任東風 譚小云 吳聞文 侯樹勛 劉計魯 劉侃
任東風 譚小云 吳聞文 侯樹勛 劉計魯 劉侃
目的對某部艦艇官兵腰痛的流行病學進行調(diào)查。方法采用自行設(shè)計的腰痛調(diào)查問卷對某部 1266 名艦艇官兵進行腰痛發(fā)病狀態(tài)調(diào)查,收集相關(guān)數(shù)據(jù)。按照在艦艇服役年限分為:1~5 年組;6~9 年組;10 年以上組,分別調(diào)查各組腰痛發(fā)病率、改良 ( oswestry,OSW ) 腰痛失能評價量表評價失能情況、計算體重指數(shù) ( body mass index,BMI ),對組間數(shù)據(jù)進行對比分析。同時,研究比較腰痛官兵和非腰痛官兵的年齡、艦艇服役時間和體重指數(shù)。結(jié)果1266 名艦艇官兵,腰痛組 880 例,發(fā)病率 69.51%,年齡 ( 37.4± 9.3 ) 歲,艦艇服役時間 ( 9.4±8.7 ) 年,體重指數(shù) 23.98±7.75;非腰痛組 386 人,年齡 ( 27.6±10.3 ) 歲,艦艇服役時間 ( 6.3±7.9 ) 年,體重指數(shù) 22.42±10.34。腰痛組的服役時間 ( P<0.05 )、年齡 ( P<0.05 )、均明顯高于非腰痛組,體重指數(shù)差異無統(tǒng)計學意義 ( P>0.05 )。艦艇服役 1~5 年官兵 727 人,腰痛官兵 455 例,發(fā)病率 62.59%,艦艇服役時間 ( 3.1±1.7 ) 年,OSW 得分 8.63±4.71,體重指數(shù) 23.43±13.11;艦艇服役 6~9 年官兵 356 人,患腰痛官兵 263 例,發(fā)病率 73.88%,艦艇服役時間 ( 6.8±1.2 ) 年,OSW 得分 13.17±6.36,體重指數(shù) 24.23±10.58;艦艇服役 10 年以上官兵 183 人,患腰痛官兵 162 例,發(fā)病率 88.52%、艦艇服役時間( 11.8±1.6 ) 年,OSW 得分 20.26±9.13,體重指數(shù) 24.72±13.36。艦艇服役 10 年以上的腰痛發(fā)生率較 10 年以下發(fā)病率高,差異有統(tǒng)計學意義 ( P<0.05 ),由腰痛引起的失能程度也明顯重于其它兩組 ( P<0.05 )。結(jié)論艦艇官兵腰痛發(fā)病率較高,艦艇服役時間是影響腰痛發(fā)生的重要因素,應(yīng)針對性地采取預防措施,減少艦艇官兵腰痛的發(fā)生。
選擇海軍某部艦艇官兵為調(diào)查對象,按編制單位采取整個艦艇調(diào)查。共對 1300 名艦艇人員進行了問卷調(diào)查,有效回收 1266 份,整體應(yīng)答率為 97.38%。均為男性,年齡 18~56 歲,平均29.8 歲。按照在艦艇服役時間,將被調(diào)查官兵分為 3 組:1~5 年組,727 人;6~9 年組,356 人;10 年以上組,183 人。
采用自行設(shè)計的腰痛調(diào)查問卷進行調(diào)查。調(diào)查內(nèi)容包括性別、年齡、身高和體重,有無腰痛、治療情況、在艦艇上服役的時間等。計算被調(diào)查者體重指數(shù) ( body mass index,BMI )[4]。BMI 計算公式:BMI=體重 ( kg ) / 身高 ( m2)。體重指數(shù)的最佳值應(yīng)該是 20~22,BMI >22.6 為超重,BMI>30 為肥胖。
采用改良 ( oswestry,OSW ) 腰痛失能評價表進行自我評價[5]。評價內(nèi)容包括對腰痛程度、個人自理能力 ( 洗漱、穿脫衣服等活動 )、提取重物、行走、坐、站立、睡眠、作業(yè)訓練、出差探親和腰痛變化等 10 方面的評價。每一方面由調(diào)查對象根據(jù)個人實際情況選出最合適的評分 ( 0~5 分),總分 0~50,總分值越高,表示因腰痛造成的失能越重。
所有數(shù)據(jù)均經(jīng)計算機應(yīng)用 SPSS16.0 軟件分析完成。數(shù)據(jù)以±s 表示,應(yīng)用卡方檢驗、t 檢驗進行不同服役時間組間、腰痛組和非腰痛組腰痛發(fā)生率、體重指數(shù)、失能情況對應(yīng)比較,以 P<0.05 為差異有統(tǒng)計學意義。
1266 名被調(diào)查艦艇官兵,腰痛患者 880 例,占 69.5%,年齡 ( 37.4±9.3 ) 歲、艦艇服役時間( 9.4±8.7 ) 年和體重指數(shù) 23.98±7.75;未患腰痛官兵 386 人,占 30.5%,年齡 ( 27.6±10.3 ) 歲,艦艇服役時間 ( 6.3±7.9 ) 年和體重指數(shù) 22.42±10.34。腰痛組的艦艇服役時間 ( P<0.05 )、年齡 ( P<0.05 )均明顯高于非腰痛組,腰痛組的體重指數(shù)與非腰痛組差異無統(tǒng)計學意義 ( P>0.05 ) ( 表1 )。
表1 腰痛組和非腰痛組腰痛調(diào)查情況 (±s )Tab.1 The pain investigation between the groups with and without low back pain (±s )
表1 腰痛組和非腰痛組腰痛調(diào)查情況 (±s )Tab.1 The pain investigation between the groups with and without low back pain (±s )
注:*較其它組比較,有統(tǒng)計學意義 ( P < 0.05 )Notice:*Meant there were statistically significant differences between the groups ( P<0.05 )
分組 人數(shù) 艦艇服役時間 體重指數(shù)腰痛組 880 ( 69.5% )* 9.4±8.7* 23.98± 7.75非腰痛組 386 ( 30.5% ) 6.3±7.9 22.42±10.34
