City walk的爆火讓人有點始料未及。短時間,一大波“街溜子”現(xiàn)身各大網(wǎng)絡(luò)平臺,他們行走于城市間,隨著擺動的雙臂,去遇見城市角落,去觸摸靈魂深處。
City walk的風(fēng)靡卻也在情理之中。擺脫了地圖和路標(biāo),漫無目的地行走,綠燈就直行,紅燈便轉(zhuǎn)彎,看似隨性的選擇,何嘗不是在找尋內(nèi)心與喧囂世界的緩沖地帶。不同于刻意營造的松弛感,自帶療愈屬性的city walk,不是簡單的“消費降級”,更不是“瞎溜達”,其內(nèi)核是長期被city work和city life緊緊包裹的年輕人們的無聲反抗和自我救贖。
直譯下,city walk即“城市漫游”。如果說熱度漸消的“特種兵式旅游”追求的是高效打卡,那么城市漫游可以看作是人與城市的一次深入互動。
City walk回歸最原始的出行方式,把生活的播放速度變成了0.5倍速,讓往日在視線中一閃而過的城市畫面被更清晰地看見。那些畫面也許看上去“平平無奇”,卻似一串通關(guān)密碼,打開了人與城市和解的門。
楊柳依依的濟南一向被冠以“鈍感”之名,即使是在GDP已過萬億、發(fā)展勢頭強勁的今天,依然把這份鈍感“藏”在每一個街頭巷尾。當(dāng)city walk走進濟南,隨性與鈍感完美適配,讓濟南的城市漫游記治愈度滿分,快樂值加倍。
Surprisingly the trending city-walk culture goes viral on social medial platforms. It promotes experiencing urban life with no transportation means other than ones legs and feet.
With the increasing variety of travel options, people are looking for a more personalized and differentiated travel experience and hoping to delve into every part of the city in a more immersive way. City-walking is all about doing whatever we want in our own exploration of a city, and it is actually the kind of slow-paced, low-carbon lifestyle that we relate to so much.
Different to regimented travel, where people try to visit as many places as possible in the shortest amount of time, city walk allows people to linger and absorb the surroundings.
As there is absolutely no official definition nor restriction of city walk, people started to discover the "small joys" around them. City walkers have begun to focus on exploring beyond iconic landmarks, such as ancient buildings, stylish stores, trendy cafes, unique pubs and even local markets. Many people choose to plan their own routes, exploring the city without any predetermined itinerary.
City walk focuses on the free, casual and spontaneous experience, providing an authentic and immersive experience of embracing surprises and new possibilities. In a way, a city walk is far more than just a leisurely stroll. Its a valuable experience that connects us with the city and the people.
Moderation is a false stereotype of Jinan. Actually the city is always being refreshed. Even the local residents have to rediscover the city every now and then. After walking the streets and alleys, participants become witnesses to the transformation of the city itself.