Paragraph 1
Scientists ?have ?learned ? a ?lot ?about ?the kinds ?of ?people ?need. ?They ?say ?that ?there ?are several ?kinds ?of ?food ?that ?people ?should ?eat ?every ?day, they ?are: ?(1) ?green ?and ?yellow ?vegetables ?of ?all ?kinds;(2) ?citrus ? fruits ?and ?tomatoes ; ?(3) ?potatoes ?and ?other ?fruits ?and ?vegetables; ?(4) ?meat ?of ?all ?kinds, fish ?and ?eggs; ?(5) ?milk ?and ?foods ?made ?from ?milk;(6) ?bread ?or ?cereal ?(谷類), rice ?is ?also ?in ?this kind of ?food; ?(7) ?butter, ?or ?something ?like butter.
Paragraph ?2
People in different countries and different places of the world eat different kinds of things. Foods are cooked and eaten in many different kinds of ways. People in different ?countries ?eat ?at different times ?of ?the ?day. ?In some ?places ?people ?eat once ?or ?twice ?a day; in ?other ?countries ?people ?eat ?three ?or ?four ?times ?a ?day. ?Scientists ?say ?that ?none ?of ?the ?differences ?is ?really ?important. ?It doesnt ?matter ?whether ?foods ?are ?eaten ?raw ?or ?cooked, ?canned ?(罐裝的) or frozen ?(冷凍的). It ?doesnt ?matter ?if a person ?eats ?dinner ?at ?4 ?oclock ?in ?the ?afternoon ?or ?at ?11 ?oclock ?at ?night. ?The ?important ?thing ?is ?what ?you ?eat ?every day.
Paragraph 3
There ?are ?two ?problems, ?then, ?in ?feeding ?the large ?number ?of ?people ?on ?the ?earth. The ?first ?is ?to ?find ?some ?way ?to ?feed ?the ?world s ?population ?so ?that ?no ?one ?is ?hungry. ?The second is to make ?sure ?that ?people ?everywhere ?have ?the ?right ?kinds ?of ?food ?to ?make them ?grow ?to ?be ?strong ?and ?healthy.
It is important for people to eat.
A. three times a day
B. dinner ?at ?twelve ?oclock
C. cooked food all the time
D. something from each of the seven kinds of food every day