




      2024-01-12 13:46:46SvyatoslavSmirnovEugeniiZakharov
      Journal of Ancient Civilizations 2023年2期

      Svyatoslav V.Smirnov / Eugenii V.Zakharov

      Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences,Moscow, Russia / The State Historical Museum, Moscow, Russia

      In 2018, the work of one of the leading experts in numismatics of Hellenistic Egypt Catharine C.Lorber’sCoins of the Ptolemaic Empirewas out of print.This work significantly complements and, in some ways, revises the fundamental work of Ioannis N.Svoronos,1Svoronos 1904–1908.supplementing it with many new details.In parallel with this publication, on the basis of the project Nomisma.org, an online database project called “Ptolemaic Coins Online” was launched by Peter van Alfen and Ethan Gruber from the American Numismatic Society.Together, both of these projects open a new page in the study of coinage of Ptolemaic Egypt.However, despite the fundamental nature of these projects, it should be noted that its authors have only limited knowledge of the Ptolemaic coins held in the museum collections of the Russian Federation.Meanwhile, Russian museums (not only main museums like the State Hermitage, but also local museums) hold rich collections of Hellenistic coins, including Ptolemaic ones.Unfortunately, in view of various circumstances, most of them remain unpublished, and many have not been identified.

      This article publishes early Ptolemaic coins (Ptolemy I to Ptolemy IV) from the collection of the Numismatic Department of the State Historical Museum(SHM).This collection is not very large and contains 125 specimens, most of them have not been published previously.2See Frolova 2010, 67.where, in fact, only a gold tetarte of Prolemy I was published.The vast majority of the specimens consists of examples which have already been recorded and of coin types having been published many times over in various catalogues.Yet, the collection also contains some extremely rare specimens, which have not yet been the object of detailed study.

      Most part of the Ptolemaic coins from the collection of SHM was completed at the late 19 / first half of the 20 century.They have no accurate data about their provenance.The numismatic collection of SHM in this period was enriched by many private donations (Count Alexey Uvarov, Platon Burachkov, Sergey Chizhov, and others3Frolova 2010, 9.) and materials of archaeological excavations.There is also a big collection of 2,016 coins and medals that was acquired from the Museum of Antiquities of Vilnius Public Library in 1933; the trihemiobol of Ptolemy III(No.79) was a part of this collection.The history of the museum acquisitions becomes clearer just after 1950s.In 1954 SHM bought a tetradrachm of Ptolemy I by L.V.Filatova (No.8) and in 1956 a tetradrachm of Ptolemy II by M.M.Liberman (No.26).A huge numismatic collection was acquired from State Treasury Stock (Gokhran) in 1956.There were several Ptolemaic coins among the donation: tetradrachms of Ptolemy I (Nos.6, 10, 13) and Ptolemy III (No.60).A decadrachm of Arsinoe Philadelphus (No.31) was acquired by SHM from the collection of Don Ruvinov.One of the most exciting acquisitions of SHM for the last two decades was a collection of barbarous imitations of ancient coins by Andrey Sergeev, which also includes a tetradrachm of Ptolemy II (No.24).

      Analysis of the coins

      Ptolemy I (305–282)4 From here onwards all dates are BC.

      In the collection of SHM there are one gold tetarte, 14 silver tetradrachms, and 7 bronze coins of the founder of Ptolemaic kingdom, Ptolemy I.Coins Nos.1–65Here and from now on the coin numbers are taken from the Catalogue.belong to the “Athena Promachos” type.On the obverse of these coins,the horned head of Alexander in elephant headdress is depicted and, on the reverse, Athena Promachos with spear and shield.Coins Nos.1–4 were struck at the mint of Alexandria, while No.5 was issued from Uncertain Mint 2 and No.6 from Uncertain Mint 3, as classified by Lorber.All of these coins belong to the first reduced standard, which was used for tetradrachms in 306–300, by lightening Attic-weight tetradrachms.A large group of coins (Nos.8–15) are of the “eagle type” with Ptolemy’s portrait on the obverse.In addition to the portrait of Ptolemy I, this new coin series bears a legend with his name.All coins of this group belong to another reduced standard, introduced probably shortly after 294.Six tetradrachms can be confidently identified as having been issued at Alexandria (Nos.8–13), while the others (Nos.14–15) represent the output of an unspecified mint, which Lorber defines as Uncertain Mint 9, located on Cyprus.Bronze coinage of Ptolemy I is represented by 7 specimens.Six of them belong to the mint of Alexandria and are of the type with Alexander’s head(Nos.16–21).A bronze coin of the type with Ptolemy’s portrait (No.22) was struck in Cyrene and bears two controls: silphium and crab.

