



      Summary Remarks and Contents

      2022-12-15 22:10:43
      西部蒙古論壇 2022年1期

      Circle and M odu le:Different Structuresof M ongolia and Colored-Eyed Groups in Yuan Dynasty(Speech Draft) ………………………………………………………………… ZHANG Fan(003)

      The contentof this lecture ismainly to discuss how to express the two groups ofMongols and Colored-Eyed people in the Yuan Dynasty.Aswe all know,therewere Mongols and peoplewith colored eyes in the Yuan Dynasty.We generally know the definitionsof these two concepts.However,if the teacherwants to tell the studentsabout these two concepts,he should notbe satisfied with only introducing the basic definitions,butshould give further explanations.How are they composed?Ifwe study these two concepts,we should also follow the procedure of“structural analysis-component description-overall generalization”,that is,we should firstanalyze the structure of the two groupsofMongolsand Colored-eyed people,then investigate the constituting units respectively,and finally summarize them as awhole.Previous statementsmostly listed the tribes or units covered by Mongolia and Colored-eyed groups,and rarely discussed the composition of groups.Forexample,TAOZongyisimply described Mongolia and Colored-eyed people as“72 kindsofMongolia”and“31 kinds of Colored-eyed”in the section“clan”of his book Nancun Chuogeng Lu.However,the specific kinds listed by him vary greatly in size and scale.Some smallunits themselves are partof larger kind.It is inappropriate to treat them on an equal level.Moreover,there are obvious repetitions and errors.In view of this,this lecturewillmainly focuson the“structuralanalysis”asmentioned above.

      On the Record about the Back of Lady A lan Gowo in theW hat Saw in Travel through Countriesby Umari………………………………………………………………… HUA Tao(010)

      Themost importantHoly Mother ofMongols,Alan Gowo,is an importantsubjectof academic research.In recent years,many research outcomes have been published.This paper is concerned about how the recordsof Alan Gowo in The SecretHistory of theMongols,Jami‘a(chǎn)l-Tarikh and The History of Yuan are presented in almost contemporary Arab documents.This study focuses on Umari,an important historian in the Mamluk Dynasty,to discuss the description of Alan Gowo’s children inmedieval Arab documents,especially itswording and attitude,so as to take care of the“faithfulness,expressiveness and elegance”in themodern translation ofancientdocuments.

      A Study of the Sacrificing Activity ofM ount Burqan by Royal Fam ily of the First Four Khan Periodsof in theM ongol-Yuan Dynasty………………………………………… LIZhiyuan(016)

      Mount Burqan was themost importantsacredmountain in the Mongolian belief system during the Mongol-yuan Dynasty.The literati of central plains called it Mount Ri-yue.In the second year of Xianzong(1252),Taichangliyuemembers used the plan of Yansheng Gong Kong Yuancuo to sacrifice the Heavenly Sky and Mount Burqan together,which set a feasible example for the participation of rites and music of the Central Plains in the sacrificialsystem of the Yuan Dynasty.Discussing the royal sacrificialactivities carried out in thismountain during the first four Khan periods in the Mongol-Yuan Dynasty will contribute to the comprehension of religiousand culturalexchange activitiesamong variousethnic groups in ancient times.

      Vanguard in Early M ongolian Sources:Centered on theM eaning and Evolution of“A lginci”and“M anglai”………………………………………………………………………… MA Hairuo(025)

      The Mongols around the 13th century had the habitof sending vanguard troops before fighting.In early Mongolian sources,“Alginci”and“Manglai”were often used to refer to these vanguard forces.Academic circles often translate these words into“pioneer”without extra consideration.However,these troops have theirown characteristicsand functions,which are notcompletely consistentwith the vanguard in Chinese.In addition,with the expansion of the territory of theMongolian Empire,themeaning of its vanguard forceshas also changed.

      Exp loring SeveralArchivesRelated to Turgut Prince Banner in Tarbahatai………… P.?ljei(072)

      Based on the archives of Alashan banner from the years from the late Qianlong to early Jiaqing of the Qing Dynasty,and with the help of the contents of the lettersbetween Tarbahatai TurgutPrince and Alashan banner,thispaperexplores the socialmanagementat that time.

      A Study on Xinjiang Frontier Courier and Post System during theQianlong Years………………………………………………………………………………………… ZHANG Yang(035)

      Afterunifying Xinjiang,EmperorQianlong began to administer the region,and the construction ofmilitary courier stations and military post routes were important aspects.Based on the post construction of Kangxi Period and Yongzheng Period,Qing built amore complete system of construction with courier stationsallover Xinjiang.This paper researches the building ofsystem of courier stationsand its function in the administration and also analyses its problemsand challenges.

      O fficialEducation Reform in Xinjiang during the New Policy Period in the LateQing…………………………………………………………………………………………… SHIShuai(044)

      In 1904,the governmentof the Qing Dynasty promulgated the Constitution of the School for the reform of education.After that,Wu Yinsun founded a higher school in Xinjiang,which opened the prelude to the reform of government-run education in Xinjiang in late days of the Qing Dynasty.After Du Tong took office as the academic envoy of Xinjiang,hemademany achievements in basic education,normal education and educationalmanagement,and Xinjiang education hasmade great progress.The educational concept of Uighur students had also begun to transform,and policies had provided a lotof support.Generally speaking,during the New Policy period in the late Qing Dynasty,although the official education in Xinjiangwas relatively backward compared with the inland region,it established a relatively effective education system,which laid the foundation for the latereducation in Xinjiang.

