沙博理 任東升 焦琳/譯
The next day, September 1, we started for Yanan. We took a train at seven in the morning for Tongchuan, to the north, which was as far as the railway extended2. The rest of the way we would have to go by bus. Our fellow passengers were young people from all over China who got off at various stops along the road. Loud, cheerful youngsters from Jiangsu, south of the Yangtze3, were working in a local railway administration office. A moon-faced young man with round glasses, from Hainan Island, had become a forestry instructor at a university in Zhengzhou, in Henan, and was conducting his students on a field trip.
You saw these shifts of4 young population wherever you went, breaking down the old provincial narrowness, enriching the national culture, broadening peoples outlooks. The bobbed hair and smart attire of the pert girl textile workers from Shanghai were being emulated by their sisters in Xian, the languorous southern Yue music shared popularity with the more decisive northern opera arias on the Shaanxi radio. There were jokes and laughter over the misunderstandings caused by regional differences in pronunciation, but the laughter was good-natured and friendly. The youngsters were enjoying the exciting adventure5 they were sharing in building a new China.
Our train was a local6, with hard wooden seats. The weather was hot and we were climbing continuously. By the time we got to Tongchuan we were pretty weary.
But we perked up when we saw what lay before us. Tongchuan, meaning “Copper Valley,” is a pass in the mountains guarding the northern flank of the Weihe River Plain and the city of Xian. It was well-garrisoned in ancient times, for it was through here that Tartar and Turkic nomadic tribesmen poured through in raids on their more affluent Han neighbors to the south. The name indicated there had been copper mines at one time, but these must have been worked out, for coal mining was now the major industry. Tongchuan had the biggest coal mine in the northwest.
Its beautiful country, this land of the yellow soil, known as “l(fā)oess”7 in the West. Sticky and adhesive when wet, its fine for making bricks or building dams. When dry it is porous and light.8 Local people carve their homes out of yellow soil bluffs, merely boring a hole in the top for a chimney and adding a front wall of wood, with paper panes for the windows.9
There are few real mountains, but you see great heights and depths, because centuries of erosion have incised the yellow soil plateaus with huge canyons, some hundreds of yards deep and stretching for miles across. With a little water, the soil is fairly fertile. The problem is its dry most of the year, and then in late summer, usually August, heavy rains form torrents which race through the gullies and canyons, smashing everything in their path. The locals had started a drive10 to build check-dams and reservoirs, and to plant trees and bushes and grass. But it was difficult, for the population was small and the area vast.
After a late lunch heavily flavored with garlic in an earthen-floored restaurant carved out of a bluff, we walked into Tongchuans old walled city. It had only one real street, lined with a few stores and government offices. We were followed by a large gang of kids, very friendly, in high spirits, average age about nine. They were neatly dressed, many in new cotton prints. We were struck by the beauty of the children, especially some of the girls. Tall, well-proportioned, they had large eyes, fresh complexions11. A few were quite Western in their facial configuration. Raiding Central Asian tribesmen in ancient days were often exiled on capture to Yanan Prefecture, then a garrisoned border region, where they intermarried with the local girls.
The city had a Tang Dynasty pagoda—a nine-storey tower. It was shabby and run-down. People are not impressed with antiquity per se. A mere thousand years is nothing in a land where recorded history runs back 3,000 and detailed legends commenced four millennia ago.
Our bus would leave the next day. We were put up in a government office compound, in rooms of cadres out on field trips. Tongchuan had no hotel, only inns “not suitable for foreign guests.” We were given bedding, hot water for washing, good tea. There was no charge. We went to bed at 7:30, worn out. They told us the Yanan bus, due to leave at five in the morning, might not. There had been rain up north, and water made the yellow soil slick and dangerous on mountain roads.
Most freight was hauled on two-wheeled carts, pulled by horses and mules in mixed teams of four, with one animal in shafts and three in forward traces. The squeal of their brakes—a wooden block pressing on a round metal drum on the axle—never stopped.12 It was the last thing we heard as we fell asleep and the first thing we heard on awakening in the morning.
At seven there was still no bus. They said at the station they wouldnt know about the condition of the roads until ten. We had breakfast in our cave restaurant, crisp oil fritters and soybean milk. As we sat dawdling over our food we felt strangely at peace. We had already become accustomed to the screech of brakes as the carts, laden with coal, checked their speed on the downgrades, and listened with half an ear to the Beijing opera and Shaanxi folk songs audible from loudspeakers across the valley through the clear mountain air.13
We finally left on the bus at 11, due to reach Yanan by eight that night.