastal shoreline, City of Ulsan, Republic of Korea
第三個條目是F,代表實地考察(Field Trip)。2017年3月,全體同學前往蔚山市對整個城市及其腹地進行了一次實地考察,包括SK能源綜合體(圖4)等,并花費更多時間調(diào)研了現(xiàn)代重工集團以了解造船和大型能源海上平臺。學生的設計項目通常是中小規(guī)模的,旨在將其置入現(xiàn)有的城市肌理或環(huán)境中,并隨著蔚山市重工業(yè)核心的變化而在城市演變中逐步可見。
4 韓國蔚山市SK能源綜合體SK Energy complex, City of Ulsan, Republic of Korea
第四個條目是I,代表“工業(yè)島”(Industrial Island),是研究生尉博翔開展的設計項目主題。韓國是一個三面環(huán)海的“島嶼”。南古工業(yè)區(qū)實際上是城市與海洋生態(tài)、風景與旅游設施之間的重要物理屏障。與此同時,工業(yè)正面臨著困境:氣候變化造成的洪水泛濫,海平面上升對全球的破壞,以及在未來10年內(nèi)許多工業(yè)綜合體改變其基本制造流程而持續(xù)提高的生產(chǎn)效率。如果像“工業(yè)島”的概念所呈現(xiàn)的那樣,工業(yè)可以搬遷到大海上,那么城市就可以將這片土地用于文化和基礎設施建設。這個概念是為現(xiàn)代韓國提出的,這個一直渴望更多土地面積的國家。它為蔚山市創(chuàng)造了一個新的工業(yè)景觀,一個漂浮在海上的平臺,形成了與城市肌理分離的自身的系統(tǒng),并賦予了城市一個獨立于工業(yè)的新身份,也讓工業(yè)獨立于城市系統(tǒng)。該方案的題目為《海上世界:漂浮的工業(yè)景觀》,通過土地利用分析圖梳理了大海在蔚山市歷史發(fā)展中的主要作用,從最初的一個漁村和捕鯨鎮(zhèn),到現(xiàn)在的包括造船和海洋服務平臺在內(nèi)的工業(yè)與制造業(yè)中心。該方案聚焦于如果產(chǎn)業(yè)轉(zhuǎn)移,蔚山市還會留下什么,以及如何通過規(guī)劃和設計重塑這座城市。該方案利用剩余的土地,以及能源生產(chǎn)、輕工業(yè)、旅游和毗鄰海岸美景的公共綠地空間,為蔚山市創(chuàng)造了一種新的沿海開發(fā)模式。這個概念性想法建立在20世紀30年代末、40年代和60年代蔚山市為了工業(yè)進行疏浚和造地的歷史基礎上。它在未來10年為蔚山市提供了一個新的綠地系統(tǒng),供居民、游客和工業(yè)利益相關(guān)者使用,共同激發(fā)創(chuàng)意產(chǎn)業(yè)和創(chuàng)意城市倡議和生態(tài)潛力,并增強當前的工業(yè)實力。
最后一個條目是W,代表健康(Wellness or Health)。由Dana Kash和Siobhan Feehan提出的“路徑休息站:健康和工業(yè)景觀”(Circuit Breaker: Health, Wellness and the Scenic- Industrial Landscape)⑩構(gòu)想,呼吁現(xiàn)代工業(yè)城市的居民需要將休息作為人類生活的必要組成部分。該項目同時呼吁現(xiàn)代工業(yè)城市的設計師有責任明確創(chuàng)造整體城市生活的各作用要素,包括消費系統(tǒng)、能源的生產(chǎn)方式、廢棄物的去向、季節(jié)性變化和水循環(huán)條件,以及協(xié)調(diào)所有這些需求的基礎設施。路徑休息站項目旨在在城市核心區(qū)附近建立一個連接休閑和娛樂的“回路”,激活山姆圣垃圾填埋場(the Sam-San landfill)的工業(yè)系統(tǒng)和自然系統(tǒng)。該場地南面是SK能源石化設施、西面是蔚山市住宅區(qū)、東面是陡峭的山坡、北面是太華江,將供水系統(tǒng)、蒸汽系統(tǒng)以及居民和游客的社會系統(tǒng)結(jié)合在一起。該路徑與SK能源的蒸汽輻射熱能閉合回路相對應,沿著路徑布置了精心修剪的綠植廣場、市場橋和城市海灘休閑區(qū)。沿2 km長的岸線布置桑拿房并處理好邊緣的銜接,使其與河流系統(tǒng)發(fā)生聯(lián)系,并喚起公眾對防洪設施和工業(yè)水道的認識。
