Reading Check
1~4 CDBA
Reading Check
1~4 BCBD
Reading Check
1~4 CCDA
Reading Check
1~4 DBDA
Reading Check
1~4 CBDC主題應(yīng)用·語(yǔ)庫(kù)構(gòu)建
While we were playing basketball,one of my classmates Liu Qiang fell overand broke his ankle. He was so painfulthat he could hardly move his body.
On seeing this, I rushed to him andgave him first aid immediately. First, Ichecked his injury which looked red andswollen. I tried to find some ice water to?cool the wounded area down. Then, Isearched again for some wood to hold theankle in place. At last, I called the ambu?lance and sent him to the hospital.
Thanks to the first?aid knowledge Ilearnt earlier, I successfully helped myclassmate. So its important for us to mas?ter relevant first?aid knowledge.
Reading Check
1~4 BADC
Reading Check
1~4 BBAC
Reading Check
1~4 ACDB
Reading Check
1~4 BABC
Reading Check
1~4 ABDC
Reading Check
1~4 BDCA
27 歲的中國(guó)狼語(yǔ)者
Reading Check
Reading Check
They read by lamps fueled with usedcooking oil that is given to them by neigh?bors.“The Harmonious Walnuts”grow fruit,vegetables and olives to produce olive oil,and keep bees for honey.
Reading Check
Any answer can be possible as long as it makes sense.
Reading Check
Because Haolai is a permanent body of water, flowing steadily throughout the year, and it has all the disguising elements of a river, such as a clearly defined basin,flood?meadow, etc.
Reading Check
Modjadji understood what Daisy had?been through and rhinos are very socialanimals and require companionship.
Reading Check
Any answer can be possible as long as it makes sense.
Reading Check
Moderate stress levels could help in?dividuals build resilience and reducetheir risk of developing mental health dis?orders, such as depression and antisocialbehaviors. That study also showed thatmoderate stress can help people learn howto cope in future stressful situations.
Reading Check
1~4 ABCD
Ⅰ. 例句仿寫
1. He was doing an experiment in the lab when
2. It took great courage and determi?nation
Ⅱ. 寫作實(shí)踐
Last week, I took part in the Red Cross first?aid training. At the beginning,we assembled in the school hall to listen tothe importance and basic steps of first aid.After realizing how important first aid is,we couldnt wait to learn more. After a shortgrouping, we were led to a classroom wherea trainer demonstrated the detailed proce?dure. We watched closely as he showedevery move. Then came the test for firstaid. Although I was nervous, I managed tocarry out all the moves.
To my excitement, I was issued a firstaider certificate. I held the certificate withpride and thought that I could help morepeople in need with the knowledge I havelearned.
Reading Check
1~4 BACD
Ⅰ. 例句仿寫
1. fixing her eyes on the map of China
2. It is a miracle that
Ⅱ. 寫作實(shí)踐
A hiker named Eric who wasstranded at the bottom of a hill was savedby a couple on the day after the New Year.
Allison and Alfred were in a campingspot between Big Bear Lake and Angelus Oaks when they heard someone calling out?for help. Following the sound, they foundEric at the bottom of? the hill, who couldnt walk and survived for 14 days on the littlesalsa he had brought when going hiking. Al?lison called 911 and shortly after, a rescuehelicopterarrivedandcarriedErictosafety.
Eric was very thankful and said itwas a“miracle”that he was discovered.
Paragraph 1:
Seeing my fathers response, I felt moreashamed of my bad behavior. Lowering myhead, I went to my room. When my motherwas mending the T?shirt, my father cameto my room. Instead of scolding me, hesaid softly,“I know you were so angry atthat time. I can understand you. But keepin mind that being angry is like drinkingpoison and expecting others to suffer.”Hearing my fathers words, I responded,“Iam sorry that I didnt control my anger atthat time.”Then I gathered my courage,went out of my room, and apologized to mymom for what I had done. My mothersmiled and forgave me.
Paragraph 2:
On that day, I decided not to let anger?control me any longer. Of course, there aretimes when I am angry. However, when?ever that happens, I will try to remembermy fathers gentle kindness. When he sawhis broken T?shirt, instead of shouting andscolding, he just thought of my feeling andtried to deal with the problem. It always re?minds me to think about others feelingswhen I get angry. I learned that anger cando nothing but make the situation worse.My fathers gentle kindness taught me alesson which I would never forget, and hiswords will be engraved in my mind forever.
1~3 DAC
4~7 BBCD
8~11 BCCD
12~15 BDDA
16~20 FCDBG
21~25 BABCB 26~30 CCDBD
31~35 DABCD
36. on 37. twenties 38. are
39. roughly 40. which 41. were sent
42. Having held 43. to arrange
44. including 45. but
One day, Li Ming and I were on our
way back to the dormitory after fetchingsome boiling water from the boiler housewhen Li Mings thermos bottle burst andthe boiling water caused severe injuries tohis feet. The burn was so severe that theskin was red and swollen.
Immediately, I carried him to the wa?ter tap nearby and put his feet under thecold running water until the pain lessened.Afterwards, I called a taxi and rushed himto the hospital where he received a furthertreatment.
Only then was I aware what a diffe?rence a basic knowledge of first aid canmake, especially in such a case.
Paragraph 1:
At 10:35 am the doorbell rang and my father stood outside the door smiling,accompanied by a young man. I hugged my father tightly and affectionately. Enor?mously relieved, the young man told me?that my father had lost his way while re?turning home after the morning walk. Theonly description he could provide was thatmy house was near the park and that thehouse was made of red bricks. With mucheffort, and in almost two hours searching,the young man was able to locate myhouse. He expressed great relief at gettingmy father home.
Paragraph 2:
After knowing what had happened, Ishowed my appreciation of his kindness. Iinvited him inside to join us for a cup oftea. The man refused politely and said sin?cerely that he felt so delighted to havebrought my father safely home to me thathe did not require further thanks. Then hedrove the car away without even sharinghis name and I have not seen him again.This kind act has a lasting influence onme. I always give others a helping hand ifpossible, even so many years later.