本·肖/Ben Shaw
尚晉 譯/Translated by SHANG Jin
本·肖/Ben Shaw
尚晉 譯/Translated by SHANG Jin
Our ability to develop clothing and shelter to tolerate widely differing natural and built environments is one of the defining characteristics of humankind. We live and function in virtually all environments across the globe. But what of comfort? In historical terms levels of comfort, at least for some, have reached unprecedented levels. From the personal experience of the issues raised by working in a large, shared, open-plan office, perhaps the one that generates the most immediate staff dissatisfaction on a daily basis is the immediate working environment. Choices and preferences about temperature, light, and ventilation levels can polarise views in seconds. Temperature, for example, may be seen by some as a small operational detail, but it is one which is critical to perceived and real welfare of a building's users and in the case of working environments staff productivity.
But this is just one perspective, and a parochial one at that, although it highlights that comfort can be a contested and controversial issue. Comfort can be viewed more rigorously through a multiplicity of disciplinary lenses. The question "How much is too much comfort?" can be addressed as practical design issue, an investigation into the body's physiological needs and its responses to different conditions, an issue of health and welfare, a philosophical enquiry, an emotional response to a particular setting, or an exploration of social conventions, norms and constructions. Chappells and Shove[1], in their review of the philosophies and paradigms of comfort, suggest six main families of literature on the theme:
(1) Comfort, technology and society – the relationship between meanings of comfort and the evolution of technologies and society,
(2) Comfort and the indoor environment – the ways in which building, engineering and natural sciences have considered thermal comfort in the indoor environment,
(3) Comfort and the outdoor climate – ideas from architects, geographers and urban planners about how outdoor climates affect the definition and achievement of comfort,
(4) Comfort, health and well-being – as investigated by epidemiologists, medical and social scientists,
(5) Comfort, culture and social convention – based on the ideas of anthropologists and sociologists,
(6) Comfort and climate change – the links between fossil fuel consumption and delivery of comfort and implications for comfort of future climate change.
This last area is the motivation for the research of Chappells and Shove. The conditions and comfort people have come to expect in recent times are based on energy-intensive technologies which are unlikely to be sustainable in the long term, at least in their current form. As such their interest is in evaluating whether alternative philosophies or paradigms may support less resource intensive delivery of comfort.
This link between comfort and climate change provides a first answer to the headline question of this article. On the basis of the environmental resources they require, current and developing expectations of comfort in the built environment are too much. The energy, construction resources, water, land, and transport demands required to supply comfort in most recent and new developments are unsustainable on the basis of current technologies. How much is too much is a more complicated answer to derive.
In terms of energy, in 2010, buildings were responsible for nearly 20 percent global greenhouse gas emissions.[2]9To have a likely chance of keeping temperature change below 2°C relative to preindustrial levels the IPCC indicate this requires reaching an atmospheric concentration level of about 450ppm CO2eq by 2100.[2]10Achieving this will require substantial cuts in anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and large-scale changes in energy systems and potentially land use. Scenarios reaching these concentrations by 2100 are characterized by lower global GHG emissions in 2050 than in 2010, 40% to 70% lower globally, and emissions levels near zero GtCO2eq or below in 2100 .[2]10-11
Eliminating carbon emission by the end of the Century is an extraordinary challenge, yet a necessary one to address if comfort is to be maintained into the 22nd Century. The window of opportunity to act is closing. Even if the carbon concentrations in the atmosphere are stabilised at 450ppm CO2eq "It is very likely that heat waves will occur more often and last longer, and that extreme precipitation events will become more intense and frequent in many regions. The ocean will continue to warm and acidify, and global mean sea level to rise" .[3]10Furthermore, existing risks will be amplified and new risks for natural and human systems will be created. These will be unevenly distributed and disadvantaged people and communities, whatever state of development their country may be in, will generally be affected more. Carbon mitigation to reduce and eliminate emissions and adaptation to a changed climate will be required.[3]13
There can be a tendency to focus on energy and climate but the delivery of comfort is not just energy intensive but resource intensive, with construction materials, water, and land being required to provide comfort. At the global level the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment[4]captures the status of and prospects for the natural environment in four headline findings the first of which states:
"Over the past 50 years, humans have changed ecosystems more rapidly and extensively than in any comparable period of time in human history, largely to meet rapidly growing demands for food, fresh water, timber, fiber, and fuel. This has resulted in a substantial and largely irreversible loss in the diversity of life on Earth."
