The countdown is one of the most exciting parts of celebrating New Year’sEve. And here are some facts about the last day of the year:
The average3 number of births per year on New Year’s Eve is 10,394,making it one of the rarest4 birthdays in the United States.
You can celebrate New Year’s Eve twice in the same year. You can make thistime-traveling trip by visiting a country that celebrates New Year’s Eve earlier thanmost countries. An example would be New Zealand. Then, you can fly to Hawaii tobe one of the last to celebrate New Year’s Eve.
The Times Square Ball5 drop for New Year’s Eve has taken place since 1907.The only time it didn’t drop was in 1942 and 1943 because the United States playeda role in World War II. However, people still went to Times Square for New Year’sEve. But instead of 6 a ball drop, they celebrated the holiday with a moment ofsilence followed by the ringing of chimes7 from sound trucks8.
People in Denmark keep old or damaged9 plates to break them on New Year’sEve to show their love to their family and friends. They say the more broken platesyou see outside your door, the more luck you’ll receive in the coming year.
Filipino children jump after the New Year’s Eve countdown as they believe it will make them grow taller.
Latin Americans believe that the color of your underwear10 on New Year’s Evedetermines11 what will happen the following year. For example, wearing blue underwearis good for health, while red underwear is good for love.
倒計時是慶祝新年前夜最激動人心的部分之一,下面有一些關(guān)于一年中最后一天的趣聞:每年新年前夜的平均出生人數(shù)為10394 人,是美國最罕見的生日之一。
自1907 年以來,時代廣場新年前夜的舞會一直在舉行。唯一沒有舉行的時間是在1942 年和1943 年,因為美國參與了第二次世界大戰(zhàn)。然而,人們?nèi)匀蝗r代廣場度過新年前夜。但他們并沒有舉辦舞會,而是默哀片刻,然后在廣播車的鐘聲響起后慶祝這個節(jié)日。
Columbians run around with empty suitcases12 on New Year’s Eve to make the coming year full of travel and adventure13.
More fireworks14 are sold on Independence15 Day than on New Year’sEve in the United States. Many animals, like dogs, become anxious16 on NewYear’s Eve because of fireworks.
Japan celebrates New Year’s Eve by ringing temple17 bells 108 times.It’s said that Japanese rings the bell 108 times—107 times on New Year’s Eve,and one last time after midnight.
The last time a blue moon took place on New Year’s Eve was in 1990, and the next time it will be in 2028.
Julius Caesar is the reason why New Year’s Eve is celebrated on the last day ofDecember. He wanted January 1 to be the first day of a new year because of Janus—atwo-faced Roman God that can see the past, present, and future18.
Different foods are known to bring good or bad luck on New Year’s Eve. Anexample of food eaten today is noodles according to some tradition, as it’s known toelongate19 your life. Chickens are thought to be unlucky because of their wings.They show that your good luck could fly away.
New Year’s Eve is a great chance to look for jobs because some companies still hire20 on holidays, and it is easier to get the job.
What makes this holiday even better is the fact that different countriescelebrate it in a unique way. Each New Year’s Eve is worth remembering, fromstrange traditions to surprising events.
日本通過敲響寺廟的鐘108 次來慶祝新年前夜。據(jù)說日本人這樣敲108 次,即新年前夜敲107 次,午夜零點后敲最后一次。
上一次新年前夜的藍(lán)月亮是在1990 年出現(xiàn)的,下一次將在2028 年出現(xiàn)。
尤利烏斯·凱撒是為什么在12 月的最后一天慶祝新年前夜的原因。他希望1 月1 日是新年的第一天,因為杰那斯這位羅馬兩面神可以看到過去、現(xiàn)在和未來。