




      2014-08-26 16:55:49
      時代英語·高三 2014年5期

      There are plenty of good reasons to buy organic (有機(jī)的) products, but nutrition may not be one of them, suggests a new study, which found no difference in antioxidant (抗氧化劑) levels between organically and conventionally grown onions, carrots, and potatoes.

      The study only looked at three types of vegetables and just a few select nutrients. But the experiment was part of a bigger project that was so systematic and strictly controlled that the findings likely apply to other crops, too.

      “Giving preference to organic products because they contain more bioactive (生物活性的) components is doubtful and not supported by scientific evidence,” Knuthsen said. “Still, there are many good reasons for the consumer to select organic food products, including absence of pesticide residues (農(nóng)藥殘留) in foods, animal welfare, and environmental protections.”

      Argument over whether organic produce is more nutritious than conventional varieties has been around for at least a decade, said Jeffrey Blumberg, director of the Antioxidants Research Laboratory at Tufts University in Boston. “Some studies have suggested that organically grown plants contain higher levels of healthful antioxidants, possibly because some antioxidants act as natural fungicides, pesticides and insecticides,” he said. “The idea is that, without the help from industrial chemicals, plants on organic farms need to work harder to protect themselves. They end up becoming more nutritious as a result.” But plenty of other studies have shown no such relationship.

      “I understand that organic farmers would love to be able to say that theirs are super-fruits and super-vegetables because there are higher amounts of these compounds in them,” Blumberg said. “If you want to buy them because you think theyre safer for the planet to grow things that way, or because you think pesticides are bad for you or your family, or you like it that they come from a shorter distance away, thats great.”

      “But if you want to buy them because theyre more nutritious, youre confused, and we dont know whether thats true or not.”

      1. Which is TRUE about organic products according to the study?

      A. They are harmful to our health.

      B. They are more nutritious.

      C. Nutrition is the main concern when buying them.

      D. Some of them have the same antioxidant level as the conventional ones.

      2. Why do people prefer organic products?

      A. Because the animals like them.

      B. Because they have more bioactive components.

      C. Because scientific evidence supports organic products can make them stronger.

      D. Because people think the organic products are environment friendly.

      3. The fourth paragraph mainly tells us ___ .

      A. its unclear whether organic produce is more nutritious

      B. organically grown plants contain higher levels of healthful antioxidants

      C. plants on organic farms need to work harder to protect themselves

      D. the scientists often argue with each other on the organic products issue

      4. What does the underlined word refer to?

      A. Antioxidants. B. Nutritions. C. Pesticides. D. Chemicals.

      有機(jī)旱作,倚“特”而立 向“高”而行
      無人機(jī)噴灑農(nóng)藥 農(nóng)藥混配順序
      農(nóng)藥打得少了 好桃子越來越多了
      農(nóng)藥二次稀釋 防治一步到位
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