




      2015-03-22 06:43:52
      東北石油大學學報 2015年2期


      XIA Yong1,YUAN Jiming1,XIA Yonghui2,ZHANG Fang1,WANG Hua1,CUI Yuehua1

      (1.National Engineering Laboratory for Low-Permeability Petroleum Exploration and Development,Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development,Changqing Oilfield Company,CNPC,Xi'an,Shanxi 710018,China;2.Development Department,Changqing Oilfield Company,CNPC,Xi'an,Shanxi 710018,China)

      Abstract:In order to forecast the distribution of Mawu1+2gas reservoir in southern Jingbian gas field,based on the analysis on the characteristics of gas wells producing water,this paper deals with the mechanism and controlling factors of the aquifer,and predicts the distribution of the non-edge and bottom aquifer.The aquifer mainly consists in gas-water same layer,mainly distributes within Mawu31in the longitudinal direction and within Central-Northeast in block.Rich aquifer areas based on structure background for the formation of gas pool,unconformity geological structure control of gas water forms of aggregation,the distribution of the large cap rocks in the middle of area shielding the gas-water transport,partial adjustment of the gas-water distribution by low amplitude paleostructrue in the burial period.Gas saturation is mainly reflected factor of the formation filling degree.Based on the distribution of producing gas wells,position of the unconformity geological structure,position of low amplitude paleostructrue,gas saturation and other factors,the study area is divided into 3types:Relative water rich area,the region which mainly located in the karst slope,the low position of small structure and the below 50%gas saturation;high water yield risk region,the area which is mainly located in the western karst highland and eastern karst depression,and the area of lager than 50%gas saturation;low water risk region,the area in between.The research has guiding significance to the formulation of exploration and production measures in southern Jingbian gas field.

      southern Jingbian gas field;Mawu1+2gas reservoir;gas-water distribution;controlling factors;the non edge and bottom aquifer

      Pore structure features and its controlling factor analysis of reservoirs in Baikouquan formation,Maxi slope area/2015,39(2):9-18

      HUANG Dingjie1,YU Xinghe1,TAN Chengpeng1,HUANGFU Zhiyuan1,QU Jianhua2,LI Hui2

      (1.School of Energy Resource,China University of Geosciences(Beijing),Beijing100083,China;2.Exploration and Development Research Institute of Xinjiang Oilfield,PetroChina,Karamay,Xinjiang834000,China)

      Abstract:With the proximal coarse fan delta as the research object,the types of reservoir pore and throat of the Baikouquan formation,Maxi slope area,Mahu depression,Junggar basin were identified,which used the way of casting thin section observation,scanning electron microanalysis,analyzing form and parameter of mercury penetration curves,combined with fine observation and description of a large amount of conglomerate cores.And then the structure flow factor was fitted,the types of pore structure were divided,the control factors of pore structure were analyzed.The results showed that intragranular pore,residual intergranular pore,microcrack,and intercrystal pore were the main pore types,while sheet throat and dot throat made up the major flow channel.The structure flow factor of Baiyi member was the biggest,which formed the typeⅠand typeⅡapore structure,while Baier member was smaller and Baisan member was the smallest.The primary pore structure of Baikouquan reservoir was controlled by lithofacies,as the excellent one was mostly developed in gravel of though cross bedding and gravel of same-class clast-supported.The reservoir of study area was currently in middle diagenetic stage B,as the compaction constructed the reservoir while the dissolution damaged it.The results of the study provided geological base for predicting effective reservoir and the further oil and gas exploration.