最后是總結(jié)及后續(xù)工作。研究生設計工作坊為期14周,成果包括一系列關(guān)于第五次工業(yè)革命、工業(yè)遺產(chǎn)、人文城市以及城市和居民健康等方面的分析和綜合研究。主題研討會?于2017年7月在蔚山市舉辦,旨在收集和分享城市發(fā)展的信息。在研討會上,組委會討論了蔚山市作為模范生態(tài)工業(yè)城市的可持續(xù)發(fā)展方案,這也是研究生設計工作坊的成果,離不開蔚山大學(University of Ulsan)和蔚山市發(fā)展研究所(Ulsan Development Institute)的持續(xù)參與和支持。研討會上,我們分享了研究生設計工作坊的成果,也探討了基于工業(yè)生態(tài)學和自然環(huán)境基底的蔚山市及其腹地的發(fā)展?;氐脚c工業(yè)產(chǎn)地相關(guān)的設計理念的來源,這個對景觀設計教育來說很重要的議題。一種持久的道德壓力影響著當今的設計實踐。景觀的媒介被認為是“自然的”,因此聲稱是處于“真理”的道德地位,這讓其與城市和建成環(huán)境的“文化藝術(shù)”以及這些工業(yè)用地的場地條件形成對立關(guān)系。即使是對這些場地最粗略的分析,也能夠揭示其作為工業(yè)與人造表面的屬性。設計師的場地設計變成了一種修飾,一種虛構(gòu)。在這里,通過訴諸“自然”而賦予設計道德優(yōu)越性需要受到質(zhì)疑。研究認為,如果通過更敏銳的觀察,不對自然環(huán)境和建成環(huán)境進行過度區(qū)分與干涉,我們將可能發(fā)現(xiàn)兩者之間巨大的重疊,并在此之上建立聯(lián)系。這為我們應該如何工作提出了一種具有挑戰(zhàn)性的新范式,即對復雜有機的人工現(xiàn)實系統(tǒng)的新的關(guān)注。
① “環(huán)境世紀”一詞由俄勒岡州立大學的環(huán)境科學家Jane Lubchenco博士于1998年提出。
② 包括E. F. Spon出版的Manufactured Sites: Rethinking the Post-Industrial Landscape(2001年)和Island Press出版的Principles of Brownfield Regeneration(2010年)。
③ 作為哈佛大學風景園林系和作者的研究計劃的一部分。
④ 蔚山市再造研究生課程由13名哈佛大學GSD的學生參加。
⑥Manufactured Sites: Rethinking the Post-Industrial Landscape于2001年由E. F. Spon出版。
⑦ 筆者和賈斯汀·霍蘭德(Justin Hollander)以及茱莉亞·高德(Julia Gold)共同撰寫的《棕地再生原則:廢棄地的清理·設計·再利用》于2014年由中國建筑工業(yè)出版社出版。
⑧ 譯者注:詳見https://www.gsd.harvard.edu/exhibition/ulsan-remade-manufacturing-the-modern-industrial-city/。
⑨ 杜登圖解詞典通過編號插圖識別對象,涉及技術(shù)、藝術(shù)和科學等廣泛的主題。
⑩ 譯 者 注:詳 見https://siobhanfeehan.com/Circuit-Breaker。
[1] TURNAGE W A. Ansel Adams: Our National Parks[M].New York: Little, Brown and Company, 1976.
