




      2012-04-29 17:18:32詹智財惠浩添張松松
      電腦知識與技術(shù) 2012年16期

      詹智財 惠浩添 張松松




      Video Vehicle Tracking Based on Dimension Reduction of SIFT Features

      ZHAN Zhi-cai, HUI Hao-tian, ZHANG Song-song

      (School of Computer Science and Telecommunication Engineering, JiangsuUniversity, Zhenjiang 212013, China)

      Abstract: In this paper, a video vehicle tracking algorithm based on the combination of Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) and Prin? ciple Component Analysis (PCA), which is called PCA-SIFT, is proposed to deal with the problem that a long time is taken caused by ex? cessive number of characteristics in the matching with SIFT algorithm. Firstly, SIFT is applied to extract all the feature points and vectors of the vehicle video image frames, and then PCA is used to reduce dimensions, followed by the identification of representative characteristic parameters to achieve the purpose of feature dimensionality reduction. Finally, the Euclidean distance is applied to find similar vehicles in the different vehicle image frames. The experimental results show that the algorithm proposed in this paper has advantages of reducing the cost of computation, improving the matching efficiency and enhancing the real-time performance while maintaining the robustness and sta? bility of the original SIFT algorithm.

      Key words: Scale Invariant Feature Transform; Principle Component Analysis; dimensionality reduction; vehicle tracking



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