      Key words:Junggar basin;Maxi slope area;glutenite reservoir;pore structure;lithofacies;diagenesis

      Discovery of albite and its geological significance in the Ordovician carbonate rocks in Gucheng area in the east of Tarim basin/2015,39(2):19-25

      SHAO Hongmei1,2,F(xiàn)ENG Zihui2,LI Guorong3,LU Xi2,MENG Xianghao3

      (1.School of Energy Resources,China University of Geosciences(Beijing),Beijing100083,China;2.Exploration and Development Research Institute of Daqing Oilfield Company Ltd.,Daqing,Heilongjiang163712,China;3.School of Energy Resources,Chengdu University of Technology,Chengdu,Sichuang610059,China)

      Abstract:By applying such experiment technologies as rock thin section identification,electron microprobe analysis,cathodoluminescence microscopic analysis and temperature test of fluid inclusions,we confirmed that it developed albite authigenic mineral in the middle and lower Ordovician limestone of the Gucheng area in the eastern region of Tarim basin from the aspects of rock mineralogical characteristics.The development and distribution of albite are unique,it developed in limestone stratum of Yingshan group centrally,distributed by 3occurrences:Occasional existence,dispersion and enrichment of the sutures,mainly replaced the early diagenetic components:Limestone microcrystalline calcite deposition component and the bottom of the sea cement calcite,etc.Uniform temperature testing results of saline solution inclusions in albite show that fluid temperature of albitization is higher,temperature range is between 340~440℃.It should be related to shallow sea magmatic hydrothermal jet stream in sedimentary period or shortly after the sedimentation.Mineral paragenetic association and the fabric relationship study revealed that albite was replaced by the late hydrothermal saddle dolomite,cut and transformed by sutures and structural fracture,it is the first hydrothermal geological processes in Gucheng area.The discovery of albite enriched the mineralogy marks of Tarim basin hydrothermalism,provided an important basis for studying the hydrothermal process issue and hydrothermal evolution.

      Key words:albite;hydrothermal process;hydrothermal evolution;Gucheng area;Tarim basin;Ordovician

      Application of various aspects of fluid inclusions in hydrocarbon formation history,taking Bachu-maigaiti area of Tarim basin as an example/2015,39(2):26-33

      WANG Xiangping1,F(xiàn)ENG Yong2,CAO Zicheng3

      (1.School of Earth Resources,China University of Geosciences(Wuhan),Wuhan,Hubei 430074,China;2.School of Geosciences,Yangtze University,Wuhan,Hubei 430100,China;3.Research Institute of Exploration and Development,Northwest Oilfield Branch Company,SINOPEC,Urumqi,Xinjiang830011,China)

      Abstract:In order to investigate the complex hydrocarbon migration and accumulation process of Carboniferous reservoirs in Bachu-Maigaiti area of Tarim basin,petrographic observation and fluorescence spectra observation of oil inclusions(λmaxand Q650/500and f750~430)and inclusions homogenization temperature analysis have been carried out on sixteen fluid inclusion samples of Carboniferous reservoirs from 4 wells to unravel the multiple hydrocarbon charging histories.The results show yellow-green,blue-green,white-blue fluorescing oil inclusions were commonly found and fluorescence properties(λmaxand Q650/500and f750-430)of the three types inclusions display a systematic changes from type 1to type 3and the homogenization temperatures of their coeval aqueous inclusions are 64.4~84.5,88.3~120.7and 124.7~139.1℃,respectively.Meanwhile,some faint-white fluorescent inclusions were probed and the Th of their coeval aqueous inclusions are 146.5~166.3℃,which represents the charge of gas.The oil charging events have been reconstructed at 276.0~250.0,16.0~6.0and 5.0~2.0Ma,while the gas charging event occurred at 1.0~0Ma by integrated with the burial history curve.When combining the hydrocarbon generation and expulsion history of source rocks,two critical moment of hydrocarbon migration and accumulation are likely to have occurred at late Hercynian,which sourced from Cambrian-Ordovician source rock and mid-late Himalayan period,which mixed sourced from Cambrian-Ordovician source rock and Carboniferous source rock,which provides experimental evidences for studying hydrocarbon accumulation rules in this area.

