- Error Rate Estimation in Quantum Key Distribution with Finite Resources?
ang Li(李風光)Zhengzhou Information Science and Technology InstituteZhengzhou 45000China2Science and Technology on Information Assurance Laboratory,Beijing 100072,China1 IntroductionQuantum key distribution(QKD)has been greatly devel
- 各國首都風光
快樂作文·低年級 2016年9期2016-09-30
- Kinetics of Glucose Ethanolysis Catalyzed by Extremely Low Sulfuric Acid in Ethanol Medium*
**(馬晨)(杜風光)1School of Chemical Engineering and Energy, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China2Shanghai Jiao Tong University Library, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China3State Key Laboratory of Motor Vehicl