      Ptolemy II (283–246)

      35 of the coins date from the reign of Ptolemy II.They can be divided into several groups.The first group consists of 6 tetradrachms representing one of the most widespread Ptolemy II coin types, namely, “portrait of Ptolemy I/eagle.” Within this group it is possible to single out a tetradrachm issued in Alexandria (No.23), two items from Tyre (Nos.24–25),6Coins of the same type as No.25 are known from some hoards.See EH 99 = CH 8.320; EH 105 =CH 7.90; 8.306; 8.311; 8.344.and three coins from Ake (No.26), Ioppe (No.27), and Gaza (No.28).The second group consists of three large silver decadrachms of Arsinoe Philadelphus (Nos.29–31).Ptolemy II bronze coins are represented by 28 specimens (Nos.32–59).A group of coins,7 specimens, belongs to the coinage with Galatian shield.6 of them bear on the obverse a depiction of Zeus’ head (Nos.32–37), and one coin that of Alexander(No.38).A large group represents the “eagle” type (Series 3) on the reverse and different types on obverse: head of Zeus, Zeus-Ammon, and Alexander (Nos.39–56).These bronze coins were produced at Alexandria, while Nos.57–58 were minted on Sicily, and No.59 is associated with the production of an Uncertain Mint, located in Syria.Unfortunately, due to the poor state of preservation of some items, the controls are invisible, what seriously puzzles the attribution.

      Ptolemy III (246–222)

      The group of coins associated with this ruler is the most numerous in the whole collection of Ptolemaic coins, a total of 41 specimens: a tetradrachm (No.60)and bronze coins of various denominations (Nos.61–100).The only tetradrachm of Ptolemy III from the collection is of the “eagle” type and was issued from the Uncertain Mint 27, according to the classification by Lorber.A large group of bronze coins can confidently be identified as having been issued at Alexandria.This group belongs to the “eagle” type (series 4 and 5) and consists of various denominations: octobol (No.61), tetrobol (Nos.62–73), triobol (No.74–75),dichalkon (No.76), trihemiobol (Nos.77–81), obol (Nos.82–85), and chalkous(No.86).Coins Nos.87–88 are classified as a production of the Corinth mint, due to depiction of a laureate bust of Ptolemy III on the obverse.However, if No.87 is well defined as a hemiobol, then the denomination of No.88 is unrecorded for the Corinthian series.The diameter of this item is 17 mm, and the weight is 3.54 g,which most likely corresponds to a trichalkon.It is worth noting that the coins of this series are not numerous – thus, only two obols and six trihemiobols are recorded.7Wolf 2013, 111.At the same time, the specimen in question fully corresponds to the trichalkon of series 5.The collection also includes a bronze coin of Ptolemy III issued in Telmessus (No.89), two coins from Paphos (Nos.90–91) (No.91 has the reverse type with a statue of Aphrodite), four coins from Tyre (Nos.92–95),four coins associated with an Uncertain Mint in Syria (Nos.96–99), and a coin from Berenice (Cyrene) (No.100), of reverse type with draped bust of Libya.

      Ptolemy IV (222–204)

      In the collection of SHM there are 15 bronze coins of Ptolemy IV.A huge part of these coins (11 specimens) was issued in Alexandria and belongs to the “eagle”type (series 5).Three coins were struck at Tyre (No.112–114), while No.115 at Berenice.Unfortunately, due to the poor state of preservation of the last item, its attribution is not precise enough.

      The last 10 coins in the catalogue are indeterminate bronzes.The task of attributing these items is complicated by their poor state of preservation.To judge from the metrology and iconography, Nos.116 and 118–119 could have been issued by Ptolemy I, No.117 by Ptolemy II.The coin No.120 cannot get a precise attribution and belongs either to Ptolemy II or Ptolemy III.A group of large bronzes (tetrobols) (Nos.121–125) should be associated with Ptolemy III,but it is not possible to identify them with any greater degree of precision.


      This catalogue has been compiled along the same lines as that of Lorber – all the coins have been grouped together according to the rulers in whose name they were issued, then by mints where they were manufactured.The numbers of the coins in this catalogue correspond to the numbers of the illustrations in the plates.



      AR.Tetradrachm, c.306–300 BC.

      Obv.Horned head of Alexander r., wearing elephant headdress, mithra, and aegis,dotted border.

      Rev.AΛEΞANΔPOY on l., Athena Promachos advancing l., brandishing spear and shield, dotted border.

      1.Inv.-no.KR ON 455581.Controls: Helmet aboveand eagle on thunderbolt in r.field.15.29 g; ? 28–29 mm; 1 h.Reference: CPE 63.