      On the Story of the Eight Banners Local Exam ination in theQing Dynasty……………………………………………………………………………………………… Chunhua(057)

      Since the Qing government took over the Central Plains in the first year of Shunzhi(1644),scholars have been selected through official tests.Since the Shuntian Township examination in the eighth year of Shunzhi,there had been two lists ofManchu and Han,and Mongols belonged to the Manchu.A total of 70 Manchu and Mongolian candidates have been selected.After the completion of each local examination,the name proclaiming ceremony was held and the local examination records were also published.Taking the name of Shuntian Township test questions and Shuntian Township test record,which were collected by the Jiawu Test in the 11th year of Shunzhi in the Forbidden City,as an example,this paper summarizes the beginning and end of the Shuntian Township testof the Eight Banners according to the Code of the GreatQing Dynasty,the Veritable Record of the Qing Dynasty,theGeneral Biographiesof the EightBannersand so on.

      Review and Commenton the Research of Intermarriage in China………………………………………………………………………………………… ZHAO Liang(065)

      This paper reviews and comments the domestic research on intermarriage from two aspects including both theoretical and empirical research,with a focus on combing the intermarriage characteristics,formation factors and influence of intermarriage,in order to present the research overview of intermarriage in China in the past50 years,and the positive role of intermarriage in forging the consciousnessofChinese national community.At the same time,itpointsout limitations ofexisting research,and calls for the research perspective to be combined with other disciplines except ethnology,sociology and anthropology.The research contentshould includemoremicro research onmarriage quality and family relations.

      Gratifying Achievem ents and the Problem s deserving Attention--Summary of“Sem inar on Folk Song Research and Academ ic History”………………………………………………… B.M?nke(077)

      On November 28,2021,the“Seminar on Folk Song Research and Academic History”was organized successfully by theMinistry ofChinese languageand literature,under the sponsorship ofNorthwestUniversity for Nationalities.More than 80 people from dozens ofuniversities and scientific research institutions such as Peking University and Minzu University of China,F(xiàn)olk Song Associations,folk song lovers and folk song inheritors attended and received more than 60 academic papers.At the same time,the author summarized the achievementsof the conference,and pointed out theweakness in the research domainsof the folklores.

      A study on the Natural Thoughtof Oirats’Folk Songs……………… Erdenebilig Song Qiang(082)

      The author believes that the Oirat folk singers inmost casesmake lyrics of the Mother Nature,Mount Altai,herds and ecological surroundings to express their desires and feelings.This paper briefly discusses the protection ofecological consciousness,culturalemotional characteristics and themeaning of inheritance and development of the harmonious coexistence ofman and nature through the ideological understanding of nature,hometown,solar terms,ecological consciousnessand naturalaesthetics in Oirats’folk songsand in the laborand livestock ofdaily life.

      A Review of the Three Folk Singers from Ejina Turguts…………………………… Choidandar(091)

      The book titled Three Folk Singers from Ejina Turguts collected and sorted by Yanjimaa,a journalist from Alashan League Radio and Television,was published by Inner Mongolia Cultural Image publishing house in 2019.The book collectsmore than 300 Ejina Turgut folk songs sung by three folk singers,Lin Shuying,Tserma and Sujid,with contents that express feeling of welcoming,missing,wishing,praising and teaching.It is this review thatauthor commented on the book.

      On Transm itting and Inheriting of Epic Jangar…………………………………………… D.Bat(096)

      In this articlewe touch on the question ofhow to inheritand transmit the epic Jangar and pointout that thatdoesnotonly refer to reciting,singing andmaking into dramaof theepic,butalso to understand and follow the generalway ofepic tradition andmake improvements in ourwork with the help of long term planning and elaborate research.

      A M otif Study of theGeser Footprint Legends in K?khnuur M ongols………………… Dolmat(100)

      This paper studies the stone foot printmotif in the Geser legends of K?khnuurMongols,and tries to excavate the people’s thinking,consciousness and belief contained in thosemotifs.Finally,it is proposed that thismotif contains people’sawarenessofhuman and animal footprintworship and stoneworship.

      An Issue Related to Seasand Oceans in Epic Jangar …………………………………… Nakiya(110)

      This article compares seas and oceans from aspects of designation,description,and usage based on similar chapters in the 10 Chaptersof Jangar Performed by Owla and the 23Chaptersof Jangar Performed by Arimpil.Meanwhile,the author comments on the idea that the performer Arimpil learned Jangar by reciting Kalmyk Jangar.

      The Lightof Literary Rhyme and the Reflection of the Spiritualworld——Taking the Poetry Collection Spark ling Red Star asan Exam p le………………………………………… Tergel(116)

      Emotion playsan important role in the poemsof the herdsman poetB?hchuluu.Especially in his firstpoetry collection,Sparkling Red Star,he shows his attachable complex to Mongolian nomadic culture,the sense of crisis caused bymodern experience and the desire for love in his youth.While the first two emotions play themainmelody in the poetry collection in the form of polyphony,the third emotion brings a fresh and elegantatmosphere to thewhole poetry collection.

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