



      Time Periodic Solution of the Relativistic Boltzmann Equation

      2013-10-28 03:54:07YUHongjun

      YU Hongjun

      (School of Mathematical Sciences, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631,China)


      YU Hongjun*

      (School of Mathematical Sciences, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631,China)

      The existence and stability of the time periodic solution to the relativistic Boltzmann equation around the relativistic Maxwellian in the torus are obtained. The time decay of solution to the linearized relativistic Boltzmann equation is obtained by using compensating function and basic energy estimates. By this and the contraction mapping methods the existence and stablility of time periodic solution to the relativistic Boltzmann equation are shown.

      Keywords: relativistic Boltzmann equation; relativistic Maxwellian; time periodic solution; existence; stability

      In this paper, we consider time periodic solution of the relativistic Boltzmann equation




      where dωis a surface measure on the unit sphere2, andσis the scattering kernel satisfying some conditions given later. As usual, we abbreviateF(t,x,u) byF(u), etc., and use prime to represent the moment after collision. For the relativistic model, the conservations of momentum and energy are given by





      and the nonlinear collision operator is


      It is well-known thatLcan be written asLf=ν(v)f+Kfwith the collision frequencyν(v) defined by


      and the operatorKby


      For the scattering kernelσ(g,θ) as in[2-3], we assume


      wherec1andc2are positive constants, 0≤δ<1/2, 0≤β<2-2δ, and eitherγ≥0 or

      Under these conditions onσ(g,θ), it was shown in [4] thatKis compact onL2(3). And from [2-3], we know that there is a constantC>1 such that


      By the H-theorem,Lis dissipative and the null space ofLis spanned by the five collision invariants


      LetPbe the projection of the spaceL2(3) to the null spaceinvvariable. We can decomposef(t,x,v) as



      Here,Iis identity,Pfrepresents the macroscopic part and (I-P)fthe microscopic part respectively.


      furnished with the same norm. Throughout this paper, we useCto denote a generic positive constant which may vary from line to line.

      Time periodic solution of classical Boltzmann equation was first solved by Ukai[5]through the results of spectral analysis[6-7]and contraction mapping methods. It was shown in [8] that the Boltzmann equation with external force admits the time periodic solution by the energy estimates and the results of [6]. On the other hand, the linearized relativistic Boltzmann equation was solved by Dudy1/2ski and Ekiel-Jezewska[4]. Later Glassey and Strauss[2]obtained the global solution of the relativistic Boltzmann equation near a relativistic Maxwellian in the torus, where a more restrictive assumption on the scattering kernel. And then they also obtained the global solution of the relativistic Boltzmann equation near a relativistic Maxwellian in the whole space[3]. The restrictive assumption on the scattering kernel[2]in the torus was removed and the results[2-3]were also obtained[9]by the energy methods. Based on the compensating function[3,10], the new energy methods was devised[11]to obtain both existence and the optimal time decay rate of relativistic Boltzmann and Landau equations without using the results of spectral analysis[6-7]. There are also other studies on the classical or relativistic Boltzmann, see [1,12-14] and the references therein.

      Although there are some investigations about the time periodic solution to the classical Boltzmann equation, there is no study about relativistic Boltzmann equation. In this paper, we study the existence and stability of the time periodic solution to the relativistic Boltzmann equation around the relativistic Maxwellian in the torus. We first obtain the time decay of solution to the linearized equation by the compensating function[3,10-11]and by this we use contraction mapping methods to show the existence of time periodic solution to the relativistic Boltzmann equation by the similar methods as[5]. Finally we also show the stability of such a time periodic solution.

      1 Existence of the Time Periodic Solution

      In this section, we will establish the basic energy estimates in order to obtain the time decay of solution to the linearized relativistic Boltzmann equation and then show the existence of the time periodic solution to (5). For this, we write the linearized equation as


      Lemma1Assumek≥1,α>3/2 andf0satisfies (11). For the solution of the equation (12), we have the following time decay estimate



      ProofBy using compensating function of (12), we can obtain the key estimate as[3,10-11]:

      Herek>0 is small enough and(t,ξ,v) is the Fourier transform off(t,x,v) aboutx.