      2.Inv.-no.KR ON 455582.Controls: Helmet aboveand eagle on thunderbolt in r.field.14.58 g; ? 26–28 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE 69.

      3.Inv.-no.KR ON 455585.Controls: Helmet aboveand eagle on thunderbolt in r.field 15.82 g; ? 26–27 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE 70.

      4.Inv.-no.KR ON 455583.Controls: Helmet aboveand eagle on thunderbolt in r.field 15.32 g; ? 27–28 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE 75.


      5.Inv.-no.KR ON 455584.Controls:in inner l.field, ΔI and eagle on thunderbolt in r.field.15.56 g; ? 27–29 mm; 11 h.Two countermarks on obverse.Reference: CPE 79.


      6.Inv.-no.GIM 88013 Controls:in inner l.field,and eagle on thunderbolt in r.field.14.96 g; ? 27–28 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE 89.


      AV.Tetarte, from 294 BC.

      Obv.Diademed head of Ptolemy I r., with aegis and Δ behind ear, dotted border.

      Rev.ΠTOΛEMAIOY on l., BAΣIΛEΩΣ on r., eagle with closed wings standing l.on thunderbolt, dotted border.

      7.Inv.-no.KR ON 455580.Controls:in l.field.1.75 g; ? 11 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE 139a.


      Obv.As preceding type.

      Rev.As preceding type.

      8.Inv.-no.KR ON 455586.Controls: P abovein l.field.13.78 g; ? 25 mm; 12 h.Round countermark on obverse.Reference: CPE 132.

      9.Inv.-no.KR ON 455588.Controls: P abovein l.field.13.97 g; ? 25 mm; 12 h.Countermarks on obverse and on reverse.Reference: CPE 142a.

      10.Inv.-no.KR ON 973555.14.1 g; ? 26 mm; 1 h.Reference: CPE 142a.

      11.Inv.-no.KR ON 455589.13.45 g; ? 26–28 mm; 1 h.Countermarks on obverse.Reference: CPE 142a.

      12.Inv.-no.KR ON 455587.Controls: P above(?) in l.field.12.91 g; ? 25–27 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE 168?

      13.Inv.-no.KR ON 973557.Controls:in l.field.14.02 g; ? 25–27 mm; 12 h.Countermarks on obverse and on reverse.Reference: CPE 174.


      14.Inv.-no.KR ON 455590.Controls: EY abovein l.field.14.16 g; ? 24–25 mm; 1 h.Countermark on reverse.Reference: CPE 224.

      15.Inv.-no.KR ON 455591.Controls: EY above A in l.field.12.53 g; ? 23–25 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE 229.


      AE.Bronze coinage.

      Obv.Head of Alexander r., wearing mithra, with ram’s horn, wavy hair.

      Rev.ΠTOΛEMAIOY on l., BAΣIΛEΩΣ on r., eagle with spread wings standing l.on thunderbolt.

      Series 2A, 306–294 BC.

      16.Hemiobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870178.Controls:above helmet in l.field.3.9 g; ? 18–20 mm; 1 h.Reference: CPE B18a.

      Series 2C, 306–294 BC.

      17.Hemiobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870179.Controls: TI in l.field.4.69 g; ? 18 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B36.

      Series 2D, from 294 BC.

      Obv.Laureate head of Zeus r., dotted border.

      Rev.As preceding type.

      18.Diobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 455663.Controls: A abovein l.field.11.49 g; ? 27 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B57.

      19.Diobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 872440.Controls: A abovein l.field.13.56 g; ? 26–27 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B63.

      20.Diobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 455625.Controls:abovein l.field.16.66 g; ? 28 mm; 12 h.Countermark on obverse.Reference: CPE B69.

      21.Diobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870186.Controls: A abovein l.field.14.26 g; ? 28 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B89?


      Series with portrait of Ptolemy I, c.299–294 BC.

      Obv.Diademed head of Ptolemy I r.

      Rev.ΠTOΛEMAIOY on l., BAΣIΛEΩΣ on r., eagle with spread wings standing r.on thunderbolt.

      22.Hemiobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870187.Controls:aboveabove silphium plant and crab in r.field.3.95 g; ? 15–16 mm; 1 h.Reference: CPE B145.



      Coinage with Ptolemy’s portrait and eagle reverse.


      Obv.Diademed head of Ptolemy I r., with aegis and Δ behind ear, dotted border.

      Rev.ΠTOΛEMAIOY on l., BAΣIΛEΩΣ on r., eagle with closed wings standing l.on thunderbolt, dotted border.

      23.Inv.-no.KR ON 987618.Controls:in l.field.14.34 g; ? 26–32 mm; 12 h.Countermark on obverse.Reference: CPE 277.


      c.275/274 BC.

