Even so, he found it was not so easy to learn whether or not he must geta 1)license for his strange pet. Every time he would explain what he wanted,he would be told to wait a minute, and much later a new voice would askhim what he wanted. This went on for considerable time. At last a new voiceseemed to take a little interest in the case. Pleased with this friendly voice,Mr. Popper began again to tell about Captain Cook.
“Is he an army captain, a police captain, or a navy captain?”
“He is not,” said Mr. Popper, “Hes a penguin.”
“Will you repeat that, please?” said the voice.
Mr. Popper repeated it. The voice suggested that perhaps he had betterspell it.
“P-e-n-g-u-i-n,” said Mr. Popper, “Penguin.”
“Oh!” said the voice. “You mean that Captain Cooks first name isBenjamin?”
“Not Benjamin. Penguin. Its a bird,” said Mr. Popper.
“Do you mean,” said the phone in his ear, “that Captain Cook wishes alicense to shoot birds? I am sorry. The bird-hunting season does not openuntil November. And please try to speak a little more distinctly, Mr. — Topper,did you say your name is?”
“My name is Popper, not Topper,” shouted Mr. Popper.
“Yes, Mr. Potter. Now I can hear you quite clearly.”
“Then listen,” roared Mr. Popper, now completely 2)outraged.“If you folks at the City Hall dont even know what penguins are, Iguess you havent any rule saying they have to be licensed. I willdo without a license for Captain Cook.”
“Just a minute, Mr. Popwell. Our own Mr. Tread-bottom of theBureau of Navigation of Lakes, Rivers, Ponds, and Streams, hasjust come in. I will let you speak to him personally. Perhaps heknows this Benjamin Cook of yours.”
In a moment a new voice was speaking to Mr. Popper. “Goodmorning. This is the Automobile License Bureau. Did you have thissame car last year, and if so, what was the license number?”
Mr. Popper had been switchedover to the County Building.
He decided to hang up.
1) license n. 執(zhí)照;許可證
2) outraged adj. 氣憤的
“q-i 企,e 鵝?!辈ㄆ障壬f道,“企鵝?!?/p>