




      2010-12-25 07:02:44Aggie,GaryHynson
      重慶與世界 2010年10期











      On Oc tobe r 15,the second “Sino-US Cu ltu ra l Fo rum” was opened in Be rke ley b ranch schoo l o f the Sta te Unive rsity o f Ca lifo rnia, United Sta tes.Vice m iniste r o f Ch ina M inistry o f Cu ltu re, Wang Wenzhang, the Presiden t o f Na tiona l Endowm en t fo r the Hum an ities, Jim Leach a ttended the opening ce rem ony and gave a speech.

      The fo rum was he ld fo r two days by China's Art Resea rch Institu te and Be rke ley b ranch schoo l o f the Sta te Unive rsity o f Ca lifo rn ia. Mo re than 30 expe rts, scho la rs and a rtists from China and Am e rica d iscussed Sino-US cu ltu ra l com pa rison,cu ltu ra l exchange and o the r top ics.

      The Sino-US cu ltu ra l fo rum constan tly deepen the cu ltu ra l exchanges and coope ra tions be tween Ch ina and Am e rica. The them e o f this fo rum is ca lled “The Bila te ra l Dia logue” to review the exchange histo ry o f two coun tries in a com p rehensive way from eve ry fie ld,exp lo re the p rac tice pa th o f their cu ltu res, look ahead to the fu tu re o f the deve lopm en t o f Sino-US cu ltu ra l re la tions and opened new doo r fo r Sino-US cu ltu ra l exchanges and coope ra tion.

      Leach said tha t cu ltu ra l exchanges a re m o re im po rtan t than any o the r a reas o f comm un ica tion, comm un ica tion in o the r a reas can be conside red as pa rt o f cu ltu ra l exchanges. The pa rtic ipan ts rep resen ting a m ix o f Am e ricans and Chinese high leve l exp e rts, scho la rs and a rtists in their academ ic and a rtistic range,he be lieves tha t the comm unica tion be tween them p lays an im po rtan t ro le in fac ilita ting the exchange o f unde rstand ing be tween the two coun tries.

      The a im o f Sino-US Cu ltu ra l Fo rum is to estab lish a pub lic, academ ic and in te rac tive pe riod ic d ia logue m echanism s in the cu ltu ra l fie ld fo r bo th coun tries,deepen the unde rstand ing in the fie ld o f cu ltu re and the hum anities be tween two coun tries, p rom o te the coop e ra tion in the cu ltu re and hum anities a reas and boost c u ltu ra l e x c hang e s b e tw een tw o c oun trie s to ha ve a com p rehensive,sustainab le and d eep deve lopm en t.In 2008, the first Sino-US cu ltu ra l fo rum whose them e is “The d ig ita l age o f cu ltu ra l he ritage p ro tec tion and d isp lay ” was he ld in Beijing.

      Cross-cul tural Bi lateral Dialogue——Sino-US Cul tural Forum Opened

      Transla ted by Agg ie and Ga ry Hynson

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