      24.Inv.-no.KR ON 1787103.Controls:above club in l.field.13.97 g; ? 25.5–28 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE 554.

      25.Inv.-no.KR ON 455594.Controls:above club in l.field.12.08 g; ? 28–29 mm; 12 h.Countermark on obverse.Reference: CPE 561.


      254/253 BC.

      26.Inv.-no.KR ON 941252.Controls:abovein l.field.ΛB abovein r.field.14.19 g; ? 27–28 mm; 11 h.Reference: CPE 649.


      250/249 BC.

      27.Inv.-no.KR ON 455597.Controls: I besideabovein l.field.Λ besideabovein r.field.13.85 g; ? 25 mm; 11 h.Reference: CPE 675.


      249/248 BC.

      28.Inv.-no.KR ON 455595.Controls:abovein l.field.Λ besideabovein r.field.13.92 g; ? 26–28 mm; 11 h.Reference: CPE 695.


      Silver coinage of Arsinoe Philadelphus, after 270/268 – c.246 BC.


      Obv.Veiled head of Arsinoe r., with ram’s horn, wearing diademed stephane,lotus scepter over far shoulder, dotted border.

      Rev.APΣINOHΣ on l., ΦIΛAΔEΛΔOY on r., double cornucopiae bound with royal diadem, containing pyramidal cakes, pomegranate, a grape cluster hanging from the rime of each horn, dotted border.after 270 – c.262/261 BC.

      29.Inv.-no.KR ON 455592.Controls: E behind head.34.73 g; ? 34–35 mm; 11 h.Reference: CPE 325.

      c.261/260 – c.253/252 BC.

      30.Inv.-no.KR ON 455593.Controls: T behind head.34.09 g; ? 33–34 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE 337.

      c.249/248 – c.246/245 BC.

      31.Inv.-no.KR ON 1673249.Controls:behind head.34.54 g; ? 33–34,5 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE 368.


      AE.Bronze coinage with Galatian shield.

      Obv.Laureate head of Zeus r., dotted border.

      Rev.BAΣIΛEΩΣ on r., ΠTOΛEMAIOY on l., eagle with spread wings standing l.,on thunderbolt, head reverted, cornucopiae bound with royal diadem on shoulder,linear border.

      Series 2F, 275/274 BC.

      32.Diobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870191.Controls:above Galatian shield in l.field.12.98 g; ? 28 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B166.

      33.Diobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870194.Controls:above Galatian shield in l.field,between eagle’s legs.17.32 g; ? 26–27 mm; 11 h.Reference: CPE B173.

      Series 2H, 260s BC.

      34.Diobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870192.Controls:(?) above Galatian shield abovein l.field, Λ between eagle’s legs.10.52 g; ? 25 mm; 1 h.Reference: CPE B190.

      35.Diobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870193.Controls:above Galatian shieldabove in l.field, a control between eagle’s legs – invisible.12.63 g; ? 25–27 mm; 11 h.Reference: CPE B185–200A.

      36.Diobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870190.Controls:above Galatian shield in l.field, a control between eagle’s legs – invisible.17.53 g; ? 27–28 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B166–200A (Zeus’ head).

      37.Diobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870195.Controls:above Galatian shield in l.field, a control between eagle’s legs – invisible.15.32 g; ? 26–27 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B166–200A (Zeus’ head).

      Obv.Head of Alexander r.in elephant headdress, dotted border.

      Rev.As preceding type.

      Series 2F, 275/274 BC.

      38.Obol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870196.Controls:above Galatian shield in l.field.6.7 g; ? 18 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B167.

      AE.Bronze coinage.Egyptian series 3.

      Obv.Laureate head of Zeus r., dotted border.

      Rev.BAΣIΛEΩΣ on r., ΠTOΛEMAIOY on l., eagle with closed wings standing l.on thunderbolt, dotted border.

      39.Diobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870197.Controls: none.19.62 g; ? 29–31 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B205.

      40.Diobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870198.Controls: Δ between eagle’s legs.21.26 g; ? 29–30 mm; 11 h.Reference: CPE B218.

      Obv.Horned head of Alexander r.in elephant headdress, dotted border.

      Rev.As preceding type.

      41.Obol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870199.Controls: A between eagle’s legs.12.37 g; ? 23 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B211.

      42.Obol.Inv.-no.KR ON 455655.Controls: Δ between eagle’s legs.10.79 g; ? 22–23 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B219.

      43.Obol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870202.Controls: Δ between eagle’s legs.10.06 g; ? 23 mm; 1 h.Reference: CPE B219.