圖1、3、4由作者拍攝。圖2-1由Boxiang Yu、Ho-Ting Liu、Taylor Baer繪制;圖2-2由Johanna Rose Cairns、Ellen E. Epley、Junbo Zhang繪制;圖2-3由Sophie Geller繪制;圖2-4由Dana E. Kash、Shoibhan Elizabeth Feehan繪制。
Author: (USA) Niall Kirkwood Translator: FU Quanchuan
As Ansel Adams wrote in 1950 – “Possessions,both material and spiritual are appreciated most when we find ourselves in danger of losing them”.Our time is short and the future terrifyingly long[1].
I want to address the future referred to by Adams in the introductory quote through the present conditions of the environment and the realities and opportunities that landscape design educators and practitioners and those who teach,shape and steward the landscape find themselves confronting. Today is in the “century of the environment”①and we are also looking at another emerging age – the age of the Modern Industrial Landscape as shown in Figure 1. It promises to be the true marriage of landscape design,environmental, ecological, cultural, economic,technological and artistic endeavors and I would also propose that it will confront and address the current situation, challenges and advancements related to “International Landscape Architecture Education”.
I want to focus on the possibilities for landscapes, urban and peri-urban centers and their hinterlands to progress ecologically, economically,environmentally and culturally through advancing highly modern industrial manufacturing and production in concert with the environment and the changing forces in the contemporary urban landscape. I am calling this the “Fifth Industrial Revolution” and I will explain the term and its derivation in due course but suffice to say that it sits uncomfortably with and challenges much of my own previous research and publishing②by demanding that the post-industrial city and its landscape be considered an interim step in the evolution of the site rather than a terminal point both developmentally and ecologically. It is also I believe where the field of landscape architecture can lead the design disciplines through the tools of industrial ecology and design. This is a research effort that I have just started on in the Graduate School of Design at Harvard③, it is still in need of intensive research effort and study and it is worth noting that it may overturn many previous positions related to the role of ecology in design,the place of industry in the city landscape (usually swept away along with manufacturing jobs to make room for verdant parks and waterfront promenades), as well as the source of design ideas for landscape designers and planners. However I want to suggest that it looks directly to the interrelationship of the technical, the humanistic and the symbolic through the ideas of work,energy and urban form. It engages with advanced manufacturing as a vital agent in shaping a new form of urban landscape or at least in opening up questions regarding the tools of industrial ecology and industry’s role in continuing to be a force in society. We can urge on behalf of sustainable and smart cities and the development of “smart cars”,“driverless cars” and “compact folding cars” but cars still need to be manufactured and who does it, where and how and can it ever be sustainable? I want to present the nature of industrial work as it is defined now and may emerge in the future and the role of urban design in leading the planning and design implications of this type of manufacturing practice. This addresses initiatives developed at Harvard crossing between the fields of industrial ecology, environmental engineering, and the design and planning disciplines that I will show through the pedagogical processes and results of a graduate design studio carried out at the Harvard Design School between 2017 and 2018④.
The structure of this paper is in four parts:First a brief introduction to the subject of industrial landscapes, and second, an overview to ideas and themes of the Fifth Industrial Revolution.In part three I will give a brief overview of a design studio course that I invented and taught (the Ulsan Remade Studio) and the graduate student projects that introduce the potential of the Fifth Industrial Revolution in South Korea to shape a new form of landscape design and ecological life based on the legacy landscapes. Finally, in part four a short summary of educational activities and teaching initiatives that followed the studio and their potential to influence the development of policy and design practices in the landscape fabric and in educational processes related to the landscape field.
