




      2014-03-06 10:24:22

      DENG An-qing

      Schelling makes clear in his later philosophy that Hegel’s conceptual thinking based on logic is merely negative philosophy, which fails to go back to things themselves and achieve the positive. Therefore, Schelling holds that if philosophy is expected not to be marginalized, it should come back to things themselves, which is the slogan of positive philosophy. However, how does philosophy come back to things themselves and the positive? In fact, philosophy will come back to the original life, which is not only natural but also related to God (this is the supernatural aspect). The philosophy of mythology reveals the nature of human original life through polytheism. As a result of the philosophy of mythology, monotheism in the philosophy of revelation has the intuitive grasp of the human original life in the original existential structure as the personalistic and historical activity, which is the highest triumph of the philosophy of history. So the philosophy of revelation is the original ontology of human life, which orientates its existential way towards I-will-be characterized by the facing-future shared by human and God. This ontology begins with what-will-be, and grasps the perfect spirit of being-in-itself of the being-for-itself as the pure being and absolute.

      XIAN Gang

      Schelling reveals the opposition between mythology and mystery in ancient Greek culture and understands the latter as a unity of pure philosophy and pure religion. In his early and middle period, Schelling insists that philosophy is the only real successor of mystery, while religion is a product of openness and vulgarization of mystery. In his later life, Schelling abandons that opposition and then shows concern over the complementary relationship between philosophy and religion, whose discussion will reveal a more comprehensive picture of Schelling’s philosophy and his understanding of the relationship between philosophy and religion.

      ZHUANG Zhen-hua

      Schelling has questioned and shaken for the first time in the history of thought the German idealism and even the whole modern philosophy. He puts forward a viewpoint which later becomes the shared foundation of the contemporary philosophy: reason is finite, and it will separate human beings from the reality. Schelling wants to overcome the negativity of modern times mainly by transforming the ancient theory of dynamis-energeia into his own theory of potencies and thereby interpreting the inherent structure of three potencies in God and the historical realization of his ability. Although Schelling’s positive philosophy is limited by three elements, namely Christianity, German idealism and the fundamental order of the world; like the theories of other great thinkers, it functions as an important scale which can measure the contemporary and future thought, because it has put forward some fundamental questions.

      YANG Jun-jie

      It is really interesting to make it clear whether Schelling’s philosophical development fromPhilosophieundReligion(1804) to his much more well-knownFreiheitsschrift(1809) owes much to his reading of Plotinus or not. But the answer finally given through my investigation is totally negative to the extent that Schelling only shows a little interest in Plotinus in his letters and does no more things. Thus, it does not hold water to discuss the so-called influence of Plotinus on Schelling’s philosophy before hisFreiheitsschrift.

      CHEN Rui-chao

      This paper focuses on Hu Yuan’s elaboration on the Theory of the Universe in hisDiscoursesontheBookofChangesfrom the aspect of three groups of concepts: "Tao" and "Qi", "form" and "function", " principle " and "duty", pointing out that the value of Hu Yuan’s Theory of the Universe aims to further overcome the metaphysical tendency of Daoism in Kong Yingda’sCommentaryontheBookofChanges, and to lay a foundation for the value order of Confucianism, whose manifestation finds expression in the following: on the one hand, the Tao of Heaven is the basis of human order; on the other hand, people should give full play to their subjectivity via an energetic and promising living attitude to realize the given order from the universe.

      HAO Chun-peng

      Raymond Aron has always been known as a "liberal" or "rightist". But his dialogue with Maritain and his reflections on the reality of international politics reveal that his liberalism is more rational than Sartre's, and he is more like a conservative liberal. He advocates that the government should play an important role. And he also believes that freedom is always built on the judgments of the political realities.

      LIU Jian-e

      Urban inclusion for rural-urban migrant workers in China has involved political participation and institutional changes, while the lack of power and political participation has hindered their social inclusion. Based on a study of rural-urban migrant workers in the large enterprises and urban communities in Kunming in 2011-2012, this paper concludes that the need of political inclusion for elite and young migrant workers has been on the increase, while their institutional political participation awaits further improvement. The data analysis reveals that their political inclusion level varies, and especially there are organizational problems at the grass-roots institutions and labor unions. These migrant workers have become more aware of their political rights, which is a golden opportunity for the democratic and political construction in Chinese cities. Thus, their successful political inclusion relies on better organizational construction, institutional construction, welfare improvement and cultural construction.

