



      Trends of the Times

      2024-10-13 00:00:00
      CHINA TODAY 2024年10期

      BUILDING a resilient workforce of the futuremeans understanding your workers. Over the pastfive years, the Adecco Group has interviewed over82,000 employees across 25 countries – includingChina – to capture global workers’ perspectives and equipemployers with the tools to future-proof their workforce.These are some of the findings about the labor markettrends that have transformed the world of work since2020:

      2020: A Flexible Future

      Unsurprisingly, 2020 was defined by the COVID-19pandemic, which forced lasting organizational transformation.Trust became a pivotal issue, both for managersproviding safety during the crisis, and for workers, 78 percentof whom said that feelingtrusted to be productive wouldremain a priority after the pandemic.

      More flexible work was anotherkey trend, with 75 percentof workers believing it willbenefit them and 73 percentsaying it will benefit businesses.Perhaps not surprising then thatthree quarters of global workersbelieved a mix of office-based and remote work was the bestway forward.

      2021: The Great Re-Evaluation

      The prolonged physical and mental pressures took theirtoll on employees, with burnout a significant concern for almostfour workers in 10.

      Hybrid working became the norm, with eight out of 10believing it benefited both employees and employers. Manypeople also wanted a shorter working week. Globally, 73 percentof workers said contracts should prioritize meeting theneeds of the role over the hours worked.

      Employees, meanwhile, responded to their own shiftingpriorities by upskilling and considering a career reinvention.Indeed, more than half of workers (52 percent) said they weredissatisfied with their career development at their currentcompany.

      2022: The Great Resignation

      The year 2022 was one of resignations and fresh starts.Almost a third (27 percent) of workers said they planned toquit their current job within 12 months. As a result, the jobmarket became increasingly candidate-driven.

      Salary was the single biggest factor motivating workers tochange jobs. However, companies offering flexible work practicesand upskilling opportunities came out ahead in talentretention. Tellingly, only half of workers thought their companyinvested in developing their skills and almost a quarterhad never had a conversation about career progression.

      2023: The Rise of AI

      That trend didn’t just come to a halt in 2023, it seemed tohave reversed. The number of people staying in their job rose.

      What changed? Upskilling andcareer development opportunitiesbecame the main levers for talentretention – and it seemed employerswere delivering. One of the top threereasons workers wanted to stay inChina was: “I am happy with my jobas it uses my skills.”

      Job automation and AI impacton workers were equally dominanttrends. Encouragingly, most workers(63 percent) thought AI would have a positive impact on theirjobs, and just 7 percent considered generative AI a threat.

      2024: Adapting to an AI-Driven World of Work

      So, what are global workers saying today? Are workers still feeling optimistic about the promise of AI?

      The only certainty appears to be uncertainty. The evolutionof AI means workers continue to grapple with its implicationson their jobs and their employability. This year’s researchwill also investigate the tangible productivity impactsof AI and the unleashing of human potential.

      The 2024 Global Workforce of the Future report hasmore on how employers can navigate change today to makethe future work for everyone. This year’s research also investigatesthe tangible productivity impacts of AI and theunleashing of human potential. It can be downloaded fromAdeccogroup.com.

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