




      2013-07-26 06:35
      閱讀與作文(英語高中版) 2013年6期

      “I cant believe it. These blooms have lasted so long this year,” my wife said.

      “I hadnt really thought about it, but you are right. As much as I love lilacs, they come and go so fast,” I said.

      It has been incredibly exciting this year here in my backyard. Our lilac tree has produced the most blooms I have ever seen. The scent is so wonderful that I spend a lot of time just standing on our small deck breathing it all in.

      Many of the branches are hollow and cracked leaving me to believe it has seen many springs. A few winters ago one of the biggest branches crashed to the ground under the weight of melting snow. It broke my heart. I guess I wasnt expecting much from the old thing this year. But it is magnificent!

      Since we have been experiencing so much rain lately the flowers have become heavier. The once tall bush seems to be under a lot of pressure. I can relate to that.

      Sadly, today I noticed the first bunch of flowers turning brown. It wont be long until they are all gone. But herev what Ive learned from it.

      Some people are like fragrant flowers. They come into our lives ever so briefly and leave behind a scent that remains embedded in our being. They brighten your day by just having had contact with them even if for a moment. If kindness had a scent it would remind you of them.

      Like when I smell pine, all the best Christmas memories rush through my mind. When I smell roses I think of romantic, moon-filled evenings.

      Some people, having given so much to you, remain a part of who you are forever. You cannot possibly go through a day without thinking about them. Their beautiful spirit gently nudges your heart each time you hear their name. The very thought of them stirs within your soul like the sweet fragrance of a thousand roses.

      Loved ones who have passed on, having given their lives to you, having stayed in bloom through a lifetime of eternal spring, are like these lilacs. Although my heart is saddened having discovered that they are dying, I will not remember them that way. I will forever see a thousand blooms each time I think of them. In the coldest, darkest days of the winter of my life, the memory of them will get me through it all. Even the slightest fragrance will bring a smile to my face and my heart will pound remembering the love.

      Im thankful every day not only for the beauty of the people in my life, but for the lingering fragrance and everlasting memories of ever having loved them at all.

      Loving them and life means I will have “spring forever in my heart.”













      不再傷心的 “小不點兒”
      First Perfume Which Smells Better the More You Sweat
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