



      Care For The Environment

      2023-12-18 10:44:53林鋒
      初中生學習指導·提升版 2023年12期


      Dont you think that we have lost enough? We have lost most of our natural resources (自然資源), and now we are going to lose animals!

      Natural competition happens when species (物種) compete for food and living places. An example of an animal species influenced by this is the dinosaur.

      We have caused animals to get endangered, too. The pollution that we create destroys (破壞) many animals living places. An example of an animal species that has been influenced by pollution is the sea turtle. Overhunting is also a huge threat (威脅). When people overhunt, they catch too many of an animal species, so either not many animals are left, or no animals are left at all. Examples of some overhunted animals are the Bali tiger and the Atlantic cod. Cutting down trees is also very dangerous for animals. It leaves them with no place to live. Examples of some animals that have been influenced by this are many species in the Amazon Rainforest.

      Many organizations such as WWF (World Wildlife Fund) are doing something to protect animals and the environment. They try to protect the living places of many endangered animals. They do research on the species and they educate people. Zoos also help. They let many endangered species live in a healthy and safe environment. Sometimes zoos might even let an endangered animal go back into the wild to try to raise population numbers again.

      Not only the big organizations but also you can help. You can give away money or you can volunteer,or you can do the simplest thing of all—CARE FOR THE ENVIRONMENT!

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