




      2024-07-04 07:42:47
      CHINA TODAY 2024年7期

      The Chinese Path to Modernization

      Outlook Weekly

      Issue 21, 2024

      The Chinese path to modernization is a journeyof building a modern socialist country led by theCommunist Party of China (CPC). It has both thecommon characteristics of modernization in differentcountries and the distinctive features basedon Chinas own national conditions. It is a modernizationthat is suitable for a large population,common prosperity for all people, coordinationbetween material and cultural-ethical progress,harmony between man and nature, and peacefuldevelopment.

      New Vistas of Foreign Trade

      China Economic Weekly

      Issue 9, 2024

      In the first quarter of 2024,Chinas total import and export ofgoods valued RMB 10.17 trillion, ayear-on-year increase of five percent.Facing the severe challengesin world economic development,Chinas economy has maintainedcontinued growth with the supportof a sustained improvement offoreign trade.

      National Engineer Awards

      Insight China

      Issue 14, 2024

      Engineers are dedicated tocreating innovation in the placeswhere they work, such as enterpriseworkshops, research laboratories,and construction sites. Withperseverance, they have madeoutstanding contributions toChinas self-reliance and strengthin science and technology tobuild a world-class powerhouse.

      八宿县| 怀集县| 海晏县| 安福县| 大化| 宝丰县| 娱乐| 平顶山市| 深泽县| 建德市| 河北区| 六盘水市| 苏尼特左旗| 贺州市| 大悟县| 南江县| 大厂| 白水县| 疏勒县| 临洮县| 山丹县| 体育| 禄丰县| 凉山| 尼木县| 永仁县| 吐鲁番市| 南雄市| 长乐市| 绥化市| 文山县| 都昌县| 于田县| 团风县| 沂水县| 岑巩县| 乐清市| 东乡族自治县| 安阳市| 兰溪市| 安龙县|