朱玉璞 楊淑英 王奇帥
朱玉璞 楊淑英 王奇帥
(合肥工業(yè)大學電氣與自動化工程學院 合肥 230009)
內(nèi)置式永磁同步電機 數(shù)字控制延遲 擴張狀態(tài)觀測器 離散域設(shè)計
內(nèi)置式永磁同步電機(Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor, IPMSM)高功率密度、高效率和寬調(diào)速范圍的優(yōu)點,使其廣泛應用于新能源電動汽車、重型機械等工業(yè)場合[1]。為提升功率密度,電機轉(zhuǎn)速不斷增高,但受限于損耗和散熱條件,開關(guān)頻率提升有限,低載波比問題愈發(fā)明顯[2]。逆變器輸出電壓精度降低,數(shù)字控制延遲問題凸顯,對電流控制提出挑戰(zhàn)。因此,如何克服控制延遲影響,提升控制性能是當前高性能控制算法研究的熱點[3]。
轉(zhuǎn)子磁鏈定向同步旋轉(zhuǎn)坐標系(dq坐標系)PI控制,不僅具有較好的控制性能,而且易于工程實現(xiàn),因而得到廣泛應用。但是,隨電機轉(zhuǎn)速的提升、載波比的下降,實際運行性能明顯下降。其原因主要有三個方面:dq軸間交叉耦合加劇、離散化誤差增加、控制延遲加大[4-6]。針對dq軸電流交叉耦合問題,前饋、反饋、內(nèi)模及復矢量等方法被引入[7-10],以期實現(xiàn)dq軸間的解耦控制。然而,電流控制器通常是基于連續(xù)域設(shè)計,再通過歐拉、雙線性變換(Tustin)等方法進行離散化數(shù)字實現(xiàn)。低載波比下離散化誤差增加,影響解耦效果和控制性能[11]。針對離散化誤差問題,文獻[12]直接在離散域中進行控制器設(shè)計,提升了低載波比控制性能。但這些基于模型的設(shè)計方案對系統(tǒng)內(nèi)外擾動抑制能力不 足[13-14],尤其在高速低載波比工況下,運行性能依然欠佳。擾動觀測器實現(xiàn)對擾動量的估計與補償,構(gòu)成復合控制,將有利于控制性能的提升。
目前,應用較廣的擾動觀測器有未知輸入觀測器(Unknown Input Observer, UIO)、擾動觀測器(Disturbance Observer, DOB)、攝動觀測器(Pertur- bation Observer, POB)及擴張狀態(tài)觀測器(Extended State Obsever, ESO)等。其中,ESO是韓京清教授在20世紀90年代首次提出的[15],采用和UIO類似的思路,將系統(tǒng)外部擾動和內(nèi)部不確定性作為系統(tǒng)的“總擾動”,并將其設(shè)為新的狀態(tài)進行估計。相比UIO、DOB和POB等擾動觀測器而言,ESO理論上可以獨立于對象模型和擾動模型,具有擾動觀測能力強、參數(shù)依賴度低的優(yōu)點,近來受到關(guān)注并成為研究的熱點[16-19]。
圖2 IPMSM電流環(huán)數(shù)字控制系統(tǒng)
圖3 延遲對ESO輸入信號的影響
通過第1節(jié)的分析不難發(fā)現(xiàn),數(shù)字控制延遲導致信號滯后,造成觀測器的兩路輸入信號不同步,制約了ESO的觀測性能。因此,本節(jié)考慮數(shù)字延遲對ESO進行設(shè)計。為便于敘述,這里將考慮延遲的ESO稱為“時延型ESO(Delay ESO, DESO)”。
對應的結(jié)構(gòu)框圖如圖5所示。為便于表述,本文將這種通過延遲近似建模提升ESO階次的處理方案稱為“模型法DESO(Model-DESO, M-DESO)”。
圖6 Smith-DESO結(jié)構(gòu)框圖
就擾動觀測精度而言,數(shù)字延遲對ESO的影響主要在于控制電壓和采樣電流作為ESO的兩路輸入信號不同步。實際上,通過控制電壓的一拍滯后,也能實現(xiàn)與電流信號的同步。圖7中給出了控制電壓一拍延遲方案ESO結(jié)構(gòu)框圖。本文將其命名為“電壓延遲DESO(Voltage delay-DESO, Ud-DESO)”。
圖7 電壓延遲DESO結(jié)構(gòu)框圖
圖8 改造后的時延型ESO結(jié)構(gòu)框圖
圖9 不同ESO對q軸的觀測結(jié)果
表1 ESO帶寬選擇
Tab.1 Selection of ESO band widths
2.2.1 IPMSM標稱參數(shù)觀測性能對比
2.2.2 IPMSM參數(shù)偏差時仿真對比
圖13中給出了兩種基于Smith-DESO、Ud- DESO的電流控制策略原理框圖。
圖13 基于ESO的IPMSM電流控制策略
圖14 基于ESO的IPMSM電流控制的等效框圖
由圖15a不難看出,無延時ESO方案的極點p2和p3隨運行頻率增加,逐漸向單位圓外移動,穩(wěn)定裕度逐漸降低。由局部放大圖可見,點X處于臨界穩(wěn)定點,此時電機運行頻率為200 Hz,即載波比低于20便出現(xiàn)不穩(wěn)定現(xiàn)象。
而由圖15b、圖15c可知,基于DESO的電流控制策略閉環(huán)極點雖然隨著運行頻率增加,也會向單位圓外移動,但遷移幅度明顯減小,穩(wěn)定性遠優(yōu)于無延時ESO方案。其中Smith-DESO方案在運行頻率800 Hz(載波比為5)時,仍然保持穩(wěn)定,說明該策略可以更好抵消延遲環(huán)節(jié)對觀測器的影響,有助于提升低載波比下運行穩(wěn)定性。
圖16中繪制了基波頻率為零時,各擾動傳遞函數(shù)的階躍響應曲線。從圖中看出,ESO控制策略能夠快速抑制外部擾動,抗擾特性明顯優(yōu)于傳統(tǒng)PI控制器。其中,Smith-DESO能夠快速抑制階躍擾動,擾動響應時間由傳統(tǒng)PI控制的50 ms縮小至2.5 ms,抗擾性顯著提高。