To introduce the industrial landscape within the broader context of landscape research and projective planning and design initiatives, I want to initially discuss research and teaching efforts at the GSD starting from 1998. I created during that time a key hypothesis titled “Manufactured Sites”⑤following my initial research on the topic of polluted industrial landscapes and waterways. This attempted to build a more current vision of this aspect of the built environment in landscape architecture. The research evolved into an international conference,exhibition (both 1998) and book publication(2001)⑥at Harvard University’s GSD and was well attended by a broad international range of designers, engineers, academics and students.Building on this research over the next decade, I worked in detail on teaching and publishing on the topics of the post-industrial landscape and it was my intention that design practitioners, academics and students would recognize significant opportunities for creative work and avenues of future professional and further academic research. Most of the research initiatives at the Harvard Design School since then are concerned with the nature of environmental remediation and its relationship to design and planning through strategies of site infrastructure establishment and the regeneration of former polluted soils and sediments. For example, about nine years ago I developed a further hypothesis titled“China Brown” with which to consider the topic of former and post-industrial lands located in China.This in itself was somewhat of a departure from the standard ways of addressing industrial lands that myself and many Chinese researchers have been involved up to that point. This was either through the enforcement of provincial directives covering the treatment of, for example, soil contamination and the future economic redevelopment of individual sites or the investigation of certain design and aesthetic practices to reuse and regenerate land in a fragmented way for the community and citizens benefit. The term “China Brown” denoted a consideration of the entire geography and context of the People’s Republic of China landmass as a single brownfield or “mega-clusters” of brownfield land over significantly large areas. I was aware that there were parts of the Chinese national landscape that were free from any industrial or agricultural activity and may be considered “pristine”,“untouched” and areas of natural unspoiled beauty.However, I wished to present it as a sole entity at the scale of the entire country in order to approach China holistically as appropriate to its vast scale and extent, governance and planned urban expansion and modernization of cities, infrastructure and accompanying population growth and expansion of the urban areas. It also allows us to build a national picture of the subject, without fragmented concerns over stakeholders in different provinces,jurisdictions and with differing approaches. There are also larger “clusters” of land currently related to resource extraction and resource–based centers such as in the City of Shuozhou. Overall the Shuozhou City region that is currently home to 1.54 million residents faces many challenges such as regional environmental pollution, the conflict between urban and mining development in surrounding areas, and the transformation of the basic-material industry. The coal mining industry has also brought a series of negative impacts on regional ecosystems including large areas of deforestation,water resource pollution, soil erosion and increase of suspended particulate in the air. However, the post-mined sites also provide an opportunity as an ecological and as a cultural resource. In China,early versions of national laws now require the return of all mines to a beneficial post-mine land use whether through reforestation or related to water quality control yet these are changing to engage in urbanization planning and infrastructure development. This has led to the Chinese publication of the brownfield principles book⑦in 2014 with additional text by Professor Zheng of Tsinghua University, Beijing. Three questions arise from this and the other research projects:
1) How do industrial and post-industrial sites shape the national landscape and future communities, towns and regions.
2) How does the restoration and redevelopment of sites such as decommissioned manufacturing plants, abandoned mining areas, derelict urban waterfronts and inner-city factories affect how the public will perceive and interact with the natural world in the 21st century.
3) What is the role of the Fifth Industrial Revolution and how will this structure the changing needs of scientific and aesthetic knowledge and in shaping the global landscape?
The next part of the article addresses the term – the “Fifth Industrial Revolution”. The shift from scattered cottage and craft industries to manufacturing in urban factory building clusters using waterpower, steam then electricity started in 1780 – 1800’s in Greater Manchester, England,known as the “home” of the industrial revolution and in particular in the textile industry. The fifth industrial revolution is a proposition that builds on these waves of innovation and development.New forms of manufacturing emerged creating industrial regions and cities (manufacturing textiles,steel, farming tools and machine parts). Scenes of workers reloading spindles of cotton thread were repeated throughout Massachusetts in 1911 up until the 1930’s when bankruptcy finally closed the companies in 1950’s. The third industrial revolution in the second half of the 20th century benefitted from automation of manufacturing processes using computing and mass customization including networks of shipping and containerization making it global in both scale and organization. The fourth industrial revolution currently unfolding built on the previous phases brought complex operations and a global chain of materials and products using the combination of advanced robotics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in all aspects of advanced manufacturing.
