




      2024-01-07 14:05:55劉紅梅
      瘋狂英語·讀寫版 2023年11期


      Every year, visitors of Perus VilcanotaMountain Range are treated to aunique natural phenomenon, a riverrunning blood red through the pristine (處于原始狀態(tài)的) rocky valleys of Cusco.

      Located approximately 100 kilometersfrom the city of Cusco, near thewell?known Palcoyo Rainbow Mountain,the red river is known as Palquella Pucamayuby the locals. It only runs red forabout 5 kilometers before mixing withother streams and small rivers in the area,at which point the color becomes diluted,losing its unique hue. The best time to seethe red river in person is during the rainyseason (Decembe r—April), because thecolor of the water is directly influenced bythe level of precipitation. For most of theyear, Palquella Pucamayu is a muddybrowncolor, but during the rainy season,large quantities of soil rich in iron oxideare carried down from mountains and colorthe water bright red.

      Photos and videos of the red river ofCusco have been doing the rounds onlinefor years, and even though it is a welldocumentedphenomenon, many still doubtwhether the river exists. While softwarelike Photoshop and other more powerfulAI?powered editing apps can be used tocreate such an otherworldly?looking illusion,this particular one is genuine.

      The rainy season is not the best timeto walk through the Vilcanota MountainRange, but if you want to witness theblood?red waters of Palquella Pucamayu inperson, there is no better time.


      Do you know any other fascinatingnatural resources except what is mentionedin the text?

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