Atmospheric Physics and Weather Modif cation
Research Progress in Atmospheric Physics and Weather Modif cation
1. Weather modif cation key technology and instrumentation
The key project “Weather modif cation key technology and instrumentation” in the National Science & Technology Pillar Program during the Eleventh Five-Year Plan Period was completed at the end of 2010. The project aimed at investigating cloud structure and precipitation formation, atmospheric water resource surrounding Beijing urban region, and focusing on the mixed and warm cloud formation and rain enhancement, and new seeding tools such as the robot airplane for cloud seeding. The project also targeted on the fog formation and disposal technology in urban regions. Important progress of reestablishment and modif cation of wind tunnel of hailstone have been made in the aspect of cooling system.
The warm and mixed-phase cloud seeding techniques have been intensively investigated by both f eld observations and numerical models. Multi-aircraft measurements on the spectrum and vertical distributions of aerosol, CCN, and cloud particles were conducted in the project. The conceptual models such as cloud seeding for mixed-phase and warm cloud were proposed. New warm cloud seeding model coupled with sophisticated seeding agent nucleation processes has been established, and it is found that the size of seeding agent is critical to warm cloud seeding. Giant-size aerosols such as radii larger than 1 μm are necessary to enhance precipitation in warm cloud seeding. The seeding time, seeding amount and seeding location were also studied. The warm cloud seeding f are was produced and tested.
2. Observation and forecast of fog and haze in the regions of Beijing and Tianjin
The project“Observation and forecast of fog and haze in the regions of Beijing and Tianjin”sponsored by National Public Benefit Research Foundation and hosted by Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, and jointly cooperated with some research institutes, universities, and provincial meteorological services was conducting a f eld campaign in the winter of 2010. The observation started in August of 2010, and its site was located in Zhuozhou City near Beijing. Observational instruments include fog-monitor, visibility, aerosol, CCN, microwave radiometer, dew point temperature and basic parameters of meteorology. During the f eld campaign, a workshop on fog and haze was held, and recent progress in fog studies were reported and discussed.
無人駕駛飛機(a)和冰雹風洞(b)Unmanned cloud seeding aircraft (a) and cloud wind tunnel (b)
外場試驗: (a)室內儀器,(b)外場儀器,(c)GPS系留氣球,(d)研究人員Field campaign∶(a) instruments in a room, (b) f eld instruments,(c) GPS captive balloon, (d) researchers
研究人員在安裝設備A researcher was installing the instrument
研究人員在實驗Researchers are in observation
在涿州召開的霧霾研討會Workshop on fog and haze in Zhuozhou City