圖16 擾動傳遞函數(shù)單位階躍抗擾響應曲線
以TI公司TMS320F28379為核心控制器,搭建了相應的實驗平臺來驗證基于延遲校正擴張狀態(tài)觀測器的離散域電流控制策略對IPMSM的控制效果。實驗平臺結(jié)構(gòu)框圖如圖17所示,其對應的實物如圖18所示,所用電機參數(shù)見表2。逆變器主電路由三菱IPM功率模塊PM100CLA120構(gòu)成,開關(guān)頻率設(shè)定為4 kHz,采樣頻率為8 kHz。直流母線電壓設(shè)為580 V,由直流電壓柜提供。拖動機組中三相異步電機作為負載電機,由商用變頻器進行控制,拖動機組運轉(zhuǎn)或加載。
圖17 實驗平臺結(jié)構(gòu)框圖
圖18 實驗平臺實物
圖19中給出四種基于ESO的IPMSM電流控制策略的電流階躍響應,電機轉(zhuǎn)速=3 000 r/min,q軸電流階躍幅值為90 A。
表2 永磁同步電機參數(shù)
Tab.2 Parameters of PMSM
為進一步驗證所提策略的抗擾性能,在q軸電壓指令處施加階躍擾動信號=20 V,圖20記錄了不同控制策略下的電流抗擾性能。受到擾動后,各方案的恢復時間依次為2.3、4.7、0.9和1.2 ms。Smith-DESO和Ud-DESO方案恢復速度相對較快,抗擾動性能更強,實驗結(jié)果與理論分析一致。
表3 基于各種ESO的電流控制策略性能對比
Tab.3 Performance comparison of current control strategies based on each ESOs
當電機參數(shù)準確時,Smith-DESO方案系統(tǒng)穩(wěn)定性最好,動態(tài)性能和抗擾性能最佳。隨著電機運行頻率上升時,該策略在載波比較低(實驗可做到6 000 r/min,載波比為10)的工況下,仍能良好運行。當參數(shù)存在偏差時,電壓延遲DESO方案表現(xiàn)出更好的參數(shù)魯棒性,控制性能相對較好。
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Current Control Strategy of Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Based on Delay Corrected Extended State Observers
(College of Electrical Engineering and Automation Hefei University of Technology Hefei 230009 China)
As to high-speed electric drives, the ratio of the switching to the fundamental frequencies is low due to the limited switching frequency allowed. As a result, the control delay negatively affects the vector control performance of the IPMSM heavily. However, the traditional control strategy usually ignores the delay, and when the motor speed increases and the carrier ratio decreases, the actual performance decreases significantly. There are three main reasons: cross-coupling between d-q axes, discretization error, and control delay. To address these problems, several schemes, i.e., delay-corrected extended state observers (ESOs), are designed and compared. Consequently, the estimating accuracy is enhanced. Based on the proposed ESOs, this paper proposes several current control strategies of IPMSM, producing an improved current response.
Firstly, the extended back EMF (EEMF) based IPMSM model was built, and ESOs can estimate the EEMF and other disturbances as a whole. It allows a symmetric model of the IPMSM, which is beneficial to analysis and design in the discrete-time domain, enhancing the performance in low-ratio applications. Secondly, this paper analyzes delay effects in discrete fields. Several delay effect suppression strategies are designed to improve the estimation accuracy, namely the delay-corrected ESO. Finally, based on the proposed ESOs, the IPMSM discrete-domain current control strategies are designed, significantly improving the current response characteristics. The EV-driven experimental platform verifies the analysis and design.
