



      Corrigendum to“Reactive oxygen species in plasma against E.coli cells survival rate”

      2023-12-17 04:23:44RenwuZhou周仁武XianhuiZhang張先徽ZichaoZong宗子超JunxiongLi李俊雄ZhoubinYang楊周斌DongpingLiu劉東平andSizeYang楊思澤
      Chinese Physics B 2023年10期

      Renwu Zhou(周仁武), Xianhui Zhang(張先徽),?, Zichao Zong(宗子超), Junxiong Li(李俊雄),Zhoubin Yang(楊周斌), Dongping Liu(劉東平),, and Size Yang(楊思澤)

      1Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory for Plasma and Magnetic Resonance,School of Physics and Mechanical&Electrical Engineering,Xiamen University,Xiamen 361005,China

      2Liaoning Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Films&Materials,School of Physics and Materials Engineering,Dalian Nationalities University,Dalian 116600,China

      Keywords: atmospheric-pressure plasma,reactive oxygen species,inactivation efficiency

      During the preparation of Fig.3 in Ref.[1], some of the plate pictures were inappropriately used, resulting in an overlap of pictures for the“Plasma treated for 30 s”,“Plasma treated for 1 min”and“Plasma treated for 3 min”in Fig.3(a).For Fig.3(b) of the “H2O2” treatment, a re-use permission/statement was missed, and should be provided from Ref.[2].For Fig.3(c) of “O3”, the images were mistakenly sourced.It is also required to clearly mention in the figure legend that the control for these three groups was the same,which received no treatment.Upon a thorough examination of the raw data materials, the authors confirm that the image error did not impact any of the findings and conclusions of the paper.The authors would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused.

      Here the authors provide the corrected Fig.3 as follows.

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