Communications in Theoretical Physics
- Mixed Local-Nonlocal Vector Schr?dinger Equations and Their Breather Solutions?
- Circular Semi-Quantum Secret Sharing Using Single Particles?
- Existence and Dynamics of Bounded Traveling Wave Solutions to Getmanou Equation?
- Runaway Directions in O’Raifeartaigh Models?
- The 1/NcExpansion in Hadron Effective Field Theory?
- Quasinormal Modes of the Planar Black Holes of a Particular Lovelock Theory?
- Quasinormal Modes of the Schwarzschild Black Hole Surrounded by the Quintessence Field in Rastall Gravity?
- Collective Di ff usion and Strange-Metal Transport?
- A Pressure Parametric Dark Energy Model?
- Testing Photons Coupled to Weyl Tensor with Gravitational Time Advancement?
- GWs from S-stars Revolving Around SMBH at Sgr A*?
- Dynamics of Spiral Waves Induced by Periodic Mechanical Deformation with Phase Di ff erence?
- Path of Momentum Integral in the Skorniakov-Ter-Martirosian Equation?
- Sine-Gordon Solitons and Breathers in Rod-like Magnetic Liquid Crystals under External Magnetic Field?
- Dipole Polarizabilities of the Ground States for Berylliumlike Ions?
- Ratio Between Sensitive Strength to Light Information and Coupling Strength A ff ects Entrainment Range of Suprachiasmatic Nucleus?
- Analysis of Melting Heat Transport in a Cross Flow Direction:A Comparative Study
- Directed Dominating Set Problem Studied by Cavity Method:Warning Propagation and Population Dynamics?
- A Class of Rumor Spreading Models with Population Dynamics?
- New Feedback Control Model in the Lattice Hydrodynamic Model Considering the Historic Optimal Velocity Di ff erence Effect?
- Super-sensitivity in Dynamics of Ising Model with Transverse Field:From Perspective of Franck-Condon Principle?
- On the Singular Effects in the Relativistic Landau Levels in Graphene with a Disclination?
- Magnetic Properties of XXZ Heisenberg Antiferromagnetic and Ferrimagnetic Nanotubes?
- Electron Transport Properties of Graphene-Based Quantum Wires?