




      2023-06-21 02:42:20張金鳳唐千姿季超群張慶河



      張金鳳1, 2,唐千姿1,陳?超3,季超群1,張慶河1

      (1. 天津大學(xué)水利工程仿真與安全國家重點實驗室,天津 300072;2. 中國地震局地震工程綜合模擬與城鄉(xiāng)抗震韌性重點實驗室(天津大學(xué)),天津 300350;3. 集美大學(xué)港口與海岸工程學(xué)院,廈門 361021)



      纖維狀微塑料作為水體中含量最高的微塑料,主要包括聚酰胺(polyamide,PA)、聚酯(polyethylene terephthalate,PET)和聚丙烯(polypropylene,PP)[11-12]. Browne等[13]研究了纖維狀微塑料在處理廠污水中的賦存情況,發(fā)現(xiàn)聚酯、聚丙烯和聚酰胺的占比分別為67%、17%和16%,這些比例與在海岸線發(fā)現(xiàn)的比例相似.這些纖維狀微塑料的來源主要包括衣物洗滌過程中釋放的合成纖維、煙蒂降解釋放的醋酸纖維以及由于海嘯造成海事設(shè)備破裂形成的碎片等[13-14].由于其來源眾多,環(huán)境樣本中纖維狀微塑料的種類和尺寸不盡相同[15],所以對不同密度、直徑和長徑比的纖維狀微塑料沉降特性的研究具有重要的意義.





      針對聚酰胺材料,本文選用安徽聯(lián)眾刷業(yè)有限公司生產(chǎn)的PA纖維進行實驗;針對聚酯材料,本研究選用同一公司生產(chǎn)的聚對苯二甲酸丁二酯(polybutylene terephthalate,PBT)纖維進行實驗.根據(jù)表1,海洋環(huán)境樣本中的纖維狀微塑料的尺寸不盡相同[15],分布在0.02~5.00mm,所以本文選擇中等大小即直徑位于0.2~0.4mm和0.6~4.0mm的纖維狀微塑料進行實驗.



      Tab.1?Distribution of abundance and particle size range of PET and PAfibrous microplastics in the marine environment on a global scale


      Tab.2?Physical properties of fibrous microplastics used in experiments



      本實驗在天津大學(xué)水利工程仿真與安全國家重點實驗室中進行,采用的儀器設(shè)備包括方形有機玻璃沉降柱、高精度顆粒沉降觀測系統(tǒng)(高速攝像機、同軸變倍鏡頭、LED冷光源)和高性能計算機.其中,方形有機玻璃沉降柱由有機玻璃制成,具有高透光度,長和寬均為113.5mm,高為1500mm.為使高速攝像機拍攝視野圖像更明亮清晰,在其背部貼有反光鋁箔紙.實驗采用的千眼狼高速攝像機(Revealer 5KF20,Agile Device,中國)支持對全幅(1920×1080)進行3000幀/s的超高速攝像,長時間高速拍攝顆粒沉降,連續(xù)拍攝微塑料顆粒沉降過程.高速攝像機搭配的同軸變倍鏡頭采用大悅維佳(北京)科技有限公司生產(chǎn)的DMZH 0650,鏡頭連續(xù)無級可調(diào),放大倍數(shù)在2.4~20.0倍之間.放大倍數(shù)越大,視野范圍越小,實驗根據(jù)所用的微塑料顆粒大小選擇視野范圍可捕捉、分辨率清楚的放大倍數(shù).實驗中的入射LED冷光源采用大悅維佳(北京)科技有限公司生產(chǎn)的MLED 500,最大功率60W,可手動調(diào)節(jié)亮度.LED冷光源通過光纖連接到同軸變倍鏡頭上,使高速攝像機拍攝得更為明亮.利用粒子圖像測速法(particle image velocimetry,PIV)可以在不接觸流體的情況下,同時記錄大量空間粒子的位置分布,通過測量示蹤粒子在已知很短時間間隔內(nèi)的位移來測量粒子的瞬態(tài)速度分布,具有瞬態(tài)、多點、無接觸式的特點.







      Tab.3 Settling experiment groups of fibrous microplastics in quiescent water



      1) 實驗預(yù)準備


      2) 實驗過程


      3) 數(shù)據(jù)后處理

      在拍攝到足夠多的顆粒沉降過程視頻后,將實驗中保存的視頻序列導(dǎo)入目標追蹤測量軟件VL 3.0中,并根據(jù)放大倍數(shù)完成坐標設(shè)置和像素尺寸標定.視頻中每捕捉到一個清晰的微塑料顆粒,就對其進行手動框選,并利用VL 3.0軟件的目標追蹤功能得到其位置、速度和加速度等信息.



