



      A gift I treasure

      2022-11-23 04:44:18四川
      瘋狂英語·新讀寫 2022年1期

      四川 李 蓉

      It was just a week before my seventeenth birthday.The whole house was full of activities.Even Grandpa,who enjoyed watching his favorite cable TV from the comfort of his armchair,did not want to be left out.

      Grandpa and I shared a special bond.Perhaps it was because I was his oldest grandchild.He was always there for me and he would offer me his shoulder to cry on whenever I was depressed.He seemed to be the happiest man to celebrate my birthday and he secretly whispered to my ear that he was going to give me a great gift on that day.

      Two days before my birthday,Grandpa complained of chest pains.We rushed him to the hospital but he refused to be admitted.He was given a lot of medicine instead.When he came home,he remained in his room.Whenever I went into his room,he managed a smile.I could see that he was very tired.The corners of his mouth and eyes had numerous wrinkles while the skin on his skinny limbs had shriveled(皺縮).I felt a stab of pain in my heart each time I saw him.

      During the early hours of my birthday my mother's sobbing(啜泣)awakened me.I knew something was wrong.I rushed to Grandpa's room,only to see him lying motionless.Grandpa had died in his sleep.The realization hit me like a hit of lightning.Beside him,there was a parcel with a birthday card stuck to it.I knelt down beside him,tears flooding my eyes.It was for my birthday that my grandpa insisted on staying at home.

      I opened the parcel two days after Grandpa's funeral.It was a laptop,the greatest gift my grandpa left me,which is the gift I treasure most in my life.

      Reading Check

      What's the gift that the author treasures most in his life?

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