




      2024-02-16 12:27:28

      Corrigendum: Brain network correlates of epilepsy occurrence in multiple sclerosis and neuroinflammation


      In the article titled "Brain network correlates of epilepsy occurrence in multiple sclerosis and neuroinflammation", published on pages 1717–1718, Issue 8, Volume 18 ofNeural Regeneration Research(Ciolac et al., 2023), the affiliation of the fifth author Matthias Grothe is written incorrectly as"Department of Neurology, Heinrich Heine Unifhersity, Düsseldorf, Germany", instead of "Department of Neurology, Unifhersity Medicine Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany".

      The online fhersion of the original article can be found under doi: 10.4103/1673-5374.363188.

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