      Key words:fluid inclusions;fluorescence properties;charging events;charging times;Bachu-Magaiti area;Tarim basin

      Total organic carbon content prediction of mud shale based on jointing well logging and seismic data and its application/2015,39(2):34-41

      ZHANG Luchuan,LU Shuangfang,XIAO Dianshi,HUANG Wenbiao,LI Jinbu,GUO Siqi

      (Research Institute of Unconventional Petroleum and Renewable Energy(RIUP &RE),China University of Petroleum(EastChina),Qingdao,Shandong266580,China)

      Abstract:It is well known that oil and gas bearing mud shale has strong organic heterogeneity.According to Qingshankou Formation in Xiaochengzi area of the southern Songliao basin,this paper makes use of jointing inversion of well logging and seismic data to predict the spatial distribution of TOC.Firstly,this method needs to obtain TOC variable values in well profile by using the improvedΔlg Rmodel,and analyze the relevance between TOC and primary wave impedance.Secondly,it demands to get vertical and horizontal variograms which are based on the well logging evaluation data and impedance inversion data respectively.Finally,the method of joint inversion of well logging and seismic data will obtain TOC data with high resolution.Research results shows that this method can efficiently predict the spatial distribution of TOC of Qingshankou formation,Through tested by posterior well,the coincidence rate between the inversion result and well logging evaluation TOC is 82.7%.Referring to the shale oil resources grading evaluation standards,the shale oil resources of the Qingshankou formation in the target area occur in its first member,and the play fairways are distributed in the western study area and nearby well Cheng 10.This method offers a new idea for predicting the spatial distribution of TOC in area with less wells or initial exploration,it can provide important guidance for exploration and development of shale oil.

      Key words:total organic carbon content;joint inversion of well logging and seismic data;shale oil;Qingshankou formation(K1qn);Xiaochengzi area of the southern Songliao basin

      Genesis and petroleum geology significance of calcareous mudstone strata of Nantun group in Bei'er sag/2015,39(2):42-50

      CHEN Fangju

      (Exploration and Development Research Institute,Daqing Oilfield Company Ltd.,Daqing,Heilongjiang163712,China)

      Abstract:By laboratory analysis of seismic and log data,identification characteristics and geological formation of calcareous mudstone strata-the high-quality source rock of Nantun group in Bei'er sag have been researched.Its electrical measurement characteristics are manifested as high natural gamma ray and high resistance and high interval transit time and low density,summarized as"three high and one low".There is a continuous strong reflection on a seismic profile.The layer is formed in the brackish water,wide lake basin,deep-water sedimentary environments,depressed steadily and widely,also an important stratigraphic correlation marker in the sag.The layer mainly includes gray-black mudstone,partially mixed up with oil shale and marl,is rich in calcium(mainly carbonate minerals,secondly ostracoda fossils etc.)and algae fossils.It has high abundance and is the best high-quality source rock in the whole sag with organic typeⅡ1-Ⅰ.The layer formed the best favorable reservoir combination rich in oil and gas with the sublacustrine fan in low water level domain and delta front progradation fan body in high water level domain of Nantun group.The distribution range of calcareous mudstone strata controls the plane distribution of oil and gas.The research provides new understandings and effective practices for oil and gas exploration of faulted basins as well as Bei'er sag.

      Key words:calcareous mudstone strata;high-quality source rock;genesis;geology significance;Bei'er sag;Nantun group

      Deposition characteristics and evolution of the Cretaceous system of Chepaizi area in Junggar basin/2015,39(2):51-58

      WANG Qianjun

      (Western New Prospect Research Institute,Shengli Oilfield Company,SINOPEC,Dongying,Shandong257000,China)

