Communications in Theoretical Physics
- Optical Solitons and Stability Analysis in Ring-Cavity Fiber System with Carbon Nanotube as Saturable Absorber
- Scheme for Asymmetric and Deterministic Controlled Bidirectional Joint Remote State Preparation?
- Lump and Stripe Soliton Solutions to the Generalized Nizhnik-Novikov-Veselov Equation?
- A Practical E-Payment Protocol Based on Quantum Multi-Proxy Blind Signature?
- Convective Heat and Mass Transfer in Magneto Jeffrey Fluid Flow on a Rotating Cone with Heat Source and Chemical Reaction
- Scattering and Bound States of the Dirac Particle for q-Parameter Hyperbolic P?schl-Teller Potential
- Probing Nonclassicality of Two-Mode SU(2)Generator Based on Quantum Fisher Information?
- α Decays in Superstrong Static Electric Fields?
- Decay Analysis of Ge Isotopes Formed in Reactions Induced by Tightly and Loosely Bound Projectiles?
- Entropy of Higher-Dimensional Charged de Sitter Black Holes and Phase Transition?
- Mathematical Model of Relativistic Anisotropic Compact Stellar Model Admitting Linear Equation of State
- Properties of Particle Trajectory Around a Weakly Magnetized Black Hole?
- Relic Density of Asymmetric Dark Matter in Modified Cosmological Scenarios?
- Linear Analyses of Langmuir and EM Waves in Relativistic Hot Plasmas?
- Coherent Control of the Hartman Effect through a Photonic Crystal with Four-Level Defect Layer?
- Third-Order Magnetic Susceptibility of an Ideal Fermi Gas?
- Spin Thermoelectric Effects in a Three-Terminal Double-Dot Interferometer?
- Hierarchical Human Action Recognition with Self-Selection Classifiers via Skeleton Data?
- Numerical Study of Unsteady MHD Flow and Entropy Generation in a Rotating Permeable Channel with Slip and Hall Effects?