The effect of thinning and transformation on understory plant diversity
(XuGuoqiao1,MaJiaojiao1,ChenZhe2,Wang haitao1,LiJuan1,LuJinping1)
(1. Mulanweichang State-owned Forest Farm in Hebei Province,Hebei,Chengde,068450;
2.Agricultural University of Hebei,Hebei,Baoding,071000)
Abstract: In order to explore the impact of thinning and transformation on the diversity of understory plants, a 53-year poplar forest was used as the research object, and a fixed sample plot for the control and thinning transformation experiment was set up. Periodic observation and measurement of understory plant diversity, and comparative analysis of the impact of thinning transformation on understory plant diversity. The results showed that the thinning transformation increased the number of understory plants in the herb layer, and the important value of the undergrowth plants in the herb layer changed after the thinning transformation. Thinning transformation reduced the number of undergrowth plants in the shrub layer, and the important value of undergrowth plants in the shrub layer did not change significantly after thinning and transformation. Corylus mandshurica was always the dominant species of undergrowth plants in the shrub layer. Thinning transformation improves the diversity index of understory plants in the herb layer. The Simpson index, Shannon-Wiener index, and Pielou index of thinning conversion in each year were all larger than the control. In 2015, the thinning conversion Simpson index, Shannon-Wiener index and Pielou index increased by 0.14, 0.21, and 0.02, respectively. The difference between Wiener index and Pielouindex is not significant (P>0.05); in 2017, Simpson index, Shannon-Wiener index and Pielou index increased by 0.14, 0.51, and 0.12 respectively compared with the control, and the thinning conversion and the control Simpson index and Pielou index were all different Not significant (P>0.05), the Shannon-Wiener index showed a significant difference (P<0.05); in 2019, it increased by 0.08, 0.49, and 0.05 compared with the control, respectively. There was no significant difference between the thinning transformation and the control Simpson index and Pielou index (P>0.05), the Shannon-Wiener index showed a significant difference (P<0.05). Transformation of thinning over time has no obvious effect on the plant diversity index of shrub layer understory. There was no significant difference between the thinning transformation and the control Simpson indexand Pielou index in each year (P>0.05),except Shannon-Wiener indexshowed a significant difference (P<0.05).Therefore,thinning and transformation can promote plant diversity under poplar forests.
Keywords: thinning and transformation; poplar; understory plant diversity
1 研究區(qū)概況
研究區(qū)設置在河北省承德市圍場縣木蘭圍場國有林場孟灤分場。該林場地處河北省圍場縣西北部的灤河上游地區(qū),北與渾善達克沙地南緣相望,總經營面積1.87萬公頃、有林地面積1.53萬公頃、森林覆蓋率82 %,是為京津阻沙源、為灤河蓄水源的重要生態(tài)屏障。地理位置為北緯41°35'~42°40', 東經116°32'~118°14', 海拔為700~2000m, 地勢西北高, 東南低;該地區(qū)屬于半濕潤半干旱的過渡地區(qū),冬季酷寒干燥,夏季涼爽無暑熱,春秋兩季多風沙,年均降水量為445mm,年均氣溫為3.3℃,喬木樹種主要為華北落葉松(Larix principis-rupprechtii )、山楊(Populus davidiana)、白樺(Betula platyphylla)、五角楓(Acer elegantulum)、蒙古櫟(Quercus mongolica)等,林下灌木主要為平榛(Corylus heterophylla)、胡枝子(Lespedeza bicolor)、毛榛(Corylus mandshurica)等,草本植物主要為烏蘇里薹草(Carex ussuriensis)、龍牙草(Agrimonia pilosa)、林地早熟禾(Poa nemoralis)等。
2 研究方法
2.1 樣地設置與調查
2013年在孟灤分場選擇林分生長狀況、地形、海拔、坡位、坡向、坡度、土壤類型等立地條件相對一致,林分密度相差不多,林齡為53a的山楊人工林作為研究對象,設置標準地大小為20m×30m,對照與疏伐轉化樣地各設置3次重復,間伐強度為36%。在每個標準地四角和中心位置設置5個5m×5m灌木小樣方,再在每個灌木樣方內設置1個1m×1m 的草本小樣方,調查樣方中灌木、草本的種類、株數(shù)、高度(m)、蓋度(%),記錄樣方中的更新苗的狀況。分別于2015、2017、2019年對標準地保留木進行重新檢尺,記錄樹高、胸徑等,調查灌木和草本的種類、高度、蓋度、株數(shù)、更新幼苗種類和數(shù)量。樣地基本信息如表1所示。
2.2 數(shù)據(jù)分析方法
2.2.1 重要值分析
重要值IV=(RA+RF+RS)/3? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?(1)
2.2.2 林下植物多樣性指數(shù)分析
Simpson指數(shù):? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?(2)
Shannon-Wiener指數(shù):? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?(3)
Pielou指數(shù): (4)
式中,Pi為某物種個體數(shù)占樣地群落總個體數(shù)的比例; S 為樣方中出現(xiàn)的物種類群數(shù)。
3 結果與分析
3.1 疏伐轉化對山楊林下植物種類數(shù)和重要值的影響
3.2 疏伐轉化對山楊林下植物多樣性指數(shù)的影響
3.2.1 疏伐轉化對山楊草本層林下植物多樣性指數(shù)的影響
4 結論與討論