      Abstract:Using drilling,logging,well logging and seismic data,we analyzed the structure of the rock and paleontology,and researched sedimentary characteristics of Cretaceous in Chepaizi area.The results showed that the Cretaceous in the study area mainly developed fan delta and lake facies,and can be further divided into fan delta plain,fan delta front and shore shallow lake subfacies,and include overwater distributary channel,backswamp,subaqueous distributary channel,subaqueous interdistributary channel,delta front sheet sand,mud flat and beach bar microfaeies.The sedimentary background is shore shallow lake,the northwest is the uplift,and provides the clastic sediments,and gradually evolved into wide slope to the east and south,detritus mainly deposited on the slopes of the shore shallow lake.From the Qingshuihe formation to the Lianmuqin formation,the sedimentary range continuously expanded.Affected by the fluctuation of lake level,climate,sediment supply and other factors,the fan delta sand body is small,beach bar sand body develops extensively,these sand bodies close to the oil source sag,are favorable area for oil and gas accumulation,and easy to form the formation of reservoir,as should be important targets for oil and gas exploration.

      Key words:Junggar basin;Chepaizi area;Cretaceous;sedimentary facies;fan delta facies;lake facies

      Carbonate diagenesis feature and controlling over reservoirs of Cambrian in south area of Sichuan basin/2015,39(2):59-68

      LEI Hejin1,LI Guorong1,2,ZHOU Jiling1,GAO Yuwei1,SHEN Tao1,F(xiàn)U Hao1,LI Hui1

      (1.School of Energy,Chengdu University of Technology,Chengdu,Sichuan 610059,China;2.State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation,Chengdu University of Technology,Chengdu,Sichuan610059,China)

      Abstract:Diagenesis has the control function for pore evolution of carbonate reservoir.In order to analyze the diagenesis types and further explore the meaning of reservoir spaces,utilize core,thin section data,combined with the carbon and oxygen isotope geochemical data comprehensive analysis.Analysis shows that,the diagensis mainly includes:Submarine cementation,dolomitization,dissolution,com-paction pressure solution,fracturing and packing and so on.Multiple stage dissolution and dolomitization are main control factors of reservoir in the study area.The dolomitization is the basis of high quality reservoir formation,dissolution is the key.The burial dolomitization period forming intercrystal pores,supergene dissolution forming mold pore and intergranular dissolution pore.Hydrothermal dissolution forming hydrothermal dissolution Slit holes and accompanying hydrothermal rupture provides effective reservoir spaces.

      Key words:carbonate;diagenesis;carbon and oxygen isotopes;reservoir;Cambrian;Sichuan basin

      Analysis of the characteristics of deep coalbed methane wells drainage and control factors of productivity/2015,39(2):69-76

      WU Shuang1,2,TANG Dazhen1,2,XU Hao1,2,LI Song1,2,MENG Yanjun1,2

      (1.School of Energy Resources,China University of Geosciences(Beijing),Beijing100083,China;2.The Coalbed Methane Reservoir Laboratory of National Engineering Center,China University of Geosciences(Beijing),Beijing100083,China)

      Abstract:In China,few research aims at deep coalbed methane(CBM)production and the exploration and development of CBM has always focused on the shallow coal seam,whose burial depth is less than 800m.Based on the production data of some deep CBM wells from one of the blocks in Ordos basin,where there is large area of coal seam with burial depth more than 800m,the gas and water-producing characteristics in the early stage of drainage are analyzed.Meanwhile the key factors that influence the deep CBM well productivity are studied from geology and engineering aspect.Depending on these control factors of productivity,some proposals for deep CBM development in the block are put forward.The result shows:the deep CBM well has a low productivity in the early stage of drainage.Tectonic position,coal seam burial depth,gas content and hydrodynamic condition are the primary geological factors affecting the gas-producing potential,and the engineering factors mainly include parameters of fracturing,amount of coal seams for development and drainage working system.During the developing process,special attention should be paid to controlling the volume of fracturing fluid more than 7.75m3/min and the amount of sand at 30~40m3.The pump stroke of CBM wells should be adjusted in time according to the change of gas production and the range within 0.05beats/min is appropriate The geological conditions should be closely connected with the early design and later operation of engineering,contributing their maximum advantage to productivity control.

