Nursing Care for a Child with Bronchitis Pneumonia
Baby boy Li, 17 months old, was admitted to the hospital because he was coughing and had a fever for two days. After 4 days in the hospital he was still coughing and also vomited and had slight diarrhea. His parents were worried. They thought the treatment the baby had received was not adequate and may even worsen his condition. Nurse Zhang came to the baby’s bedside to care for him.
Nurse: Hello, Mrs. Li, your baby has diarrhea. Please let me check his buttocks to see if it is red.
Patient’s Mother: You don’t need to look. There is nothing wrong with his buttocks. But his pneumonia has become more serious. I wonder if the drug he took is adequate. You see, the baby is coughing and vomiting, having diarrhea, and has lost weight. If he was your baby, would you let him be like this?
Nurse: Yes. I would be worried if my baby is sick like that.
Patient’s Mother: (Bursting into tears) Gosh. I am so worried about his disease.
Nursing Care for a Child with Pneumonia
Nurse: Your baby is much better now. After you get back home, you should watch her clothing, add or reduce her clothes with the changing seasons. Avoid going to public places with your baby when possible. Pay attention to your baby’s nutrition and add supplemental foods when needed.
Patient’s Parent: Thank you very much. The baby is coughing much less now. We are not worried any more.
A 7 month old baby has less psychological responses when hospitalized, but the child’s parents usually have much severe psychological responses. In this episode the nurse understood and sympathized with the parent’s anxiety. She also correctly applied the methods for strengthening interaction and communication. These nursing interventions played a good role in educating and calming down the parent, and also won the parent’s trust and cooperation.