During the Studio at Harvard, I presented a definition of the “Fifth Industrial Revolution”,an invention on my part, by bringing the evolving current conditions of the surrounding environment and the natural world- think climate change, sea-level rise, resource depletion, flooding and population dispersal as having a balanced interrelationship with cities, industry, geography,energy and workers/residents over time. The Fifth Industrial Revolution integrates the global aspects of the Fourth Industrial Revolution of Industrialized Manufacturing with Robotics and AI to the “l(fā)ocal” allied to the shifting conditions of the surrounding urban environment and the natural world. In doing so, it integrates concerns of work,industry, advancing manufacturing, ecology and urbanism and the daily lives of all citizens.
I want now to introduce the geographic and cultural context of the Design Studio study area.Ulsan City was located to provide direct access to the global shipping lanes through the East Sea and offered protection from typhoons and storms from the East by the landmass of Japan. The City of Ulsan is South Korea’s industrial capital and home to the world’s leading shipbuilding yards, as well as the world’s largest car assembly plant (both Hyundai) and the world’s second largest oil refining and energy production complex (SK Energy). Ulsan thrives on ultra-scaled advanced manufacturing(The 4th Industrial Revolution) dispersed over its entire landscape. Yet climate change, pollution,and particularly confrontations between a post-oil world and economic growth requires the Industry Districts and Port City to advance a more carefully crafted and resilient attitude to its future growth.In short, the city wants to reduce then eliminate its need for imported oil and use the tools of urban ecology and design at an urban scale. Three themes shaped the semester’s work – the principles and practices of “Industrial Ecology”, the ideas of“Alternate Nature” that have been emerging in the Korea over the last eight years and speculations on the form or forms of what may constitute “the Modern Industrial City”.
Ulsan evolved through abrupt shifts first as a coastal village, a small industrial cluster, a company town then a worker’s city to its current status as a global industrial base. Ulsan always looked outwards to the sea for its livelihood, initially as a fishing village, then whaling town. Early designs for a more modernized Ulsan were first made in the 1930’s during the Japanese imperialist expansion period with a series of land reclamation proposals.The Korean War (1950 – 1953) between the forces North and South and those foreign powers supporting them left the town and coastal areas around Ulsan almost completely destroyed. Postwar, the so-called “Incomplete Ulsan” was selected as the location of a petrochemical and thermal power “industrial center” because of its key coastal location. This plan along with significant port infrastructure was initiated in the 1960’s. A change of national significance occurred when concentrated and sizable investment, construction and modernization came to Ulsan in the 1970’s with the arrival of the Hyundai Group. With this background in mind – the Harvard Studio posed the questions – What is a modern industrial city in the world of the post-industrial city? (It is worth noting that the Korean word “Hyundai” itself means “modernity” or “modern”) Finally what is the meaning of the “Modern Industrial City” as it relates to the Fifth Industrial Revolution? The second theme is “Industrial Ecology” concerned broadly with the study of material and energy flows through industrial systems. It was used as a means to invent, shape and manage the physical resources, modern technological society and culture of Ulsan and the hinterlands and engage in a more diversified set of local stakeholders that encompasses clusters of semi-conductor,electronics and agricultural industrial complexes to the North and West. In an industrial ecosystem,the consumption of energy, water and materials is optimized, waste generation is minimized, and the effluents from one process serve as the raw material for another as mapped out by the class.This is line with the Korean Government’s ongoing development of a national industrial ecological network (Three Stage Master Plan 2005 – 2019) of eight industrial centers with 46 complexes driven by resource limitation, increasing energy costs and environmental regulations that has forced separate companies to think creatively by working together.Like other port-cities, Ulsan is heavily dependent upon foreign natural resources especially oil. But since early 2000’s the city has begun to foster new forms of local energy alternatives and is attempting to encourage creative thinking between the port and urban and peri-urban regions. The studio also used tools from environmental engineering to investigate the specific local conditions of Ulsan’s resources, energy, waste and their transformation.Detailed site technologies of power, waste and energy storage and movement were introduced,and students explored interventions within the industrial complex using design pro-typing while accounting for geographic features, proximity between industrial ecosystems and the natural environment and socioeconomic welfare at both local and regional scales. The third theme“Alternate Nature” confronted the non-western/western opposition in the ideas of “nature” and the “natural”. Local inhabitants have close access to mountain and coastal landscapes of great natural beauty particularly the Yeongnam Alps and fall grass meadows but there is often a detachment of this experience in the City. “Alternative Nature”was examined through a number of conditions that evoke the “experience” of Nature. This has been found especially noticeable in the fastdeveloping urban areas and hinterlands on the Korea peninsula they are – “spot nature” as well as“distancing nature”, “nature memory” and “nature revealed”, all which allow for the advancement of infrastructure space on available waste landfill sites adjacent to and integrated within the City.
