- Jokes笑話
riddle(謎語). If one of us cant answer it, he should give the other $100.”“Thats not fair(公平的)! You know more than me,” says the farmer.The teacher says, “OK. If you dont know the answer, you pay me $50. If I dont know, I pay you $
閱讀(快樂英語高年級) 2021年5期2021-08-23
- Riddles
Momo下面幾個謎語,你能猜出是什么嗎?1. What letter is an animal?2. What letter sands for the ocean?3. What letter is a question?4. What gets larger the more you take away?5. What is pronounced like one letter, written with three letters, and belo
瘋狂英語·初中天地 2020年7期2020-07-27
- Riddles 謎語猜一猜
1. Im tall when Im young and Im short when Im old. What am I?Hint:You may need it when you are having your birthday party.2. How many months have 28 days?Hint:Every month in a year has 28 days.3. What goes up when rain comes down?
閱讀(快樂英語高年級) 2018年6期2018-05-30
- Riddles謎語猜一猜
稿Riddles謎語猜一猜一沁供稿1. What are the two things people never eat before breakfast?2. I am full of holes, I can hold water. What am I?3. What will you break even when you name it?4. What has many keys but can’t open any doors?5. What i
瘋狂英語·初中天地 2017年12期2017-12-06
- Riddles謎語猜一猜
1. There is a thing.You break it to use.Hint(線索):a kind of food2. What is as big as an elephant,but weighs(重) nothing at all?Hint:You can only see it when theres light.3. What is white when it is dirty and black when it is clean?H
閱讀(快樂英語高年級) 2017年5期2017-05-30
- Riddles謎語猜一猜
友,大家一起來猜謎語,看誰先猜出來哦!Im all about,but you cant see me.You can feel me,but you cant catch me.I have no throat,but you can hear me.What am I?I am a plant.People like to eat me.I have a cap on my body.I look like an umbrella.I am usual
閱讀(快樂英語高年級) 2017年12期2017-05-30
- The Lovely Face
起來參加吧!這些謎語都很短,一定要注意聽哦!1A l i t t l e w h i t e f e n c e,T h a t’s a l w a y s w e t,B u t n e v e r r a i n e d o n y e t.Wh a t i s i t?( )2T w o l i t t l e b r o t h e r s,O n e l i v e s o n o n e s i d e,T h e o t h e r o n
小學(xué)生導(dǎo)刊 2017年21期2017-02-25
- 數(shù)字謎語
。( )“一”字謎語謎mí底dǐ為wéi“一yī”的de謎mí語yǔ也yě非fēi常chánɡ多duō。這zhè類lèi謎mí語yǔ構(gòu)ɡòu思sī巧qiǎo妙miào,極jí富fù創(chuàng)chuànɡ意yì,往wǎnɡ往wǎnɡ讓rànɡ人rén耳ěr目mù一yì新xīn。日rì正zhènɡ當(dāng)dānɡ中zhōnɡ。接jiē二èr連lián三sān。有yǒu人rén則zé大dà,有yǒu土tǔ則zé王wánɡ。工ɡōnɡ人rén不bú必bì忙mánɡ,有yǒu它t
數(shù)學(xué)大王·低年級 2017年1期2017-02-10
- My Favorites
一猜吧,答案就在謎語中。1I'm a drink. I'm a natural food, Produced by cows.I have much protein and calcium, Children should drink me for their health.Of course, you can find me anytime at a supermarket.What am I?( )2My first letter is in “tea
小學(xué)生導(dǎo)刊 2016年6期2016-04-10
- My Favorites
一猜吧,答案就在謎語中。1Im a drink.Im a natural food,Produced by cows.I have much protein and calcium,Children should drink me for their health.Of course, you can find me anytime at a supermarket.What am I?( )2My first letter is in “tea”,Not
小學(xué)生導(dǎo)刊(高年級) 2016年2期2016-02-25
- 謎語兩則
紅蜻蜓·低年級 2015年10期2016-01-26
- 謎語兩則
永泉紅hónɡ ?臉liǎn ?蛋dàn,圓yuán ?又yòu ?胖pànɡ,掛ɡuà ?在zài ?樹shù ?上shɑnɡ ?像xiànɡ ?鈴línɡ ?鐺dɑnɡ。剝bāo ?開kāi ?衣yī ?服fu ?你nǐ ?再zài ?看kàn,坐zuò ?滿mǎn ?一yì ?圈quān ?小xiǎo ?月yuè ?亮liɑnɡ?;╤uā 兒er 落luò,結(jié)jiē 寶bǎo 瓶pínɡ,紅hónɡ 寶bǎo 石shí,瓶pínɡ里li盛chénɡ;
紅蜻蜓·低年級 2015年9期2016-01-26
- 謎語、幽默
牛編1.My first letter is in chocolate but not in ham, my second is in cake and also in jam, my third at tea-time is easily found, and my whole is a pet whos often around.What am I?2.It is so weak that a little wind can move it. It i
第二課堂(課外活動版) 2015年5期2015-10-21
- 謎語
1. At night they come without being fetched, and by day they are lost without being stolen.2. A police saw a truck driver going the wrong down a one-way street, but paid no attention to him. Why?3. As long as I live I eat, but whe
第二課堂(課外活動版) 2015年8期2015-10-21