How They Get the Robbers Supper
And this is what they did. The Donkeystoodon his hind(1)legs, andplacedhis fore feet on the window sill. The Dogclimbedup and stood on the Donkeys back. The Cat stood on the Dogs back. And the Cockflewup, and stood on the Cats back. Then all together theybeganto make their loudest music.
Theymadesuch a noise that the robbers(2)were afraid. Theylefttheir supper, and ran away.
Then the four friends sat down, and ate the supper.
After supper the Donkey lay down in the yard, the Dogfellasleep behind the door. The Cat lay down by the fire, and the Cock flew up on the roof. They were all so tired that they soon fell fast asleep.
The Robbers Come Back
About midnight the robberssawthat there was no light in the house and that all was still. So one of them ran back to the house. Hewentto the fire, and the Cat flew at him, andscratched(3)him with her long claws.
He was so afraid that he ran back to the door. As hepassedby,the Dogbit(4)him in the leg. As he ran through the yard, the Donkeykicked(5)him so hard that he fell down on the road. And the Cockcriedas loud as he could, “Cock-a-doodle-doo!”
The robber ran back to his friends.
“There was an old witch(6)in the house, she was sitting by the fire,” he said. “She scratched me with her nails.” That was the Cat.
“Beside the door there was a man. He had a long sharp knife, andstabbed(7)me in the leg.”That was the Dog.
“In the yard there was a giant(8)who kicked me out into the road.”That was the Donkey.
“And then there was somebody else who was crying, ‘Let me kick him, too!” That was the Cock.
So the robbers went away again as fast as they could, for they were very much afraid.
And the four friendsstayedin the house in the woods and for all that you and I know, they are there now.
(1) hind后面的 (2) robber 強盜 (3) 原形scratch,抓,搔 (4) 原形bite,咬(5) 原形kick,踢(6) witch 女巫(7) 原形stab,刺,戳(8) giant巨人