Moving onto Part Three: Introducing the Graduate Studio from the Harvard Design School titled – ULSAN REMADE – Manufacturing the Modern Industrial City (Fig. 2). The studio is focused on the City of Ulsan and hinterlands,(population of 1.1 million) where established fabrication zones, industrial complexes and civic neighborhoods are all located within an intense natural setting of coastal shorelines as shown in Figure 3, mountains and meadows and are to be rethought and remade over the next few decades.I want to suggest how the basic elements of the city (land, water and infrastructure) integrate within the Ulsan industrial and civic culture to produce a modern industrial landscape that takes account of the shifting concerns of public and private agencies and companies. The location of the 1,000 km2initial study area and the adjoining Mipo and Onsan Industrial Districts and hinterlands, located in the S-E corner of the Korean Peninsula. In the first half of the semester the class developed an overall approach to a biodynamic redevelopment of Ulsan.Working together a landscape infrastructure of local energy linkages and resource movement was proposed at a strategic scale. In the second half of semester, students advanced individual design proposals at a level of detail for the technical infrastructure as well as industrial and civic venues.Key background maps were prepared not only illustrating basic information about the study area along with information on the industrial capital and its key complexes and potential for industrial ecological systems and exchanges but outlining the disposition of other industrial centers in Korea. A series of images based on the Duden Pictorial Dictionaries⑧of 1960 were employed to organize the complex geographic, industrial and social information such as examples of river edge conditions that were related to the Taehwa River and the development of the city along its edges or a range of public spaces both on land and water and the corresponding social and cultural landscapes. This material was presented and discussed in informal and formal meetings with internal and external faculty during design pin-ups and mid-reviews. Published materials were critically examined at the beginning as precedents for a 19th century map of the Korean peninsula and Chinese mainland. Class members working together were expected to draw out basic principles and directions through discussion, argument and critical inquiry into background information.
I want to structure the remaining design topics, environments, explorations and proposals in and around the City of Ulsan in this article in the form of an index to balance objectively the various aspects, forces and influences at work in this City and its context. It is one means at hand to decipher the City of Ulsan and its industry stakeholders,workers and residents by involving past and present,industry and non-industry, nature and development.
The first entry is appropriately A for Analysis.Preparatory analysis was carried out on the geospatial, infrastructural, ecological and cultural conditions of the study area using the Duden Pictorial Dictionary as a guide. Examples of this initial research included land-use where the balance of coastal land and sea are 50/50 and the regional context of geology and soils and the resulting mountains, coast and urban edge with a timeline of urbanization of city and industrial zones and local transportation systems on land and water.