      Key words:deep coalbed methane wells;drainage;gas-producing characteristics;water-producing characteristics;control factors of productivity

      A composite model of volume fracturing horizontal well in shale gas reservoir/2015,39(2):77-84

      FAN Dongyan1,2,YAO Jun2,JIN Qiang1,SUN Hai2,ZENG Hui2

      (1.Postdoctoral Station of Geological Resources and Geological Engineering,China University of Petroleum(EastChina),Qingdao,Shandong 266580,China;2.School of Petroleum Engineering,China University of Petroleum(EastChina),Qingdao,Shandong266580,China)

      Abstract:Due to the horizontal well with volume fracturing,the adsorbed gas and free gas coexistence phenomenon in shale gas reservoir,a composite model of volume fracturing horizontal well in shale gas reservoir is built with considering the stimulated reservoir volume,at the same time a new parameter was defined to demonstrate the gas production ratio of desorption gas and free gas in matrix system.The reservoir is divided into three main areas including artificial main fractures,stimulated reservoir volume and unstimulated reservoir,where the dimension of artificial main fracture is reduced based on the discrete fracture model,the stimulated reservoir volume follow the dual permeability model,and the uns-timulated reservoir obey to the single porosity model.The composite model is solved using the finite element method,and verified by the analytical solution in dual porosity reservoir.The result show that:There are five main flow regimes in the volume fracturing horizontal composite model including linear flow around the main hydraulic fractures,pesuo-steady flow of transition area,crossflow period,radial flow of unstimulated reservoir volume and the outboundary pesuo-steady flow.When the mechanism of desorption in shale matrix is considered,fractured horizontal well pressure become lower,propagation time of pressure wave to boundary is longer,and the pressure derivative curve grooves more serious,at the same time,the rate with constant wellbore pressure becomes higher and stable time is longer.The bigger the size of SRV is,the later the pesuo-steady flow of transition area arrived,so according to the arrival time of pressure wave to the SRV outboudary,namely the pesuo-steady flow of transition area appeared,the size of SRV can be determined;Then the bigger the Langmuir absorption volume become,the slower the wave propagated,more serious the pressure derivative grooved.

      Key words:shale gas reservoir;volume fracturing;stimulated reservoir volume;composite model;the finite element model

      Numerical simulation of the injected fluid induced stress field/2015,39(2):85-93

      WANG Daobing1,2,GE Hongkui1,ZHOU Fujian1,XIONG Chunming2,ZHANG Jingchen3,YAN Xingming4

      (1.Unconventional Natural Gas Research Institute,China University of Petroleum(Beijing),Beijing 102249,China;2.Institute of Oil Production Engineering,Research Institute of Exploration &Development,PetroChina,Beijing100083,China;3.Institute of Petroleum Engineering,Heriot-Watt University,Edinburgh EH14 4AS,UK;4.Fracturing &Acidizing Technology Service Center,Langfang Branch,PetroChina Research Institute of Exploration &Development,PetroChina,Langfang,Hebei 065007,China)

      Abstract:During the process of hydraulic fracturing treatment,large amounts of fracturing fluid are pumped into the wellbore,resulting to stress field redistribution near the wellbore.At present,the main method for solving the problem is the integral solution form of stress field,but its solving process is very complex,and the corresponding impact factors is rarely studied.In this paper,by using the Laplace transform,on the basis of fluid-solid coupling control equation,stress equilibrium equation and other equations in the elasticity theory,combined with the integral solution form of stress field,the Laplace transform solution of stress field at the constant pressure of internal and inner boundary is derived,and the numerical solutions are obtained by inversion Laplace transform.The results show that the change of tangential stress field in the minimum horizontal stress direction is larger than that in other direction.The closer the distance from the wellbore,the greater the fluid-induced shear stress field is.With the distance increasing,its value becomes smaller and smaller.Under certain conditions(such as small insitu stress difference),the stress field may be reversal,which makes hydraulic fracture reorientation possible.Tangential stress field is related with injection time,fluid viscosity and formation permeability.Greater injection time,larger fluid volume,lower viscosity liquid and higher formation permeability is in favor of increasing the tangential stress field,which will make the stress field reversal and help reorientate the artificial fractures.Our results have been compared with the results in the existing literature,and oil field applications demonstrate the correctness of the mathematical model again.