在艦艇上服役 1~5 年組:共有 727 人,其中患腰痛病者 455 人,腰痛發(fā)生率 62.6%,平均服役時間 ( 3.1±1.7 ) 年,體重指數(shù) 23.43±13.11,腰痛官兵OSW 失能分數(shù) 8.63±4.71 ( 2~42 ) 分;6~9 年組:共有 356 人,其中患腰痛病者 263 例,腰痛發(fā)生率 73.9%,平均服役時間 ( 6.8±1.2 ) 年,體重指數(shù)24.23±10.58,腰痛官兵 OSW 失能分數(shù) 13.17±6.36 ( 5~34 ) 分;>10 年組:共有 183 人,其中患腰痛病者 162 例,平均服役時間 ( 11.8±1.6 ) 年,腰痛發(fā)生率 88.5%,體重指數(shù) 24.72±13.36,腰痛官兵OSW 失能分數(shù) 20.26±9.13 ( 5~26 ) 分。艦艇服役10 年以上的腰痛發(fā)生率均明顯高于較 6~9 年組和1~5 年組,差異有統(tǒng)計學意義 ( P<0.05 ),6~9 年組和 1~5 年組差異有統(tǒng)計學意義 ( P>0.05 );體重指數(shù):>10 年組與 6~9 年組和 1~5 年組差異無統(tǒng)計學意義 ( P>0.05 )。>10 年組失能分數(shù)均明顯高于 6~9 年組和 1~5 年組 ( P<0.05 ),表明>10 年組不僅腰痛發(fā)生率高,由腰痛引起的失能程度也明顯重于其它兩組 ( 表2 )。
880 例腰痛患者中,有 486 例 ( 55.2% ) 曾接受過骨科診斷治療,89 例 ( 10.1% ) 曾住院治療。
表2 不同艦艇服役時間組腰痛調(diào)查情況 (±s )Tab.2 The pain investigation among the groups of different ship service times (±s )
表2 不同艦艇服役時間組腰痛調(diào)查情況 (±s )Tab.2 The pain investigation among the groups of different ship service times (±s )
注:*較其它組比較,有統(tǒng)計學意義 ( P < 0.05 )Notice:*Meant there were statistically significant differences between the groups ( P<0.05 )
分組 人數(shù) 艦艇服役平均時間 ( 年 ) 腰痛發(fā)生率 ( % ) 體重指數(shù) ( kg / m2) OSW 得分1~5 年組 727 3.1±1.7 62.6 23.43±13.11 8.63±4.71 6~9 年組 356 6.8±1.2* 73.9* 24.23±10.58 13.17±6.36*>10 年組 183 11.8±1.6* 88.5* 24.72±13.36 20.26±9.13*
艦艇官兵腰痛的發(fā)生率較高,與其特殊的軍事訓練和生活環(huán)境有關(guān)[1-2]。艦艇艙室狹窄,空間有限,人員長期 ( 尤其是遠航時 ) 在這樣的環(huán)境中生活和工作,長時間保持一個固定姿勢,加重脊柱、腰背部肌肉負荷和不當?shù)膽?yīng)力。常規(guī)軍事訓練中一些訓練項目,如需要經(jīng)常抬舉、搬移重物、拉纜繩、彎腰和扭轉(zhuǎn)姿勢不當、身體受到強烈震動,均會引起腰部軟組織急性損傷,使急性腰痛的發(fā)生率增加[6]。長期的反復損傷,加重疼痛癥狀,并使急性腰痛向慢性腰痛轉(zhuǎn)變幾率增加。我們的調(diào)查研究顯示,艦艇服役 10 年以上官兵,腰痛發(fā)生率明顯高于其它組 ( P<0.05 ),由于疼痛引起的失能癥狀也較嚴重 ( P<0.05 )。說明長時間的艦艇環(huán)境工作和生活,由急性腰部軟組織損傷高危發(fā)生,到慢性積累性損傷,是造成腰痛高發(fā)的重要原因。
個人的生理及生活習慣 ( 年齡、體重指數(shù)及吸煙等 ) 也與腰痛的發(fā)生有關(guān)。調(diào)查研究發(fā)現(xiàn),肥胖與腰痛密切相關(guān)。艦艇官兵攝入能量較高,缺乏運動,極容易出現(xiàn)肥胖傾向。一項日本對艦艇官兵的研究顯示,肥胖是引起艦艇官兵腰痛高發(fā)的重要因素[1]。我們的研究顯示,腰痛組官兵雖然較非腰痛組官兵體重指數(shù)大,但是差異無統(tǒng)計學意義 ( P>0.05 )。艦艇服役>10 年組腰痛官兵體重指數(shù)也較其它組大,但是無統(tǒng)計學意義 ( P>0.05 )。因此,在我們調(diào)查的艦艇官兵,肥胖不是腰痛的因素。
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( 本文編輯:馬超 )
An epidemiological investigation of low back pain in the military personnel of a naval unit
REN Dong-feng, TAN Xiao-yun, WU Wen-wen, HOU Shu-xun, LIU Ji-lu, LIU Kan. Department of Orthopedics, the frst Affliated Hospital of the General Hospital of CPLA, Beijing, 100048, PRC
