One evening, I found myself hiding in the shadows of a tree in a Hong Kong park. I was on high alert, warily eyeing everyone walking toward me. I was checking my phone every few seconds, watching the locations of dozens of people who were trying to hunt me down.
I wasn’t actually in danger. I was playing a game of hide-and-seek with 40 strangers in a park built on the site of the Kowloon Walled City. It wasn’t a typical hide-and-seek game, though, but rather one for the digital age: both the seekers and the hiders chase and evade each other by following their real-time locations on a map on their phones.
我并未身陷險境,只不過是在九龍寨城舊址上新建的公園里跟40個陌生人玩捉迷藏罷了。當然,這跟大家熟悉的捉迷藏不一樣,是數字時代的新玩法: 負責捉的“貓”和負責躲的“鼠”都使用手機上的地圖來跟蹤彼此的實時位置。
The “cat-and-mouse game”, as it’s usually referred to locally, has gone viral in China last year, drawing thousands of people across the country to events every week. It’s a fun combin-ation of a childhood game, in-person networking, the latest location-sharing technology, and meme-worthy experience. When the game first emerged in February 2023, videos of hide-and-seek players who went wild—climbing up trees, hiding in the sewers—got millions of views on social media.
Each contest convenes dozens of people in a predetermined area, often a large city park. All of them then joinrNB5s+B1jU6lsmbFsrBcvw== a group on Amap and share their live location. Among the participants, 90% are designated as “mice” and have five minutes to run and hide. Then the rest, who are “cats,” will go out and hunt down each mouse with the help of the location sharing, as well as a neon wristband that visually separates them from nonparticipants. Once caught, the mice switch teams and join the cats, so the game gets harder and harder for the remaining mice.
During a short trip to Hong Kong, I joined two cat-and-mouse games in the city. Both of them had about 40 participants and lasted one hour. The first park was larger and had fewer people, meaning it was prime for running and chasing; the second was crowded and smaller, which made it ideal for trying to blend in with passersby.
Being an indoor person, I’m not always a fan of group physical activities, but the two experiences went far beyond my expectations. The addition of location sharing has turned the kids’ game into a more interactive version of Pokémon GO1. Trying to remain hidden in the same spot throughout the game was not possible, since the cats could always see where I was; I needed to get more creative in crafting an escape plan. I quickly learned that deception—hiding my glowing bracelet, pretending to be an innocent jogger, and avoiding checking my phone too often—was also essential to being a good mouse.
Just watching everyone’s locations in the app was an intense experience. Dozens of little avatars were floating around in the park at once, with cats gradually outnumbering mice as the game progressed. Delays and bugs were plenty, but that added to the fun and difficulty of the game. I could feel safe at one moment, seeing there were no cats around, and panic seconds later when a cat suddenly moved hundreds of feet toward me, likely because its location sharing had lagged.
As a first-timer, I did okay. For my first game, I survived as a mouse until the last few minutes, when mostly every- one else had converted to the cat side. For my second outing, I converted mid-game and caught two mice myself.
I’ll readily admit some people were much better than I was. Hong, a 19-year-old college student, was crowned the “cat king” of the second game, having caught 11 mice by the end. “I like that you can both exercise and have fun in this activity,” Hong says. He first learned about the game through videos people shared on Chinese social media, and he has been to several games since. He told me the largest one had more than 140 participants.
His secret for success? A lot of lies and politics: “You can make a deal with the mice and have them help you find other little mice. You can also pretend to be a mouse and strike up a chat with them2.”
Half the fellow players Hong has met in his games are students, the other half young professionals. Like Ultimate Frisbee and a few other social activities that previously became popular in China, cat-and-mouse games are considered a great way for young people to meet each other and make new friends. At my two games in Hong Kong, I heard many participants chatting before the game started, many of whom were new to the city and eager to meet people.
Transforming an ordinary map app
Many cat-and-mouse games use Amap. It is one of the most popular domestic map apps, with over 100 million active users every day.
Amap has enabled real-time location sharing within small groups since at least 2017, and it has in recent years expanded the maximum size of the group to 100 people.
Perhaps inspired by the overwhelming success of Pokémon GO, Amap has done some experiments with gaming too. It has worked with a few Chinese game studios, as well as Alibaba’s e-commerce platforms, to develop games that integrate live location tracking, whether individually or in a group setting. None of these games, however, have caught on. The turn of events last year seems to have been more of an accident: cat-and-mouse was first played on WeChat, but players gradually moved on to Amap on their own and have basically made it the default app choice.
Since September 2023, the app has introduced a few features that cater to players’ needs. Now, users can specif-ically choose to start a “cat-and-mouse game group” right in the app and create groups over the typical 100-person limit; it can even randomly assign the roles of mice and cats. It also allows users to set customized rules and automates some of the formerly manual processes, like changing mice avatars to cats once players are caught.
While it took a little time for the organizers to catch everyone up on how to use Amap and check that they had the right settings, the app is so easy to use that the whole group, including me, soon got the hang of it.
For a while, I was awed, reflecting that I never expected to be playing games in an app that guides people through their daily commutes. But soon enough, I had no time to think about that. A cat was approaching, and I needed to run for my life.
1《寶可夢GO》(Pokémon GO)是任天堂、寶可夢公司、奈安蒂克實驗室(Niantic Labs)共同開發(fā)的手游。這款游戲采用增強現實技術,打開手機上的游戲應用程序,啟用地圖和定位功能,就能在攝像頭實時拍攝的畫面上找到皮卡丘、杰尼龜等“寶可夢”,然后去捉它們。玩家可以用捕捉到的“寶可夢”與其他玩家戰(zhàn)斗或互動。
2 strike up sth with sb(和某人)建立友誼,開始交往,交談起來。