




      2013-11-11 07:03
      瘋狂英語·口語版 2013年10期

      All: Oh hey! Great to see you again!

      Johnny: Its great to be back!

      Olivia: Are you just back for a visit?

      Johnny: No! Im staying!

      All: Hooray! Oh, great!

      Fadi: Great news!

      Johnny: Yeah. A position came up with my company back in London. I applied for it, and, well, here I am!

      Olivia: How did it go in China? Johnny: Great. It was really good to be back. I did really well in my job.

      Magda: You always talk about your job! Johnny: Hey! My career is important to me!

      Sarah (sighs): Oh, Im a bit jealous of you. Id love to go back home to visit my family and friends. I havent been back for ages now.

      Johnny: Yeah. You should go.

      Olivia: So youre back 1)for good?

      Johnny: For a year, at least...then well see!

      Harry: Oh, by the way, this is Bindyu. Shes my girlfriend.

      Johnny: Nice to meet you! (aside) Well done, Harry.

      Bindyu: Nice to meet you too.

      Fadi: Well have to start the football team again?。╠oor open)

      All: Hi Carlos!

      Carlos: Oh, Hi! Hi Sarah!

      Sarah: Hello!

      Harry: Johnny. This is our new Brazilian friend, Carlos.

      Johnny: Hi Carlos! Youre Brazilian? You must be good at football. Join our team!

      Carlos: Erm, well, actually, Im afraid Im no good at football.

      Johnny: Well, youll 2)fit in with our team then!

      Carlos: Eh?

      Harry: Never mind, Carlos, its not important.

      Johnny: So whats been going on here while Ive been away?

      All: Er, well...hmmm...

      Harry: Lots of stuff.

      Johnny: Go on! I saw that banner in the window. Whats up? Why do you need to save the café?

      Olivia: And my shop.

      Harry: Well, did you see that building site just behind the café?

      Johnny: Yes, I did actually. It looks like theyre building something big, looks interesting.

      Olivia: Hmmm.

      Harry: Yeah, luxury flats.

      Olivia: The problem being.

      Tony: They want to knock down the café!

      Olivia: And my shop.

      Johnny: Oh no.

      Sarah: But dont worry!

      Johnny: Why not?

      Harry: We got a campaign going—the banner in the window...

      Bindyu: And I wrote an article in the local paper!

      Sarah: We found theyre historic buildings, so its not legal to knock them down.

      Johnny: Dont worry anyhow. Im rich enough now! I could buy the café, and your shop Olivia, then do what I want!

      Harry: Seriously???

      Johnny: Er, well, no, actually, probably not. Just joking, you know. But I will be rich enough in a couple of years!

      Harry: Yeah, right.

      Carlos: Listen guys, that was what I came to talk to you about. At lunch today. Im a caterer, Johnny, I make lunch for all the people who work on the building site next door.

      Johnny: I see.

      Carlos: Well, there were two of the top managers there.

      Olivia (interested): Oh yeah?

      Sarah: And?

      Carlos: Well, I didnt listen to

      them, exactly.

      Sarah: Of course not!

      Carlos: No, but...I heard what they

      were saying...

      Olivia: And what were they


      Carlos: They were saying...

      Tony: Oi! Johnny! Are you going

      to buy something? If you want

      to have a party go back to your

      house! I run a business here, you


      Johnny: Oh sorry, Tony—yeah, could I have a coffee please?

      Tony: That all?

      Olivia: Tony! Please. Carlos is going to tell us something really important.

      Tony: What?

      Olivia: Thats what were going to find out. Carlos, go on!

      Carlos: The managers, they were saying, that they know these buildings—the café, and your shop—they know theyre historic buildings, and they know they cant knock them down.

      Magda: Yes. Thats what I found out. I told Bindyu. She put it in the paper.

      Carlos: Yes. Theyve read the newspaper, they said. They know theres nothing they can do.

      Olivia: So?

      Magda: So?

      Harry: So?

      Tony: So?

      Carlos: So...theyre not going to knock them down! The campaign was a success! Youve won!

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