



      Guardians of Culture

      2024-08-21 00:00:00ZhangJingwenTianXiao
      China Pictorial 2024年6期

      Museums areimportantinstitutions forprotecting andinheriting human civilizations.Museum workers shoulder aglorious mission and heavyresponsibility. They are theheroes behind the scenes at theShaanxi History Museum topresent the elegant cultural relicsand wonderful exhibitions.

      They are curators whoconduct various cultural relicsin a magnificent symphony ofcivilizations.

      They are relic restorers,rejuvenating the mottled findings.

      They are docents, speaking for muted cultural relics.

      They are the custodiansof relics, operating an orderly“warehouse” of exhibitions.

      They are cultural researcherstasked with uncovering secretshidden in the dust of history.

      They are designers of culturaland creative products who inspiretourists to join the efforts torevive history.

      They are security guards,ensuring the safety of nationaltreasures around the clock.

      They are exhibition hall cleanerswho ensure visitors enjoy a “clear”encounter with every item.

      Dedicated to history andcultural relics, these peoplework hard on cultural heritagepreservation, stay true to theiroriginal aspirations, and carryon historical legacy with deepaffection.

      Their efforts ensurecultural relics are protected,cultural inheritance continued,and civilization passed on,attracting more and morepeople to delve into theprofound history illuminatedby traces of time.

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