      44.Obol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870203.Controls: Δ between eagle’s legs.9.34 g; ? 23–24 mm; 1 h.Reference: CPE B219.

      45.Obol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870204.Controls: Δ between eagle’s legs.11.09 g; ? 22–24 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B219?

      46.Obol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870205.Controls: Δ between eagle’s legs.11.38 g; ? 23–24 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B219.

      47.Obol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870201.Controls: E between eagle’s legs.10.82 g; ? 24 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B226.

      48.Tritartemorion.Inv.-no.KR ON 455657 Controls: E between eagle’s legs.7.79 g; ? 22 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B227.

      49.Tritartemorion.Inv.-no.KR ON 870206.Controls: E between eagle’s legs.6.27 g; ? 19–20 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B227.

      50.Tritartemorion.Inv.-no.KR ON 870207.Controls: E between eagle’s legs.5.51 g; ? 19–20 mm; 11 h.Reference: CPE B227.

      51.Tritartemorion.Inv.-no.KR ON 870200.Controls: Θ between eagle’s legs.7.5 g; ? 22 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B238.

      52.Obol.Inv.-no.KR ON 872441.Controls: invisible.12.22 g; ? 24 mm; 12 h.Reference: closest types are CPE B211, 219, 226, 232, 237, 244, 250,258, 263, 268, 272, 277, 281, 285, and 287.

      Obv.Horned head of Zeus-Ammon r., wearing taenia with basileion over forehead, dotted border.

      Rev.As preceding type.

      53.Hemiobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870181.Controls: A between eagle’s legs.4.14 g; ? 18–19 mm; 11 h.Reference: CPE B213.

      54.Hemiobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870182.Controls: A between eagle’s legs.4.88 g; ? 19–20 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B213.

      55.Hemiobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870183.Controls: E between eagle’s legs.3.91 g; ? 18–19 mm; 11 h.Reference: CPE B228.

      56.Hemiobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 455666 Controls:between eagle’s legs.4.64 g; ? 19 mm; 1 h.Reference: CPE B239.


      Obv.Laureate head of Zeus r., dotted border.

      Rev.ΠTOΛEMAIOY on l., BAΣIΛEΩΣ on r., eagle with spread wings standing l.,on thunderbolt, dotted border.

      57.Diobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 455634.Controls: Galatian shield in l.field.18.56 g; ? 25–26 mm; 1 h.Reference: CPE B288.

      58.Diobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870210.Controls: Galatian shield in l.field, A behind eagle’s tail.13.42 g; ? 24–26 mm; 6 h.Reference: CPE B297.


      Obv.Horned head of Alexander r.in elephant headdress, dotted border.

      Rev.BAΣIΛEΩΣ on r., ΠTOΛEMAIOY on l., eagle with spread wings standing l.,on thunderbolt, dotted border.

      59.Obol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870208.Controls: double cornucopiae oriented to r.in l.field.10.05 g; ? 24 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B341.




      Obv.Diademed head of Ptolemy I r., with aegis tied around neck, dotted border.

      Rev.ΠTOΛEMAIOY on l., ΣΩTHPOΣ on r., eagle with closed wings standing l.on thunderbolt, dotted border.

      60.Inv.-no.KR ON 973556.Controls: cornucopiae bound with royal diadem in l.field.14.12 g; ? 26–27 mm; 1 h.Reference: CPE 750.


      AE.Bronze coinage.Egyptian series 4.

      Obv.Horned head of Zeus-Ammon r., wearing taenia with basileion over forehead, dotted border.

      Rev.ΠTOΛEMAIOY on l., BAΣIΛEΩΣ on r., eagle with spread wings standing l.,on thunderbolt, head reverted, cornucopiae bound with royal diadem on shoulder,dotted border.

      61.Octobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870213.Controls: E between eagle’s legs.92.82 g; ? 45–47 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B365.

      Obv.As preceding type.

      Rev.ΠTOΛEMAIOY on l., BAΣIΛEΩΣ on r., eagle with closed wings standing l.,on thunderbolt, head reverted, cornucopiae bound with royal diadem on shoulder,dotted border.

      62.Tetrobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 455626.Controls: cornucopiae bound with royal diadem on eagle’s shoulder.Λ between eagle’s legs.42.77 g; ? 39–41 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B359.

      63.Tetrobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870215.Controls: cornucopiae bound with royal diadem on eagle’s shoulder.E between eagle’s legs.38.13 g; ? 37–38 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B366.

      64.Tetrobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870216.Controls: cornucopiae bound with royal diadem on eagle’s shoulder.E between eagle’s legs.48.02 g; ? 37–39 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B366.

      65.Tetrobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870218.Controls: cornucopiae bound with royal diadem on eagle’s shoulder.E between eagle’s legs.43.43 g; ? 37–39 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B366.