      1) Komar公式


      2) Khatmullina-Isachenko公式


      3) Waldschl?ger-Schüttrumpf公式


      此外,本文對纖維狀微塑料的等效粒徑、沉降速度實驗值和公式計算值進行無量綱化處理,從而更好地對比和分析顆粒粒徑與沉降速度的關(guān)系.纖維狀微塑料的無量綱顆粒等效粒徑和無量綱沉降速度的計算式[19, 34-35]分別為










      圖6?直徑約0.4 mm的PBT纖維無量綱沉降速度分布




      Tab.4?Calculated settling velocity values,experimental values and relative errors for group PA-1


      Tab.5 Average relative errors between calculated set-tling velocity values and experimental values for each group





      海洋環(huán)境中現(xiàn)存的微塑料分為原生來源和次生來源:原生來源是直接進入環(huán)境中的小型塑料顆粒[38],與實驗所用的理想纖維狀微塑料材料較為一致;次生來源是由較大的塑料顆粒經(jīng)過光照氧化、波浪機械破碎及生物作用等老化過程分解成的微塑料.在老化過程中,微塑料的表面物理性質(zhì)和微觀結(jié)構(gòu)會隨著老化的過程而改變[39],例如光氧化導(dǎo)致微塑料表面粗糙度增大[40]、比表面積增大[41],進而影響其沉降速度.Van Cauwenberghe等[42]經(jīng)測量得到老化后的微塑料尺寸位于0.08~0.16mm.和原生來源或理想材料相比,次生來源的微塑料尺寸較小,表面粗糙度和比表面積較大,所以在考慮次生來源的纖維微塑料時應(yīng)注意這些因素對沉降速度造成的影響.



      (1) 當(dāng)纖維狀微塑料的長徑比固定時,微塑料顆粒的無量綱沉降速度隨無量綱顆粒等效粒徑的增大而增大.

      (3) 纖維狀微塑料在下沉過程中有旋轉(zhuǎn)形成最大阻力形態(tài)的趨勢,水平沉降的微塑料顆粒在實驗采集的總樣本中占到85.51%.


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      Study on Settling Experiment of Fibrous Marine Microplastics in Quiescent Water

      Zhang Jinfeng1, 2,Tang Qianzi1,Chen Chao3,Ji Chaoqun1,Zhang Qinghe1

      (1. State Key Laboratory of Hydraulic Engineering Simulation and Safety,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072,China;2. Key Laboratory of Earthquake Engineering Simulation and Seismic Resilience of China Earthquake;Administration(Tianjin University),Tianjin 300350,China;3. College of Harbour and Coastal Engineering,Jimei University,Xiamen 361021,China)

      The management of marine microplastics pollution has attracted extensive attention of researchers in recent years. The types of marine microplastics include fibers, fragments, films and particles, among which the fibrous ones are the most abundant in the sea water. However, the settling morphology and settling velocity of fibrous microplastics are still insufficiently studied, and the existing semi-empirical formulas for settling velocity need more measured data to verify. In this paper, indoor settling experiments in quiescent water were carried out on polyamide and polybutylene terephthalate fibrous microplastics with different densities, diameters and length-to-diameter (/) ratios. The settling processes of fibrous microplastics were measured directly by a high-precision particle settling observation system, and the corresponding settling velocity and settling morphology were counted. Experimental results indicate that the dimensionless settling velocity of microplastics increases with the increase in their dimensionless equivalent diameter when the/ratio is fixed. According to the comparison between measured and calculated values, the Khatmullina-Isachenko formula is more accurate if/≤6.0, with an average relative error of each group less than 23.61%. However, the Waldschl?ger-Schüttrumpf formula is more accurate if/>6.0, with an average relative error of each group less than 20.18%. In addition, it is found that 85.51% of fibrous microplastics settled along the long axis direction in experiments, since there was a tendency for the fibrous microplastics to rotate and form the maximum resistance morphology during their settling process. The fibrous microplastics used in experiments are ideal materials, while the actual microplastics in the ocean may have increased their surface roughness and specific surface area due to long-term light aging, so the effects of these factors on the settling velocity should be taken into account when applying the formulas. The research in this paper provides a reference when selecting formulas for the settling velocity of microplastics, as well as a scientific basis for marine microplastic management.

      marine microplastics;fiber;sedimentation in quiescent water;settling velocity;settling morphology










      the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No. 52271289).


      天津造紙(2018年2期)2019-01-21 03:02:36
      文苑(2016年14期)2016-11-26 23:04:39
      文學(xué)港(2016年7期)2016-07-06 15:17:18
      科學(xué)(2016年2期)2016-05-30 05:02:51
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