ObjectiveTo carry out an epidemiological investigation of low back pain in the military personnel of a naval unit.MethodsAn investigation of the disease state of low back pain was conducted in 1266 offcers and soldiers in a naval unit using a questionnaire about low back pain designed by ourselves, and relative data were collected. According to their service lives, all the respondents were divided into 3 groups, including the group of 1-5 years, the group of 6-9 years and the group of more than 10 years. The incidence of low back pain, the disability degree based on the Advanced Oswestry Low Back Pain Disability Index ( OSW ) and the Body Mass Index ( BMI ) were measured in each group, and the differences among the 3 groups were analyzed. At the same time, the age, service time on the naval ship and BMI between the respondents with or without low back pain was comparatively studied.ResultsAll the 1266 offcers and soldiers were divided into 2 groups, including the group with low back pain ( n=880 ) and the group without low back pain ( n=386 ). The incidence was 69.51% in the group with low back pain, whose age was ( 37.4±9.3 ) years old, service time was ( 9.4±8.7 ) years and BMI was ( 23.98±7.75 ) kg/m2. In the group without low back pain, their age was ( 27.6±10.3 ) years old, service time was ( 6.3±7.9 ) years and BMI was ( 22.42±10.34 ) kg/m2. The service time was signifcantly longer ( P<0.05 ) and the age was signifcantly older ( P<0.05 ) in the group with low back pain than that in the group without low back pain, but there were no signifcant differences in the BMI between the 2 groups ( P>0.05 ). In the group of 1-5 years ( n=727 ), 455 offcers and soldiers had low back pain, whose service time was ( 3.1±1.7 ) years, OSW score was 8.63±4.71 and BMI was ( 23.43±13.11 ) kg/m2, with the incidence of 62.59%. In the group of 6-9 years ( n=356 ), 263 offcers and soldiers had low back pain, whose service time was ( 6.8±1.2 ) years, OSW score was 13.17±6.36 and BMI was ( 24.23±10.58 ) kg/m2, with the incidence of73.88%. In the group of more than 10 years ( n=183 ), 162 offcers and soldiers had low back pain, whose service time was ( 11.8±1.6 ) years, OSW score was 20.26±9.13 and BMI was ( 24.72±13.36 ) kg/m2, with the incidence of 88.52%. The incidence of low back pain in the offcers and soldiers whose service time was more than 10 years was obviously higher than that of those whose service time was less than 10 years ( P<0.05 ). The disability degree caused by low back pain was also obviously higher than that in other groups ( P<0.05 ).ConclusionsThe incidence of low back pain in the naval personnel is relatively high. The service time is an important factor affecting the occurrence of low back pain, and specifcally preventive measures should be taken to reduce the incidence of low back pain in the naval personnel.
Naval medicine; Low back pain; Epidemiology; Sickness impact profle
100048 北京,解放軍總醫(yī)院第一附屬醫(yī)院 ( 任東風,吳聞文,侯樹勛,劉侃 );316000 浙江舟山,解放軍 413 醫(yī)院 ( 譚小云,劉計魯 )
2013-09-07 )