      66.Tetrobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 455630.Controls: cornucopiae bound with royal diadem on eagle’s shoulder.between eagle’s legs.44.02 g; ? 38 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B371.

      67.Tetrobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870214.Controls: cornucopiae bound with royal diadem on eagle’s shoulder.between eagle’s legs.48.36 g; ? 38–39 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B371.

      68.Tetrobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870217.Controls: cornucopiae bound with royal diadem on eagle’s shoulder.between eagle’s legs.42.59 g; ? 36–37 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B371.

      69.Tetrobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870219.Controls: cornucopiae bound with royal diadem on eagle’s shoulder.between eagle’s legs.35.95 g; ? 36–37 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B371.

      70.Tetrobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870220.Controls: cornucopiae bound with royal diadem on eagle’s shoulder.between eagle’s legs.40.95 g; ? 38–39 mm; 11 h.Reference: CPE B371?

      71.Tetrobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 455631.Controls: cornucopiae bound with royal diadem on eagle’s shoulder.ΣE between eagle’s legs.48.56 g; ? 37–38 mm; 11 h.Reference: CPE B383.

      72.Tetrobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 455632.Controls: cornucopiae bound with royal diadem on eagle’s shoulder.ΣE between eagle’s legs.44.17 g; ? 35–36 mm; 11 h.Reference: CPE B383.

      73.Tetrobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 455627.Controls: cornucopiae bound with royal diadem on eagle’s shoulder.37.6 g; ? 39 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B389.

      Egyptian series 5.

      74.Triobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870227.Controls: cornucopiae bound with royal diadem oriented l.in l.field.between eagle’s legs.34.96 g; ? 33–34 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B396.

      75.Triobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870228.Controls: cornucopiae bound with royal diadem oriented l.in l.field.between eagle’s legs.35.37 g; ? 33–34 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B396.

      76.Dichalkon.Inv.-no.KR ON 870233.Controls: cornucopiae bound with royal diadem oriented l.in l.field.between eagle’s legs.2.85 g; ? 15–16 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B401.

      Obv.Laureate head of Zeus r., dotted border.

      Rev.ΠTOΛEMAIOY on l., BAΣIΛEΩΣ on r., eagle with spread wings standing l.,on thunderbolt, cornucopiae oriented r.in l.field, dotted border.

      77.Trihemiobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 455623.Controls: cornucopiae bound with royal diadem oriented r.in l.field.Λ between eagle’s legs.14.24 g; ? 28 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B362.

      78.Trihemiobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870189.Controls: cornucopiae bound with royal diadem oriented r.in l.field.Λ between eagle’s legs.15.39 g; ? 28–29 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B362.

      79.Trihemiobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 455624.Controls:between eagle’s legs.17.42 g; ? 27 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B376.

      80.Trihemiobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870229.Controls:between eagle’s legs.13.91 g; ? 26 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B376.

      81.Trihemiobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870209.Controls: none.15.00 g; ? 27–28 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B391.

      Obv.Head of Alexander r.in elephant headdress, dotted border.

      Rev.ΠTOΛEMAIOY on l., BAΣIΛEΩΣ on r., eagle with closed wings standing l.,on thunderbolt, head reverted, cornucopiae bound with royal diadem on shoulder,dotted border.

      82.Obol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870230.Controls: E between eagle’s legs.10.09 g; ? 24 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B369.

      83.Obol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870231.Controls: E between eagle’s legs.11.22 g; ? 23–24 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B369.

      84.Obol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870232.Controls: E between eagle’s legs.9.23 g; ? 24 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B369.

      85.Obol.Inv.-no.KR ON 455656.Controls:between eagle’s legs.4.98 g; ? 24 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B373.

      86.Chalkous.Inv.-no.KR ON 870234.Controls:between eagle’s legs.1.26 g; ? 12–13 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B402.


      Obv.Laureate bust of Ptolemy III r., wearing aegis, dotted border.

      Rev.ΠTOΛEMAIOY on l., BAΣIΛEΩΣ on r., eagle with closed wings standing l.on thunderbolt, cornucopiae bound with royal diadem oriented l.in l.field, dotted border.

      87.Hemiobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870240.Controls: cornucopiae bound with royal diadem oriented l.in r.field.5.28 g; ? 19 mm; 5 h.Reference: CPE B407.

      88.Trichalkon.No KR ON 870241.Controls: cornucopiae bound with royal diadem oriented l.in r.field.3.54 g; ? 17 mm; 12 h.Reference: unpublished denomination.


      Obv.Horned head of Zeus-Ammon r., wearing taenia with basileion over forehead, dotted border.

