



      A Summer Day in Dublin (Excerpt)都柏林的一個夏日(節(jié)選)

      2023-06-20 05:53:24W.M.薩克雷盧偉/譯介
      英語世界 2023年6期

      W. M. 薩克雷 盧偉/譯介

      【導讀】1801年,愛爾蘭并入英國,成了“大不列顛及愛爾蘭聯(lián)合王國”的一部分。1842年,英國著名小說家威廉·梅克比斯·薩克雷(William Makepeace Thackeray,1811—1863)前往愛爾蘭旅行。他在《愛爾蘭札記》(The Irish Sketch-book,1844)中記錄了這次旅行中的見聞。本文選自該書第一章,薩克雷以他慣用的幽默筆觸和辛辣諷刺,描繪了夏日都柏林的景色。

      The entrance to the capital is very handsome. There is no bustle and throng of carriages, as in London; but you pass by numerous rows of neat houses, fronted with gardens, and adorned with all sorts of gay-looking creepers. Pretty market-gardens, with trim beds of plants, and shining glass-houses, give the suburbs a riante and cheerful look; and, passing under the arch of the railway, we are in the city itself. Hence you come upon several old-fashioned, well-built, airy, stately streets, and through Fitzwilliam square, a noble place, the garden of which is full of flowers and foliage. The leaves are green, and not black as in similar places in London; the red-brick houses tall and handsome. Presently the car stops before an extremely big red house, in that extremely large Square, Stephens Green, where Mr. OConnell says there is one day or other to be a Parliament. There is room enough for that, or for any other edifice which fancy or patriotism may have a mind to erect, for part of one of the sides of the square is not yet built, and you see the fields and the country beyond.


      This then is the chief city of the aliens. —The hotel to which I had been directed is a respectable old edifice, much frequented by families from the country, and where the solitary traveller may likewise find society. For he may either use the Shelbourne as a hotel or a boarding-house, in which latter case he is comfortably accommodated at the very moderate daily charge of six-and-eight pence. For this charge a copious breakfast is provided for him in the coffee-room, a perpetual luncheon is likewise there spread, a plentiful dinner is ready at six oclock; after which, there is a drawing-room and a rubber of whist, with tay and coffee and cakes in plenty to satisfy the largest appetite. The hotel is majestically conducted by clerks and other officers; the landlord himself does not appear after the honest comfortable English fashion, but lives in a private mansion hard by, where his name may be read inscribed on a brass-plate, like that of any other private gentleman.


      A woman melodiously crying “Dublin Bay herrings,” passed just as we came up to the door, and as that fish is famous throughout Europe, I seized the earliest opportunity and ordered a broiled one for breakfast. It merits all its reputation: and in this respect, I should think the Bay of Dublin is far superior to its rival of Naples—are there any herrings in Naples Bay? Dolphins there may be, and Mount Vesuvius to be sure is bigger than even the hill of Howth, but a dolphin is better in a sonnet than at a breakfast, and what poet is there that, at certain periods of the day, would hesitate in his choice between the two?


      With this famous broiled herring the morning papers are served up, and a great part of these, too, gives opportunity of reflection to the new-comer, and shows him how different this country is from his own…


      The papers being read, it became my duty to discover the town; and a handsomer town with fewer people in it, it is impossible to see on a summers day. In the whole wide square of Stephens Green, I think there were not more than two nursery-maids, to keep company with the statue of George I., who rides on horseback in the middle of the garden, the horse having his foot up to trot, as if he wanted to go out of town too. Small troops of dirty children (too poor and dirty to have lodgings at Kingstown) were squatting here and there upon the sunshiny steps, the only clients at the thresholds of the professional gentlemen1, whose names figure on brass plates on the doors. A stand of lazy carmen, a policeman or two with clinking boot-heels, a couple of moaning beggars leaning against the rails, and calling upon the Lord, and a fellow with a toy and book stall, where the lives of St. Patrick, Robert Emmett, and Lord Edward Fitzgerald, may be bought for double their value, were all the population of the Green…


      Walking towards the river, you have on either side of you, at Carlisle-bridge, a very brilliant and beautiful prospect. The Four Courts2 and their dome to the left, the Custom-house and its dome to the right; and in this direction seaward, a considerable number of vessels are moored, and the quays are black and busy with the cargoes discharged from ships. Seamen cheering, herring-women bawling, coal-carts loading—the scene is animated and lively. Yonder is the famous Corn Exchange; but the Lord Mayor is attending to his duties in Parliament, and little of note is going on. I had just passed his lordships mansion, in Dawson-street—a queer old dirty brick house, with dumpy urns at each extremity, and looking as if a story of it had been cut off—a raséehouse. Close at hand, and peering over a paling, is a statue of our blessed sovereign George II. How absurd these pompous images look, of defunct majesties, for whom no breathing soul cares a halfpenny! It is not so with the effigy of William III., who has done something to merit a statue. At this minute the Lord Mayor has Williams effigy under a canvas, and is painting him of a bright green picked out with yellow—his lordships own livery.


      The view along the quays to the Four Courts has no small resemblance to a view along the quays at Paris, though not so lively as are even those quiet walks. The vessels do not come above-bridge, and the marine population remains constant about them, and about numerous dirty liquor-shops, eating-houses, and marine-store establishments, which are kept for their accommodation along the quay. As far as you can see, the shining Liffey flows away eastward, hastening (like the rest of the inhabitants of Dublin), to the sea.



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