



      Fit for China

      2024-12-07 00:00:00MaitriSharma
      China Pictorial 2024年10期

      “I never thought I’d finda home so far away, butChina felt like it wasalways meant to be forme,” said Myroslava Nykolyshyn, aUkrainian national who owns andoperates a fitness studio in Beijing.Her journey began 15 years ago,when a leap of faith landed her inthe vibrant city of China. With aheart full of excitement and a desireto immerse herself in Chineseculture firsthand, she embarked ona transformative adventure.

      Myroslava majored in Chineselanguage and culture at university.Passion for fitness has been partof her life since the age of five.“When I moved to China, I wantedto continue pursuing this passion,but the fitness industry here wasstill growing and evolving,” sherecalled. “There weren’t manyoptions outside of traditional gyms.”In those days, walking on treadmillsand lifting dumbbells were the go-tooptions for gym-goers. “A decadeand a half ago, the options werelimited compared to today.”

      More Than a Workout

      Over time, Myroslava observeda shift in China’s fitness landscape.Driven by social media trendson Douyin (Chinese versionof TikTok) and Xiaohongshu(China’s Instagram), the tech-savvypopulation was becomingincreasingly open to new fitnesscrazes and styles. “The Chinese areincredibly online,” she said. “Theywant to try whatever is trending,whether it’s a Barre class or thelatest workout gear.” This growingdemand for variety inspiredMyroslava to open her own fitnessstudio, FitLab, in Beijing.

      “I could see that people werealready tired of the traditionalgym routine,” she explained.“Chinese people are known fortheir adventurous spirit and loveof trying new things. I knew theywould embrace the diverse range offitness classes we could offer, fromBarre and boxing to Pilates, FusionYoga, and even Animal Flow.” Sheenvisioned a space that would tapinto Chinese culture’s emphasis onbalance, harmony, and personalgrowth.

      Myroslava stood out abovegrowing competition not dueto her myriad class optionsbut thanks to her personalizedapproach to fitness. “Everyonehas their own reasons for workingout, whether it’s to get in shape,boost confidence, or simply feelhealthier,” she said.

      “Chinese people are incrediblydedicated,” she added. Her journeyin China has been filled withcountless inspiring stories, butone that stands out vividly in hermemory is that of Jing Jing, a newmother struggling to shed weightgained during pregnancy. JingJing’s dedication was unwaveringas she followed the personalizedfitness plan Myroslava createdfor her. Half a year later, herjoy was palpable as she slippedback into her pre-pregnancyclothes. Witnessing her triumphwas incredibly rewarding forMyroslava, reinforcing herbelief that perseverance anddetermination can overcome anychallenge. “The trust and supportI’ve received from my husbandand Chinese students have fueledmy determination to achieve mydreams,” Myroslava said.

      Surfing Chinese Culture

      Myroslava’s studio FitLabthrived, and as China’s fitnessculture evolved, so did her clientele.In the early years, most of herclients were in their 30s or older andseeking to maintain their health asthey aged. But since the outbreakof the COVID-19 pandemic, shehas noticed a remarkable change:more and more young peoplestarted getting serious aboutfitness. “COVID-19 really changedpeople’s mindset about health,”Myroslava explained. “Theycome in asking for classes that aresuitable for their age. It’s excitingto see this younger generation takecontrol of their well-being.”

      She started sensing that theyounger clients sought mentalfitness alongside the physical.“Some people come to my studiojust to calm their minds,” she said.“Chinese culture has a deep respectfor inner peace and harmony,and I’ve found that incorporatingelements like dim lighting, incense,and breathing exercises reallyresonate with my clients.”

      Myroslava chuckled as sherecalled one of her favoriteadjustments to life in China:drinking hot water. “It’ssomething I never did back homein Ukraine,” she said. “When Ifirst arrived in China, it seemed sounusual to me. Now, it’s the firstthing I ask for when I sit down ata restaurant.” This small habit is areflection of how much Myroslavahas embraced Chinese lifestyles.What started as an adventureturned into a place she calls home,and her passion for fitness hasnurtured not only a career but acommunity.

      Looking back on her journeyfilled Myroslava with gratitude.“China has given me so much,”she said. “I came here to learnand experience a new culture,but I found something muchmore meaningful. Helpingpeople feel strong, healthy, andconfident is more than just a jobto me. It’s the best feeling in theworld.”

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