      Rev.BAΣIΛEΩΣ on r., ΠTOΛEMAIOY on l., eagle with closed wings standing l.,on thunderbolt, dotted border.

      89.Dichalkon.Inv.-no.KR ON 870244.Controls: Tripod in l.field.2.76 g; ? 17 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B437.


      Obv.Horned head of Zeus-Ammon r., wearing taenia with basileion over forehead, dotted border.

      Rev.BAΣIΛEΩΣ on r., ΠTOΛEMAIOY on l., eagle with closed wings standing l.,on thunderbolt, head reverted, lotus blossom in l.field, dotted border.

      90.Hemiobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870242.Controls: lotus blossom in l.field.9.76 g; ? 20–21 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B441.

      Obv.As preceding type.

      Rev.BAΣIΛEΩΣ on r., ΠTOΛEMAIOY on l., facing statue of Aphrodite on base,wearing chiton and polos, r.hand holding lotus blossom to breast, l.hand holding poppies or myrtle branches, dotted border.

      91.Dichalkon.Inv.-no.KR ON 870243.Controls: none.3.99 g; ? 16–17 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B450.


      Obv.Horned head of Zeus-Ammon r., wearing taenia with basileion over forehead, dotted border.

      Rev.BAΣIΛEΩΣ on r., ΠTOΛEMAIOY on l., eagle with closed wings standing l.,on thunderbolt, dotted border.

      92.Obol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870235.Controls: club in l.field.10.88 g; ? 23–24 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B468.

      93.Obol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870236.Controls: club in l.field.12.06 g; ? 23 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B468.

      94.Hemiobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870237.Controls: club in l.field.4.78 g; ? 19 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B469.

      95.Hemiobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870238.Controls: club in l.field.6.05 g; ? 19–20 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B469.


      Obv.Horned head of Zeus-Ammon r., wearing taenia with basileion over forehead, dotted border.

      Rev.ΠTOΛEMAIOY on l., BAΣIΛEΩΣ on r., eagle with closed wings standing l., on thunderbolt, cornucopiae bound with royal diadem over shoulder, dotted border.

      96.Hemiobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 455668.Controls: none.3.73 g; ? 16–18 mm; 11 h.Reference: CPE B477.

      97.Chalkous.Inv.-no.KR ON 455669.Controls: invisible.1.9 g; ? 14–15 mm; 11 h.Reference: closest type CPE B477?

      98.Chalkous.Inv.-no.KR ON 455670.Controls: invisible.1.95 g; ? 15 mm; 1 h.Reference: closest type CPE B477?

      99.Chalkous.Inv.-no.KR ON 455678.Controls: invisible.1.98 g; ? 14–18 mm; 12 h.Reference: closest type CPE B477?


      Obv.Diademed bust of Ptolemy I r., with aegis tied around neck, dotted border.

      Rev.BAΣIΛEΩΣ on l., ΠTOΛEMAIOY on r., draped bust of Libya r., wearing

      taenia, dotted border.

      100.Obol.Inv.-no.KR ON 872442.Controls: double cornucopiae r.under Libya’s chain.7.53 g; ? 20–21 mm; 11 h.Reference: CPE B490.


      AE.Bronze coinage.


      Obv.Horned head of Zeus-Ammon r., wearing taenia with basileion over forehead, dotted border.Rev.ΠTOΛEMAIOY on l., BAΣIΛEΩΣ on r., eagle with closed wings standing l.,on thunderbolt, cornucopiae bound with royal diadem in l.field, dotted border.Egyptian Series 5.

      101.Drachm.Inv.-no.KR ON 870249.Controls:between eagle’s legs.69.17 g; ? 41–44 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B497.

      102.Triobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870245.Controls: ΛI(xiàn) between eagle’s legs.37.66 g; ? 33–34 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B494.

      103.Triobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870246.Controls: ΔI between eagle’s legs.38.06 g; ? 33–34 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B496.

      104.Triobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870248.Controls: ΔI between eagle’s legs.32.19 g; ? 33–34 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B496

      105.Triobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870247.Controls:between eagle’s legs.32.87 g; ? 34–35 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B499.

      106.Diobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870255.Controls: double cornucopiae bound with royal diadem over eagle’s shoulder, ΣE between eagle’s legs.19.78 g; ? 30–31 mm; 11 h.Reference: CPE B506.

      Obv.As preceding type.

      Rev.ΠTOΛEMAIOY on l., BAΣIΛEΩΣ on r., eagle with spread wings standing l.,

      on thunderbolt, head reverted, dotted border.

      107.Tetrobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870250.Controls:between eagle’s legs.58.89 g; ? 39 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B498.

