Steve Bellissimo, lovingly known asMr Steve, shares a special relationshipwith his local Chick?fil?A. The resident isso much more than the average customer;hes become a part of the restaurantsfamily. For the last 20 years, Mr Steve hascome into his local Chick?fil?A everymorning. He sits in the same booth (小間)and orders the same breakfast.
“His visit was a daily highlight andour team would carve out a good five to tenminutes each day to sit and talk with him,”the post said. Mr Steve is so loved by therestaurants employees that they havecelebrated his birthday for the last sixyears. In fact, they just recently helpedhim ring in year 104. What a specialmilestone!
The restaurant also shared picturesfrom each celebration since Mr Steves99th birthday. And when Mr Steve turned100, everyone turned up! When he turned100, the location celebrated in a major?way by dedicating a booth to him andgifting him free CFA for life.
Birthdays are certainly even morespecial when celebrated with others. ForMr Steve, each celebration gets better andbetter at his favorite restaurant! Year 104will be one to remember, and the CFAteam is grateful for the memories and therelationship they have with Mr Steve.
“As we celebrated year 104, wecouldnt help but feel immensely gratefulfor the opportunity to return even a portionof the love that he shares with our team,”the restaurant wrote,“and for the bondthat we have been able to build over thepast six years of birthdays. We re sureSteve is also grateful for all the birthdaylove over the years!”
What can we see between Mr Steveand the restaurants employees?