Jay Sivanesan Paranam
When you think of art, you might imagine paintings or sculptures in a mu? seum. But the surface of choice for artist and bestselling author Cheeming Boey is a little more unusual: foam coffee cups.
Known widely by his last name, Boey, the artist was recently a guest speaker at Tenby International School Setia Eco Park in Malaysia. Tenby ??s students were eager to hear from the Malaysian artist during the Book Week event. Boey is respected for his unique art and books.
Growing up in Malaysia, Boey didn ??t intend to become an artist. He moved to the United States to study advertising, but ended up as a computer animator (動畫片 繪制者). One day, he drew an illustration on a coffee cup in a café, just to pass the time. His career took off from there.
Boey ??s art features a range of themes and styles.“Be shapeless like water,”he often says, quoting Bruce Lee, the late mar??tial artist and movie star. Artists, Boey be? lieves, can reach a wider audience by con? tinually adapting and changing.
Boey is the author of When I Was a Kid. The illustrated stories focus on his childhood in Malaysia. With his humorous tales of school, siblings, and parents, he hopes to reassure young readers that it??s OK to struggle.
Boey believes that a diverse group of fans are drawn to his art because of his pared?down ( 簡 約 的) style. He plans to continue helping aspiring graphic novelists realize their own dreams. It can be difficult to communicate his vision to others, he said, but he certainly has succeeded with his own work.
Reading Check
What does When I Was a Kid focus on?