      Key words:Laplace transform;injected fluid;induced stress field;mathematical model;tangential stress;radial stress

      Impact of perforation on hydraulic fracture initiation and propagation in tight gas reservoir/2015,39(2):94-101

      LEI Xin1,ZHANG Shicheng1,XU Guoqing1,ZOU Yushi1,GUO Tiankui2

      (1.Key Laboratory for Petroleum Engineering of the Ministry of Education,China University of Petroleum(Beijing),Beijing102249,China;2.School of Petroleum Engineering,China University of Petroleum(EastChina),Qingdao,Shandong266580,China)

      Abstract:In the exploitation of tight gas reservoirs,reducing the high breakdown pressure and increasing the number of fractures to enlarge the stimulated reservoir volume are key points of the treatment.We designed a piece of equipment called mini-sized true tri-axial hydraulic fracturing simulation system for the experiments.Combining the downhole drilling cores which are gotten from the Erdos basin tight gas reservoir,we mainly examined the impact of number,spacing,depth of perforation and horizontal stress difference on fracture initiation and propagation.Experimental results show that the existence of perforation could effectively reduce the breakdown pressure.The number of fractures could increase as the perforation increase,and fractures initiate at the perforation points,which is conductive to forming fractures uniformly and enhancing the stimulated reservoir volume.The interaction among fractures mitigates as the perforation spacing or the horizontal stress difference increases.The depth of perforation affects fracture initiation.Factures are easier to initiate in deeper perforations.This study could provide theoretical principles for the perforation parameter optimization of fracturing wells in tight gas reservoirs.

      Key words:perforation;tight gas reservoir;fracture initiation;fracture propagation;breakdown pressure;interaction

      Estimation of the regional impact on multi-injectors and multi-producers of water-flooded reservoirs/2015,39(2):102-107

      YU Di1,HUO Fengcai1,ZHANG Wen2,HU Shaobin3,SUN Lanjia3

      (1.School of Electrical and Information Engineering,Northeast Petroleum University,Daqing,Heilongjiang163318,China;2.School of Petroleum Engineering,China University of Petroleum(Beijing),Beijing102200,China;3.School of Petroleum Engineering,Northeast Petroleum University,Daqing,Heilongjiang163318,China)

      Abstract:Estimation methods of regional impact are discussed for multi-injectors and multi-producers of heterogeneous water-flooded reservoir.For the case of multiple injectors and multiple producers,the well pattern model is established and the definition of regional impact is proposed.Based on the injection rate and the production rate,the optimal estimation of regional impact is obtained with modified Extended Kalman Filter so as to avoid the negative estimation parameter in the process of filtering.At last the results of ECLIPSE simulation research verify the effectiveness of developed method for inverted nine spot well pattern within the river channel deposition in heterogeneous reservoir.This method can provide guidance for the injection production well pattern adjustment and profile control in water injection well,oil well water plugging and reservoir reconstruction such as acidizing and fracturing.Moreover,compared to the traditional estimation method combined with the geological research and exploitation dynamic analysis,it is simpler and more efficient.

      Key words:water-flooded reservoir;Extended Kalman Filter;estimation of the regional impact;multiinjectors and multi-producers

      Research on EOR principles of air assisted CSS/2015,39(2):108-115

      ZHONG Liguo1,ZHANG Shoujun2,LU Di2,GUAN Jiuzhou2,ZHANG Zhongyi3

      (1.Research Institute of EOR,China University of Petroleum(Beijing),Beijing102249,China;2.Shuguang Oil Production Plant,Liaohe Oilfield Company,CNPC,Panjin,Liaoning124109,China;3.Thermal Recovery Laboratory,Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development,CNPC,Beijing100083,China)

