




      2022-03-07 13:30耿新新張鳳娥朱譜成馬琳娜陳立郭春艷
      重慶大學學報(社會科學版) 2022年2期

      耿新新 張鳳娥 朱譜成 馬琳娜 陳立 郭春艷





      Abstract: ? The water-rock interaction in the recharge water and groundwater mixed zone of aquifer under artificial recharge is the key process that determines the evolution of groundwater quality and leads to the chemical clogging of aquifer. To study the effect of artificial recharge on the groundwater quality evolution in the groundwater over-exploited area of the Hutuo River Basin, taking the groundwater artificia recharge site in Shijiazhuang as an example and using the Shijin irrigation canal water as the recharge water, we revealed the mechanism of water-rock interaction of surface water and groundwater mixed zone in the aquifer by carrying out the laboratory experiments and reverse hydrogeochemical simulation. The results show that the evolution characteristics of total dissolved solids(TDS) in the mixed zone firstly increase and then slowly decrease. The larger the proportion of surface water mixed with water is and the smaller the particle size of medium is, the larger the variation amplitude of TDS is. The change of main ion concentrations is controlled by mixing action, carbonic acid balance, dissolution-precipitation, cation exchange and nitrification. Among them, the concentrations of K+, Ca2+and SO2-4 are mainly controlled by dissolution-precipitation, the concentrations of Na+, Cl-, HCO-3, NO-3 are mainly controlled by mixing action, and the concentration of Mg2+ is mainly controlled by cation exchange. In the water-rock reaction, the dissolved minerals include anhydrite, albite, K-feldspar and halite, whereas the precipitated minerals included calcite, calcium montmorillonite and quartz. Moreover, in the aquifer with larger proportion of surface water and finer particle size of medium, the calcite precipitation is greater, indicating that there is a high risk of carbonate chemical clogging in the recharge aquifer with fine particle size when the surface water is the recharge source.

      Keywords: ?artificial recharge; water-rock reaction; inverse hydrochemical simulation; chemical clogging


      1 實驗背景與實驗方法

      1.1 場地概況及含水層特征

      回灌試驗場地位于石家莊市藁城區(qū)梨園莊村東北角(圖1),東西寬約400 m,南北長約500 m,由4個回灌井和8個觀測井組成?;毓嗄繕撕畬訛槁裆?9~60 m處的砂層,產(chǎn)狀近水平,巖性由灰白色細砂、灰黃色中粗砂、灰黃色含礫粗砂及少量礫石組成,該含水層橫向延伸性好,富水性強,單井涌水量1 000~3 000 m3/d,具有較強的回灌潛力[16]。

      對回灌目標含水層的3段粒徑差異較大的巖芯進行了粒徑分析(表1),其中砂樣1中粗砂占比最大;砂樣2中中砂占比最大;砂樣3中細砂占比最大。將砂樣送至實驗室以5∶1的水土比浸泡并振蕩3 min后進行砂樣鹽分測定,全鹽量采用蒸干法測定,HCO-3采用雙指示劑中和法測定,Ca2+、Mg2+、Cl-、SO2-4采用滴定法測定,Na+、K+采用火焰光度計測定,pH采用點位法測定。各砂樣的可溶鹽測試結(jié)果顯示(表2),目標含水介質(zhì)的pH為8.18,其中砂樣1中的易溶鹽成分含量最少,砂樣3中的易溶鹽成分含量最多,并且3種砂樣中都呈現(xiàn)出Ca2+、SO2-4、HCO-3含量較多,Na+、Cl-、K+、Mg2+含量較少。通過X射線衍射和電鏡掃描分析確定含水介質(zhì)的主要礦物為石英、鉀長石、鈉長石、方解石、白云石、鹽巖、石膏、伊利石、高嶺石和蒙脫石。

      1.2 場地地下水與回灌水水質(zhì)特征


      3.6 討 論



      4 結(jié) 論





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