




      2013-07-17 06:53bySophiePitman
      瘋狂英語·閱讀版 2013年5期

      by Sophie Pitman

      I love letters. 1)Snail mail is my preferred method of communication. There is nothing like opening up my mailbox to find a 2)bulging envelope, covered in stamps and addressed with familiar handwriting. Written communication is a wonderful thing, especially when living as a lone expat with family, friends and partner remaining back on British soil.

      When I first moved to the United States, I had no suitcase space for prints and posters, so I issued a plea to my friends to send postcards with which I would decorate my room. My nearest and dearest answered the call, and I enjoyed seeing my 3)dorm room walls gradually fill up with artworks, 4)cheesy holiday vistas, and witty slogans. Little notes and hellos from my loved ones keep me going, and were a real 5)pickme-up in the early days when homesickness loomed.

      Now, a little more seasoned, I still adore my postcards and letters. Postcards are now limited to one large frame and, of course, my fridge, where I keep them on regular rotation. But they are still much loved, and when received, take pride of place in my kitchen.




      Dont get me wrong, I could not survive without 6)Skype. I adore being able to chat face to face for free. I also spend countless hours a week on Facebook and Twitter, staying in touch with old friends and keeping up with what is going on back in the UK. How anyone coped with being an expat in the days before the Internet, I do not know. I applaud you.

      Most of my communications, however, are by email. Like almost everyone, I use email for both my personal and work lives. Although I have been using email for many years, since coming to the US, my email style has had to shift 7)significantly. And as I just discovered, there are still rules I need to learn.

      It took me a while to get used to the informal tone adopted by many of my American peers. My emails were sometimes read by their 8)recipient as cool or brusque, while I often felt responses brief or 9)flippant. I could be overly polite, and called my tutors “Dr,” rather than “Professor” as is common here. When I 10)got the hang of addressing my superiors correctly, and relaxing my tone, I confused everyone by signing off with a casual “cheers.”




      Rather than reading this as a brief “thanks” at the end of the email, I soon discovered that some of my American correspondents were 11)perplexed when I seemingly toasted them at the end of the email. Us Brits have something of a reputation as 12)boozers, which I suppose I did not help by implying that I might be downing pints as I signed off my morning emails.

      Now three years into graduate study here in the US, I thought I had it nailed. But today I discovered one thing I have been getting wrong for years. I think nothing of signing off a text or email to a friend with a “x.” Usually I opt for a casual single “x,” sometimes I go for two, and when I am overly keen or in need of a favour, my recipient is treated with a triple “xxx.” Between British friends, even those who would never 13)contemplate kissing in person (on the cheek or otherwise), signing off with a kiss or three is no big deal. But my casual “x”s (to friends, mind you, never professors) have never elicited a response from my US friends—on facebook, email, or text.

      Whilst none seem offended by what must be interpreted as an overly 14)amourous farewell, it just is not the done thing over here.

      I am not, in person, a kiss-y person. As a child, I would wipe unwanted kisses from my cheeks as soon as relatives turned away. Even on the continent, where I am constantly confused by how many kisses to give as a greeting (when is it two or three?), I am slightly embarrassed by the 15)over-familiarity of cheek kissing. But I realised today, with mild horror, that I have been the email 16)equivalent of that overly 17)slobbery Great-Aunt at the family gettogether, or the unfamiliar European at a party.

      It just goes to show, you never stop learning about foreign cultures. Whilst my letters and cards to friends back home might be sealed with a kiss, from now on American friends, I promise not to 18)torment you with unwanted affection.







      Sealed with a Kiss


      這是著名美國電影《蝴蝶夢》(Rebecca)主題曲的歌名,意思是:用吻來把信封粘上,傳遞思念之情?!逗麎簟肥菓乙纱髱熛^(qū)柯克的第一部好萊塢作品,根據(jù)Daphne Du Maurier的小說改編,獲得奧斯卡最佳影片獎。曲中充滿留戀的歌詞加上 Brian Hyland凄婉的、純粹的嗓音唱出了好友、戀人之間欲走還留的心情。

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