      Abstract:Based on the results of experimental and numerical simulation,the performance of steam(hot water)-air flooding and air assisted cyclic steam stimulation are investigated,and the EOR principles of air assisted cyclic steam stimulation are discussed.The results show that,the displacement efficiency of hot water flooding at 100℃is decreased when the air is injected,and the recovery efficiency difference between steam-air flooding and steam flooding at 200℃is not evident.The viscosity of recovered heavy oil of 100℃hot water-air flooding is 20.43%higher than that of hot water flooding,the viscosity of recovered heavy oil of 200℃steam-air flooding is increased 10.80%than that of 200℃steam flooding.The asphaltene content of recovered heavy oil in steam(hot water)-air flooding is higher than that of steam(or hot water)flooding,while the resin content is equivalent.The produced oxygen content in all the experiments are lower than 3%,the content of CO2is 3%~5%.The injection of air during the process of steam stimulation has an obvious effect of increasing pressure,the profile modification and stimulation,the effect of increasing pressure and stimulation is equal to that of N2assisted steam stimulation,the periodic production than the steam huff and puff can improve 20%~30%.The more times of air assisted CSS,the better the recovery efficiency is.

      Key words:air;low temperature oxidation;heavy oil;cyclic steam injection;EOR principles

      Experimental research on low temperature oxidation reaction of Liaohe Du84extra-h(huán)eavy oil under steam injection conditions/2015,39(2):116-122

      ZHONG Liguo1,TIAN Yicong1,JIANG Yanxin2,MA Shuai1,ZHANG Chengjun2,SUN Lanjia2

      (1.Research Institute of EOR,China University of Petroleum(Beijing),Beijing102249,China;2.School of Petroleum Engineering,Northeast Petroleum University,Daqing,Heilongjiang163318,China)

      Abstract:Simulation experiment of low temperature oxidation(LTO)reaction of Du84extra-h(huán)eavy oil were carried out with the closed reactor under steam injection conditions,and the viscosity and SARA of reacted heavy oils and generated gases were measured,the characteristics and principles of LTO reaction for Du84extra-h(huán)eavy oil were discussed.It shows that the content of heavy components and viscosity of Du84extra-h(huán)eavy oil are increased after LTO reaction,the increase in heavy components are derived from the reduction in resin content and increase in asphaltene content.The generated gases in LTO reaction of Du84extra-h(huán)eavy oil mainly comprise of residue O2,CO2and CO,and tiny hydrocarbon gas,SO2and H2S were found as well,the residue O2content is lower than 4%under the given experimental conditions.At 0.25MPa,the increase content of heavy components of Du84extra-h(huán)eavy oil is about 5.00% as a result of 2.00%~5.00%reduction in resin content and 2.00%~5.00%increase in asphaltene content,and the increase in viscosity is about 10%to 40%.Based on the LTO experimental result of Du84 extra-h(huán)eavy oil,it could be inferred that the principles of LTO reaction related to oxidation and transfer of the aromatic to resin,and oxidation and transfer of resin to asphaltene.

      Key words:LTO reaction;extra-h(huán)eavy oil;cyclic steam injection;viscosity;SARA

      Non edge and bottom aquifer controlling factors and distribution forecast in southern Jingbian gas field/2015,39(2):1-8

      庆阳市| 迭部县| 晴隆县| 工布江达县| 惠东县| 右玉县| 祁连县| 梅河口市| 舒城县| 漠河县| 平度市| 曲沃县| 横峰县| 武汉市| 陕西省| 北流市| 济宁市| 三穗县| 五原县| 蛟河市| 平度市| 通江县| 许昌县| 德安县| 松阳县| 安阳市| 北安市| 个旧市| 中超| 岐山县| 虹口区| 伊吾县| 徐闻县| 襄垣县| 旬阳县| 成安县| 麻城市| 平顺县| 屯门区| 宜黄县| 朝阳区|