Next in the Index is E for Energy. The above ground flows of energy in the form of steam,electrical power, gas and waste are evident already in the infrastructure of the city alongside roads and greenways. A map of the distribution of the Industrial Complexes was prepared both for the City and the hinterlands. Already prepared layouts of, for example, steam networks were examined that speak to the idea of creating a shared network of steam highways at a territorial scale in order to enhance the landscape for manufacturing efficiency as well as human comfort. In waste exchanges a series of energy exchanges and industry connectivity were mapped across the city by district and then by industry type and company at large and complex-scale. This unites the steam highway with cultural programs such as steam streetscapes, steam spa’s and domestic heating. This form of steam ecology scattered throughout Ulsan, created the potential of small thermal islands in the city fabric giving the potential of usable local and civic spaces all year round. Case studies of three international industrial ecology projects were carried out comparing a large scale top down case in Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Area,China, a mid-scale city-industry collaboration in Kalundborg Eco-Industrial Park, Denmark, and a small-scale cooperative at Devens Eco-Industrial Park in Massachusetts, USA.
Returning to the Index the next is F for Field Trip. A field trip took place in March where the class of students travelled to the City of Ulsan.Site visits were carried out throughout the city and hinterlands including the SK Energy complex as shown in Figure 4 and longer visits to Hyundai Heavy Industries to see the shipbuilding and largescale energy sea platforms. The assembled student design projects are generally mid-scale to small scale and meant to be inserted into the existing City fabric or context and be visible as advances in the evolution of Ulsan as changes occur to its heavy industrial core.
The next index letter “I” stands for “Industrial Island” – the theme of the project carried out by graduate student Boxiang Yu. Korea is an “Island”in the sea surrounded on three sides by the presence of coastal waters. Yet the industrial area of Nam-Ku is actually a significant physical barrier between the City and the ecological, scenic and tourist amenities of the coast. In the meantime,industry is facing its own dilemma: the problems of flooding through climate change and global disruption to sea-level rise and the continued efficiency of industrial complexes as many alter their basic processes of manufacturing in the next ten years. What if conceptually industry can be relocated and moved into the sea, and then the City can reclaim and free up this land for cultural and infrastructural uses. This process is proposed for modern Korea – a country that has always longed for more land-area. It creates a new industry landscape for Ulsan that floats on a sea platform and forms its own system separated from the urban fabric and gives the City a new and separate identity from the Industry and vice versa. Titled –In the Country of the Sea: the Floating Industry Landscapethis project refers back to the landuse analysis drawing and the major presence and role that is played by the sea in relation to Ulsan’s history as first a fishing and whaling village and today serviced by, and serving, major shipping routes with industrial manufacturing processes including shipbuilding and ocean service platforms.The project focuses on what is left in Ulsan if the industry is relocated and how planning and design can remake the City. This design proposal uses the leftover land to create a new coastal development model for the City of Ulsan using energy production, light industry, tourism and public green space right beside the scenic amenity of the coast and the sea. This conceptual idea builds on the historical fact of dredging and landmaking that took place in Ulsan to provide for industry in the late 1930’s, 40’s and into the 1960’s.It provides Ulsan in the coming decade with a new green system for residents, visitors and industrial stakeholders together unlocking the potential for creative industry and creative city initiatives and ecologies as well as enhancing the current Industry.
The final entry in the index is the letter “W”for Wellness or Health. Circuit Breaker: Health,Wellness and the Scenic-Industrial Landscape by Dana Kash and Siobhan Feehan addresses the citizens of the modern industrial city who must reclaim rest as a necessary part of their human experience of work. The project makes a second and related proposition, that designers of the modern industrial city have a responsibility to make clear the forces at work in the creation of a holistic city life. These include systems of consumption,how energy is created, where waste goes – as well as conditions like seasonal change and water cycles and the infrastructure that negotiates between all these needs. The Circuit Breaker Project seeks to build a connective circuit for rest and pleasure near the core of the City. The Circuit Breaker project builds a connective circuit for rest and pleasure that, in its form, daylights industrial and natural systems in the Sam-San landfill. The site is a buffer between SK Energy Petrochemical facility to the south, a residential district of Ulsan to the west,steep hillsides to the east and the Taehwa River to the north and unites a water system, a steam system and a social system of residents and visitors. The circuit path corresponds with a closed loop of radiant heat energy, in the form of steam extracted from SK Energy, and a topiary plaza, marketbridge and city beach are placed along its length. An indoor/outdoor jim-jil-bang unfolds over the course of the 2-kilometer route and bridges the edge conditions allowing new connections to the river system as well as awareness of flood management infrastructure and industrial water routes.
