




      2013-05-21 08:10:20
      瘋狂英語·口語版 2013年4期

      Olivia: Oh hi Magda! How was your first day?

      Magda: Fantastic!

      Olivia: Really? Im amazed.

      Sarah: Yeah, you were so worried about your new job.

      Magda: Well, I had some good news.

      Olivia: Yeah? What?(enter Johnny)

      All: Hi Johnny!

      Johnny: Hi! Ive got some good news.

      Sarah: 1)Makes two of you then!

      Johnny: At least I think its good news...Im not really sure.

      Olivia: Tell us!

      Magda: Cant I tell you my good news first?

      Sarah: Wow, this is getting complicated...and Im afraid Ive only got some bad news.

      Magda: Oh no...2)what a shame! Whats the problem?

      Olivia: Yeah, go on, bad news first, then the good news will cheer us up!

      Sarah: OK, well, I 3)had a row with my landlord, finally! And Im moving out.

      Magda: Oh no!

      Sarah: Oh yes! So, I need a new flat.

      Olivia: Again!

      Magda: Oh dear...

      Olivia: What a shame. I hoped it was going to work out.

      Sarah: Yeah, but I didnt get on with the landlord.

      Magda: Have you told Fadi yet?

      Sarah: No. Im worried what he might think. The landlord is his cousin, after all.

      Olivia: Well, lets just wait until he comes in. I was going to tell him you werent happy—now Ill tell him youre leaving!

      Magda: Is it good news time yet? Sarah: Yes! Go on! Whats your good news?

      Magda: Ive been offered a job! Johnny: Me too!

      Olivia: Hang on! Wait a minute! Youve already got a job, havent you Magda?

      Sarah: And you have too, Johnny, havent you? You talk about it all the time.

      Magda/Johnny: But...

      Magda: Go on...

      Johnny: No, you first, please...

      Magda: Ive been offered a 4)permanent job, with the same company! Ill be a proper architect! Olivia: Wow! Thats fantastic!

      Magda: But...

      Olivia: Theres always a “but”...

      Magda: I have to get a 5)distinction in my masters degree.

      Sarah: Phew...thats not easy.

      Magda: No, but Im doing well.

      Olivia: 6)Fingers crossed then.

      Sarah: Lets hope!

      Johnny: Thats amazing—Ive got the same news!

      Olivia: What? Youre going to be an architect?

      Johnny: No!

      Sarah: Youre doing a masters degree?

      Johnny: No!

      Magda: What then?

      Johnny: A job...Ive been offered a new job!

      Olivia: Oh yes, you said.

      Johnny: And theres a “but”...

      Olivia: I told you there was always a “but”...

      Johnny: Its not in London.

      Olivia: Youd have to leave.

      Johnny: Yeah...

      Olivia: Well, where is it? New York?

      Johnny: No.

      Magda: Paris? Berlin? Where?

      Johnny: Its back in China.

      Sarah: Oh...Beijing? Shanghai?

      Johnny: No, its in Chongqing.

      Olivia: Where?

      Johnny: Chongqing!

      Magda: Wheres that?

      Sarah: Southwest China. Its a really interesting place...growing really quickly.

      Johnny: Yeah, its a great opportunity.

      Olivia: But?

      Johnny: But I love it here so much. Im not sure I want to go back to China yet—Id miss all my friends.

      Olivia: Youll have to choose!

      Sarah: Its big decision time! Oh no...here comes Fadi and Harry.(enter Fadi and Harry)

      All: Hi Fadi! Hi Harry!

      Fadi: Hows it going everyone?

      Olivia: Dont ask.

      Magda: Ive been offered a new job, a really good job—if I get a good degree!

      Johnny: Ive been offered a new job, a really good job—but I have to go back to China!

      Harry: Wow! Busy day everyones having...Ive got some news too.

      Olivia: Oh no.

      Harry: Oh yes—I been 7)sacked!

      Magda: “Sacked”?

      Harry: Yes—Ive lost my job, been made 8)redundant, unemployed, no longer working!

      Magda: Oh no!

      Harry: Dont worry—I dont care. I hated that job anyway. Ill soon find another job. A man with my skills and abilities is always in demand!

      Johnny: Somebody from my company sacked you? Why?

      Harry: I told them I wasnt going to work at the weekend—Saturdays and Sundays. If I worked on Saturday and Sunday, when could I play football?。?So I said “no”, and they said“goodbye”.

      Magda: What will you do now?

      Harry: I have absolutely no idea! The future is an open book.

      Sarah: Very poetic!

      Fadi: Well Sarah, at least youre OK...with your new flat and everything.

      Sarah: Oh...er..well...

      Olivia: Actually, I wanted to talk to you about that...cousin.

      Fadi: You wanted to talk to me?

      Olivia: (whispering) Yeah, well, you see, Sarahs a bit embarrassed.

      Fadi: (whispering) Whats up?

      Olivia: She wants to leave the new flat...she doesnt get on well with the landlord.

      Fadi: My cousin?

      Olivia: Yes, your cousin.

      Fadi: Im not surprised!

      Olivia: Eh?

      Fadi: I said Im not surprised! My cousins horrible! I cant stand him!

      Olivia: (laughs) Oh thats a relief.

      Fadi: Sarah—Im sorry if I got you involved with my cousin. I thought you were desperate for a place to live. I know my cousins horrible!

      Sarah: Oh, never mind Fadi—thanks for trying to help anyway...Now I need a new place to live though.

      Magda: If I get this job, Ill have more money—we could get a place together.

      Sarah: Thatd be great.

      Johnny: If I take the job in China, Ill have to leave my flat.

      Sarah: And we could move in.

      Olivia: What a lot of “ifs”.

      Sarah: Its exciting.

      Magda: But also worrying.

      Johnny: And confusing.

      Harry: And thats not all.

      Fadi: What?

      Harry: Ive just been speaking to the owner of the café.

      Oliva: And?

      Harry: Theyre closing down—next week!

      All: What? Oh no...

      Johnny: Thats terrible.

      All: What are we all going to do?

      意林(2023年13期)2023-08-30 03:12:38
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      時尚北京(2013年7期)2013-04-29 19:01:56
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