文/本刊記者 李靜 楊吉 圖/譚舒
橋架雙城 攜手謀發(fā)展
文/本刊記者 李靜 楊吉 圖/譚舒
2005年,布里斯本和重慶在“2005亞太城市市長峰會”(APCS)期間“牽手”,結為“姐妹”城市。今年年初,重慶市副市長譚棲偉率團到布里斯本“走親戚”,并續(xù)簽了友好城市協(xié)議,兩城間的友誼進一步延續(xù)和加深。10月14日,帶著推廣布里斯本的目的,布里斯本副市長格雷姆·庫爾克(C r. Graham Quirk)率團回訪重慶,并舉行推介會向重慶介紹布里斯本。
One is the third largest city in Australia, one is the youngest municipality in China; one is to be “Australian New World City”, one is the central city for the western development of China; They are Brisbane and Chongqing.
In 2005, Brisbane and Chongqing became sister cities in the period of Asia-Pacific City Summ it. On October 14, the Deputy M ayor of Brisbane Cr. Graham Quirk led delegation to Chongqing in promoting Brisbane as the top leisure, business and education destination.
Top in terview
——Interview w ith the Deputy Mayor of Brisbane Cr. Graham Quirk
Brisbane Ma rke ting, the c ity's econom ic deve lopm en t agency is rec ip ien t o f $500,000 Austra lian Gove rnm en t TQUAL g ran t to a ttrac t in te rna tiona l studen ts,leisu re visito rs and conven tions to the g rea te r Brisbane reg ion from Main land China.
The “Brisbane Am bassad o rs fo r Life”, a sustainab le tou rism p rog ram is focused on build ing long-te rm re la tionship s w ith studen ts, leisu re and busniess visito rs from China, m aking them ad voca tes and am bassado rs fo r Brisbane.
“Five Chongq ing” construction g ives m e very deep im p ression
As pa rt o f the “Am bassad o r fo r Life”, tou rism deve lopm en t p rog ramm e, M r Quirk's trip to Chongq ing is to p rom o te the tou rism and educa tion p ro jec t, looking fo r “Am bassad o r fo r Life”, fu rthe r streng thening the exchange be tween Brisbane and Chongq ing. Le t Chongq ing c itizens know m o re abou t educa tion, leisu re and business trave l resou rces o f Brisbane.
Although it's the fifth tim e com e to Chongq ing, the rap id deve lopm en t still su rp rised M r Quirk a lo t, he to ld us tha t five Chongq ing construc tion gave him ve ry deep im p ression. The coope ra tion be tween Chongq ing and Brisbane has achieved g rea t suc cess since they becam e the siste r c ities, Cr. Qu irk said the re wou ld be m o re coope ra tion op po rtunities in u rban d eve lopm en t and road construc tion in the fu tu re. “The two-rive r zone is ve ry exc iting, and it's a good op po rtun ity fo r Chongq ing, it a lso streng thens con tac t and coope ra tion be tween Chongq ing and o the r in te rna tiona l siste r c ities. The re w ill be lo ts o f Austra lia institu tions com ing to Chongq ing to join the u rban deve lopm en t and the New Tw o-Rive r Zone construc tion.
Studen ts w ho stud y in Brisbane w ill becom e th is city's friends
Cr. Quirk is rea lly p roud righ t now the num be r o f Chinese visito rs to Brisbane has inc reased a lo t, China has becom e one the fastest g row ing tou rist m a rke t in Brisbane. He to ld us tha t Brisbane is a rea lly sa fe c ity w ith m ild c lim a te, and Go ld Coast is one o f the we ll know a ttrac tions to Chinese visito rs. Visito rs can com e to Brisbane fo r its g rea t sunsh ine beaches, and encoun te ring w ith Austra lian anim a ls such as w ild do lph in feed ing, em b rac ing koa las, en joying beau tifu l na tu re land scape and so on.
As the siste r c ity o f Chongq ing, Brisbane has been w ide ly we lcom ed by the Chinese studen ts as their best choice to stud y. Brisbane is a c ity w ith 3 m illion pop u la tion, the re a re 52000 studen ts from d iffe ren t coun tries stud y he re, o f tha t, the re a re abou t 15000 Ch inese s tud en ts and som e o f them a re from Chongq ing.“We hop e tha t Chinese studen ts have g rea t expe rience he re and have good fee ling abou t this c ity.Studen ts who stud y in Brisbane w ill becom e the c ity's friend s .” Cr. Quirk said.
Du ring the tim e tha t stud y in Brisbane,studen ts can no t on ly fu lly unde rstand the cu ltu re o f Austra lia,bu t a lso sha re Chinese cu ltu re w ith friend s from a ll ove r the wo rld and m ake m any friend s. Cr. Quirk to ld us tha t the life o f Chinese studen ts in Brisbane is rea lly rich, they have d iffe ren t op p o rtunities to deve lop the ir soc ia l p rac tice. The re a re m any a reas o ffe ring good jobs such as m ed ica tion, ac coun ting, law s, IT industry e tc. Bu t it a lso d epend s on the ir ap p lica tion.Som e studen ts w ill ap p ly fo r a pe rm anen t residence a fte r their stud y, som e w ill ge t a job in the c ity, and som e w ill choose to go back to the ir hom e coun try a fte r they g radua ted.
“Am bassado r fo r Life” is a b ridge fo r com m un ication
When m en tioned abou t the pu rpose o f this visit, M r Quirk is exc ited abou t the “Am bassado r fo r Life”p lan.The re a re 3 pa rts o f “Am bassado r fo r Life”.One is studen t am bassado r, “We have se lec ted 7 good Chinese studen t rep resen ta tives who stud y in Brisbane .”In ad d ition,the re a re leisu re trave l am bassado r and business trave l am bassado r, which w ill se lec t in its siste r c ities Shenzhen and Chongq ing.
“The am bassado r tha t we chose m ust com e from China who rep resen ts Brisbane and they shou ld have expe rience in Brisbane no m a tte r in business o r trave l, they w ill pass ou t the in fo rm a tion o f this c ity to m o re Chinese friend s.”This p rog ram recog ises the streng th o f the g row ing Chinese trave l and in te rna tiona l studen t m a rke ts and encou rages visito rs to sha re their Brisbane expe riences w ith their friend s and fam ilies a t hom e.
Ano the r pu rpose fo r Cr Quirk's trip is to p rom p t the Asia Pac ific Cities Summ it, which is going to be he ld next Ju ly in Brisbane. The c lose ties o f APCS and siste r c ities w ill be p rope rly used in the “Am bassado r fo r Life” p rog ramm e, which w ill a lso fu rthe r streng then the re la tions b e tw een summ it and s iste r c ities. As Austra lia's new wo rld c ity,Brisbane has so m uch to o ffe r to the Chinese m a rke tp lace.no t on ly is it one o f the fastest g row ing reg ions in Austra lia,Brisbane a lso p o s se s se s a p ro-b u sn ie ss e n v iro nm en t w ith c o llab o ra tive g o ve rnm en ts a n d a s trong a n d sustainab le econom y.
“This is a g rea t op po rtunity fo r business, the re w ill be a lo t o f good business d e lega tions com e to Brisbane fo r this summ it to d iscuss the po ten tia l business op p o rtunity,and ou r am bassado rs w ill a lso p lay a good ro le to p rom o te coop e ra tion be tw een com pan ies”.
Two Cities Connected with one Bridge
W ritten by Agg ie and Ga ry Hynson