      108.Tetrobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870251.Controls:between eagle’s legs.48.99 g; ? 34–38 mm; 11 h.Countermark on obverse: cornucopiae.Reference: CPE B498.

      109.Tetrobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870252.Controls: ΣE between eagle’s legs.41.23 g; ? 37 mm; 12 h.Countermark on obverse: cornucopiae.Reference: CPE B503.

      110.Tetrobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870254.Controls: ΣE between eagle’s legs.43.93 g; ? 36–37 mm; 10 h.Reference: CPE B503.

      111.Tetrobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870253.Controls: none.43.63 g; ? 35–37 mm; 11 h.Countermark on obverse: cornucopiae.Reference: CPE B516.


      Obv.Horned head of Zeus-Ammon r., wearing taenia with basileion over forehead, dotted border.

      Rev.ΠTOΛEMAIOY on l., BAΣIΛEΩΣ on r., eagle with closed wings standing l.,on thunderbolt, dotted border.

      112.Hemiobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870239.Controls: club in l.field, ΣE between eagle’s legs.8.27 g; ? 18–20 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B546.

      113.Hemiobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870212.Controls: club in l.field, ΣE between eagle’s legs.5.2 g; ? 18–19 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B546.

      114.Dichalkon.Inv.-no.KR ON 870211.Controls: club in l.field, ΣE between eagle’s legs.5.35 g; ? 16–17 mm; 12 h.Reference: CPE B547.


      Obv.Diademed head of Ptolemy I r., with aegis tied around neck, dotted border.

      Rev.BAΣIΛEΩΣ on l., ΠTOΛEMAIOY on r., draped bust of Libya r., wearing taenia, dotted border.

      115.Diobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870256.Controls: invisible.13.33 g; ? 25–26 mm; 11 h.Reference: CPE B555–560.


      AE.Bronze coinage.


      Obv.Laureate head of Zeus r., dotted border.

      Rev.ΠTOΛEMAIOY on l., BAΣIΛEΩΣ on r., eagle with spread wings standing l.on thunderbolt.

      116.Diobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 455664.Controls: invisible.13.22 g; ? 26–27 mm; 12 h.Probably of the coinage of Ptolemy I.

      117.Dichalkon.Inv.-no.KR ON 455671.Controls: invisible.3.29 g; ? 16 mm; 1 h.Probably of the coinage of Ptolemy II.

      Obv.Horned head of Alexander r.in elephant headdress, dotted border.

      Rev.As preceding type.

      118.Hemiobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870180.Controls: invisible in r.field.3.62 g; ? 15 mm; 12 h.Probably of the coinage of Ptolemy I.

      119.Obol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870184.Controls: invisible.7.2 g; ? 20 mm; 12 h.Of the coinage of Ptolemy II.Series 2.

      120.Obol? Inv.-no.KR ON 870185.Controls: invisible.13.48 g; ? 26 mm; 1 h.Of the coinage of Ptolemy II or III?

      Obv.Horned head of Zeus-Ammon r., wearing taenia with basileion over forehead, dotted border.

      Rev.ΠTOΛEMAIOY on l., BAΣIΛEΩΣ on r., eagle with spread wings standing l.,on thunderbolt, head reverted, dotted border.

      121.Tetrobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870221.Controls: cornucopiae on shoulder.34.21 g; ? 36–37 mm; 12 h.Of the coinage of Ptolemy III.

      122.Tetrobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870222.Controls: cornucopiae on shoulder.43.61 g; ? 36–37 mm; 12 h.Of the coinage of Ptolemy III.

      123.Tetrobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870223.Controls: cornucopiae on shoulder.32.82 g; ? 35–37 mm; 12 h.Of the coinage of Ptolemy III.

      124.Tetrobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870224.Controls: cornucopiae on shoulder.38.37 g; ? 38–41 mm; 12 h.Of the coinage of Ptolemy III.

      125.Tetrobol.Inv.-no.KR ON 870225.Controls: cornucopiae on shoulder.33.57 g; ? 36–38 mm; 12 h.Of the coinage of Ptolemy III.



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      Antichnye zolotye monety v sobranii Gosudarstvennogo istoricheskogo muzeya(ot antichnosti do Vizantii) (Ancient Gold Coins from the Collection of the State Historical Museum[from Antiquity to Byzantine Times]).Moscow: ROSSPEN.(in Russian)

      Svoronos, I.N.1904.

      Τα νομισματα του κρατου? των Πτολεμαιων.Athens: Sakellarios.(in Modern Greek)

      Wolf, D.2013.

      “A Metrological Survey of Ptolemaic Bronze Coins.”American Journal of Numismatics25: 49–118.


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