      JIANG Zhen-hua

      From the theory of social capital and with a case study of the Association of Psychopathic Patients’ Parents and Friends in a community of Beijing, the paper discusses the basic concept and features of the social capital of this self-help group. The analysis of the construction and maintenance of the internal and external relations of this social group reveals the emergence and development of such capital. The paper finally discusses the related difficulties and brings up some development strategies.

      WANG Hai-dong

      Throughout the history of Western aesthetics, it is not difficult for us to find an aesthetics of virtue, which regards aesthetics and ethics as the same; Plato holds that beauty is rooted in the good life and dominated by a supreme concept; Aquinas regards beauty and good as the same in form; Kant advocates that beauty is the symbol of morality, while in his early years Wittgenstein has a radical view regarding aesthetics and ethics as one thing. This historical analysis reveals that the theory of homology is not related to an identical relation in form or logic but one between homology and similarity. The paper finally proves their homology and similarity in the perspective of the theory of meaning as well as their differences, which gives much room for the study of non-moral art and immoral art.

      LI Peng-fei

      The popular use of suspense is one of the basic characteristics of Chinese classical novels. Chinese classical novels contain different types of suspense, which are connected with different narrative skills and effects. This paper gives a fairly incisive analysis of the types of suspense in Chinese classical novels, its writing techniques and expressive effects, which should have some theoretical significance to the further studies of suspense.

      YE Cong-rong

      The grand narrative in literature aims to reflect grand social themes and reveal the nature of historical development. In the first thirty years after the founding of PRC, the grand narrative style of contemporary Chinese novels finds expression in serving the need of revolutionary and political ideology, which has the features of modeling, repetition and one-dimension either in theme, or in image or in style, that is, similar features of the aesthetics of identity called by Lotman. Some narrative elements that are more individual, multiplex, differential and aesthetic than ever have been integrated into the literature in the New Period of China with a continued focus on the grand social and cultural themes and the rich implications of humanity, which helps it transcend the traditional grand narrative and the identical defects in the aesthetics and turn to a post-grand narrative and post-grand aesthetics. Whether the past grand narrative or the current post-grand narrative, one common feature is the aesthetic pursuit of an identical social nature and shared spirit, although the identity finds expression in different forms. As long as there is the pursuit of historic value, humanity and significance, grand narrative in literature as well as its feature of identical aesthetics has its aesthetic and ideological value.

      XUE Qiang & ZHAO Jing

      Since their establishment more than two decades ago, public-sector centers like productivity promotion centers have taken up a fairly large proportion in terms of quantity and service, and have contributed a lot to the development of industry. Since public-sector centers have the feature of both public organizations and marketization, they require evaluation indicators and methods that are different from other centers. After ten years of practice, productivity promotion centers have obtained some experience in performance evaluation. Through optimizing the existing evaluation indicators and with the methodology of grey cluster analysis, this paper constructs a new performance evaluation model based on both qualitative and quantitative analysis,.

      WANG Qian-yu

      Marxism holds that the realization of urban-rural integration and their mutual development relies on the development of productivity and the abandonment of capitalism. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China and especially since the reform and opening-up in China, there has been a shift from the agricultural aid to industry and cities to the industrial and urban aid to the countryside. This paper gives a summary review of Marx’s theory on the development of urban and rural areas and tries to integrate it with the actual urban-rural development in China, which should have some significance to the studies of urban-rural relations in China.

      陈巴尔虎旗| 江华| 竹北市| 金湖县| 长丰县| 微山县| 渝中区| 贵南县| 成都市| 兴业县| 四会市| 锦屏县| 宜城市| 正安县| 横山县| 南华县| 深泽县| 宁城县| 株洲县| 丹江口市| 随州市| 兴安盟| 黄山市| 望谟县| 新余市| 上栗县| 上蔡县| 东阳市| 称多县| 赤城县| 博湖县| 大化| 郧西县| 图木舒克市| 哈密市| 青龙| 项城市| 丹寨县| 昆山市| 桂林市| 武乡县|