Simulation results of the observer performance show that as the delay increases, the traditional ESO increases the error, worsens the dynamic response process, and even has the risk of oscillation. Under the same bandwidth, Smith-DESO has the best observation performance, the model DESO (M-DESO) is poor, and the observation results of the traditional ESO and voltage delay DESO (Ud-DESO) are close. If the observation bandwidth continues to increase, the stability of traditional ESO and M-DESO will become significantly worse. However, Smith-DESO and Ud-DESO can still have good stability due to the synchronization of the two input signals. Smith-DESO scheme remains stable when the operating frequency is 800Hz (the carrier ratio is 5). The disturbance suppression time is reduced from 50 ms (controlled by the traditional PI scheme) to 2.5 ms, indicating that the strategy can better offset the delay impact on the observer, which helps to improve the operation stability and disturbance resistance performance under the low carrier ratio.
The following conclusions can be drawn from theoretical analysis and experimental research: (1) Traditional non-delay ESO is affected by the control delay, and the ESO input signal is unsynchronized and has poor observation performance. M-DESO is designed by the approximate delay, but there is an approximate error, and current tracking and disturbance performance is not ideal. (2) Smith-DESO has the best stability and dynamic performance, but the observation effect depends on the motor parameters. Ud-DESO is less affected by the inductive parameter mismatch than Smith-DESO, but the observation speed is slightly slower. (3) The proposed current control strategies of the IPMSM suppress the delay impact on the observer, which quickly estimates and compensates for internal and external disturbances. It helps to improve motor stability and dynamic performance under low ratios.
Interior permanent magnet synchronous motor; digital control delay; extended state observer; discrete domain design
朱玉璞 男,1996年生,碩士,研究方向為永磁同步電機驅(qū)動控制。E-mail: zhuyupu_hfut@163.com(通信作者)
楊淑英 男,1980年生,教授,博士生導師,研究方向為風力發(fā)電系統(tǒng)、電驅(qū)動系統(tǒng)。E-mail: yangsyhfah@163.com
(編輯 崔文靜)