      By the properties of the Fourier transform, we have



      By the definition of the projectionP, we can write


      By the assumption (11), we have

      By this and the Poincaré inequality we can obtain



      On the other hand, we can have from the properties of compensating function[3,11]that

      We define


      which implies that


      We rewrite the linearized equation (12) as


      Thus we have from the Duhamel’s formula that


      Or we have


      Recall the properties of the operatorKin [2-3] that for anyα≥0 andk≥0,

      K:Gα(Hk)Gα+η(Hk) andL2(Hk)G0(Hk) boundedly,


      whereη>0. Notice from (8) thatν(v)≥cfor some constantc>0. By this and the first relation of (20), we iterate in this manner



      Eventually we have the following: for somec0>0



      By using (21) and the second relation of (20), we also obtain



      Notice that for anyα>3/2,|||h|||k≤C[[h]]k,α. By this we combine (17) and (22) to obtain


      In the following we will use Lemma 1 to prove the existence of time periodic solution to (5), which is our first main results.

      Then there exist positive constantsa0anda1such that whenever supt[[(t)]]k,α≤a0, the problem (5) has a unique solutionfper=fper(t,x,v) which is periodic intwith the same periodTand satisfies (11) and

      ProofIn order to obtain the time periodic solution of (5). We will use the arguments developed in [5]. For this we define


      Thus it suffices to find the fixed point ofin a proper complete metric space.


      By the Duhamel’s formula, we obtain

      For the termI1(t), we can obtain

      For the termI2(t), we can have from (20) that

      By the above three estimates, we have


      By (23) and (24) we can iterate the following inequality


      We have from (25) that


      In what follows we shall show that(f) has a unique fixed point(t).

      By the above definition ofΦ, we have


      By Theorem 2.1 in [2], for anyα≥β/2 andk>3/2, one has



      It follows from this and (26) that


      By the assumption, we have


      We define the complete metric space


      By (29) and (30) it follows from (27) that


      Noticing thatΓ(h1,h2) is a bilinear operator, we have



      By this and (28), we have




      This implies that

      By (27) and the above estimates, we have


      2 Stability of the Time Periodic Solution

      In the preceding section we show the existence of the time periodic solution to (5) with time periodic source term. In this section we shall prove the stability of such a time periodic solution. For this, for any fixed timet0, we consider the problem


      Settingg(t)=f(t)-fper(t), the problem (33) takes the form


      withg(t0,x,v)=f0(x,v)-fper(t0). HereLperg=Γ(fper,g)+Γ(g,fper).

      Our main results in this section are as follows.

      Theorem2Letk>3/2 andα>(3+β)/2. Assume that (7) on the scattering kernelσ(g,θ). Letfper(t) be the time periodic solution constructed in Theorem 1. Then there exist positive constantsδ0andδ1such that whenever initial dataf0satisfies


      the problem (33) has a unique global solutionf=f(t,x,v) satisfies





      ProofBy the preceding section, we shall show



      has a unique fixed point in the following space

      We define

      By Lemma 1 we have for any fixed timet0≤0,

      which implies that

      By the Duhamel’s formula, we obtain

      For the termJ1(t), we can obtain

      For the termJ2(t), we can obtain

      By the above three estimates, we have

      Finally we can iterate the following inequality


      We can rewrite (37) as follow:




      It follows from Lemma 1 that

      ClearlyPΓ(f,g)=0. By (28) and (38) we can obtain


      Finally we have

      Notice that




      By the similar arguments we can obtain

      Choosingδ0anda0small enough, we know that[g] is a contraction mapping and has a unique fixed pointg(t), which is our desired solution. Thus (36) is shown and (35) can be shown by a similar methods. This completes the proof of Theorem 2.

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      (華南師范大學(xué)數(shù)學(xué)科學(xué)學(xué)院,廣東廣州 510631)


      相對(duì)論Boltzmann方程; 相對(duì)論Maxwellian; 時(shí)間周期解; 存在性; 穩(wěn)定性


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