The City of Ulsan that is known for its industrial triumphs and creativity can be characterized by a project and public space that daylights how, in comparison to automation and technology, humanity in the modern time, should also be defined by rest as well as productivity.
Following a selection of the student projects,we now come to the Final Section – Summary and Next Steps. There has been the production of a range of analysis and synthesis studies and graduate student projects within the 14 week Graduate Studio. The key ideas have been clustered around themes of the Fifth Industrial Revolution, Industrial heritage, the Humanistic City and the health of both the City and the Residents. In July 2017 a Workshop⑨, was organized in Ulsan to gather and share knowledge for city development. Throughout the Workshop the Committee discussed solutions for sustainable urban development for Ulsan City as a model eco-industrial city. The event was also held as an outcome of the design studio and the continued engagement of the University of Ulsan and the Ulsan Development Institute. The workshop shared the results of the Design Studio and was also a public venue for the exploration of the development of the City of Ulsan and its hinterlands based on the concerns of industrial ecology and the natural environment. I would like to return to a topic that is of significance to landscape design education – the sources of design ideas as they relate to industrial sites. There is a persistent moral strain, which has continued to inform design practice in present times. The medium of the landscape is considered “natural”,and therefore lays claim to a moral status of“truth” that places it in an oppositional relationship to the “cultural artifice” of the urban and built environments and the condition of these industrial lands. Even the most cursory analysis of these sites reveals industrial and artificial surfaces. The site with which the designer works becomes a rhetorical product – a fiction. Here the moral superiority assigned to design – by appeal to the “natural”needs to be questioned. By looking observantly,without trite moralizing at the natural world as well as the disposable world, we may build at the great overlap between the two. This suggests a challenging new model for how we ought to work –a new quality of attention to the intricate organic and artificial systems of reality.
① The term – “Century of the Environment” was coined by environmental scientist Dr Jane Lubchenco of Oregon State University in 1998.
② Examples includeManufactured Sites: Rethinking the Post-Industrial LandscapeE.F. Spon (2001) andPrinciples of Brownfield Regeneration, Island Press (2010).
③ As part of the Department of Landscape Architecture and the authors research initiatives at Harvard University.
④ The graduate course titled “Ulsan Remade” was taken by 13 students at the Graduate School of Design.
⑤ “Manufactured Sites” was conceived by the author to describe post-industrial sites that were remade though environmental engineering and remediation practices.
⑥ The book publicationManufactured Sites: Rethinking the Post-Industrial Landscapewas published by E. F. Spon in 2001.
⑦Principles of Brownfield Regenerationby the author with Justin Hollander and Julia Gold was published by Chinese Construction & Architecture Press, Beijing in March 2014.
⑧ Duden Pictorial Dictionaries identifies objects by means of numbered illustrations and covers a broad range of subjects such as technology, arts and science.
⑨ The event commemorated the 20th anniversary of the promotion of Ulsan Metropolitan City.
Sources of Figures:
Fig.1, 3, 4 by author. Fig. 2-1 drawing and copyright of Boxiang Yu, Ho-Ting Liu, Taylor Baer. Fig. 2-2 drawing and copyright of Johanna Rose Cairns, Ellen E. Epley, Junbo Zhang. Fig. 2-3 drawing and copyright of Sophie Geller.Fig. 2-4 drawing and copyright of Dana E. Kash, Shoibhan Elizabeth Feehan.
(Editor / LIU Yuxia)