While these changes have contributed to human well-being and economic development they have been achieved at the cost of ecosystem degradation, at cost to some groups of people and, unless addressed, threaten the ability of future generations to benefit from ecosystems. The challenge of reversing the degradation of ecosystems in the context of increasing demand for their services is huge and will require significant changes in policies, institutions and practices that are not currently underway.[4]1
Preserving climate stability and the quality of ecosystems services they require all point to a reduction in aggregate levels of consumption through changes to technology and behaviour. Yet the fundamental issue of the distribution of comfort and consumption and who enjoys their benefits spatially and temporally underlie this and further adds to the challenges of climate and ecosystems. The Millennium Development Goals Reporthighlights progress in this regard but the need for further action is only too clear – just under a fifth of the global population lived on less $1.25 per day in 2010 and issues related to poverty, education, hunger, child mortality, water and sanitation highlight obvious lack of basic necessities let alone comfort[5]. This provides a second answer to the "How much is too much?" For a very significant proportion of the global population the answer is they do not enjoy enough, if any, comfort.
These challenges are huge. Addressing them requires technological development, the integration of these technologies into new and existing developments, strong planning and policy frameworks for development and at least some degree of behavioural change.
While these challenges can become overwhelming some possible encouragement can be taken from the historical perspective in relation to artificial light given in Seven Centuries of Light Services[6]139-177. This illustrates both the level of change that has occurred in relation to artificial light –an important aspect of building comfort – and the issues associated with long-term technological and social change. In the UK the average British family consumes 200 times more light per year than it did in 1800 and as an economy twenty-five thousand times more light is consumed now compared to 1800. Some encouragement can be taken Fouquet and Pearson highlighting the fact that the changing technologies of lighting went from being more or less non-existent to dominant in periods of less than 50 years, which would have seemed interminable to those living through the change. Less encouraging in relation to environmental impacts is an observation on the impact of rebound effects, "…policies that focus on improving energy efficiency are likely, in the absence of rising energy prices, to reduce energy use by less than the resulting efficiency improvements"[6]172.
The need for greater coordination and joint working between architects, planners and policymakers in addressing these challenges was an important message to come out of the recent Tsinghua SA/University of Westminster Interpreting Sustainability Workshop held in April 2015.
Achieving the transition to a sustainable future is the central focus of the research of Policy Studies Institute (PSI) at the University of Westminster, my host institution. Our work focuses on policy issues such as energy, mobility, resource use, cities and innovation. We work with policy-makers, communities and businesses to understand policy challenges and options for a more sustainable future. We also work on policy processes associated with policy appraisal and evaluation – how policy can be more effective and the processes of research and policy interaction – how evidence can generate more social impact. One of our more relevant work in relation to the agenda on comfort is that related to public behaviours and public responses to policy instruments.
In the UK and Europe much has been achieved with the standard toolkit of environmental policy: regulation, financial instruments, voluntary agreements and better information provision. However as many environmental challenges broaden from being production focused to being both production and consumption-related issues around the engagement of consumers are critical.
Below we present some findings from a review PSI conducted for the European Commission on designing policy to influence consumers[7]. Given the rather overwhelming scale of the challenges presented above in relation to climate, ecosystems and the Millennium Development Goals these findings are presented with the intention of offering constructive insights for all those involved in addressing the implications of the increasing energy and resources associated with delivering comfort.
Consumer behaviour in the real world often differs from that predicted by economists and policy-makers. Contrary to the beliefs of economic orthodoxy, consumers very rarely weigh-up the full costs and benefits of their purchasing decisions. Instead, they are strongly influenced by emotional factors, the behaviour of other people, by habits, and by the use of mental short-cuts, which all help to speed up decision-making. Rather than being consistent, consumer preferences have also been shown to be inconsistent, changing over time and according to the situation and the way in which information is presented.
In turn, while information provision and choice are important, neither necessarily leads to improved consumer decision-making or changes in consumer behaviour. A common feature of standard economic thought is the belief that when individuals make poor choices it is the result of misinformation or a lack of information. Both marketing and the behavioural sciences have proven this "informationdeficit" model to be deeply flawed. In part, this stems from the fact that consumers rarely search out, read or properly digest all of the information that is available to them when making a decision. More fundamentally, the model neglects the wealth of other factors that determine individuals' behaviour.
Policy-makers and others seeking to change people's behaviours need to take into account all of these different factors if they are to effectively influence consumer choice. An improved understanding of consumer behaviour gives policymakers a wider range of policy instruments with which to achieve policy objectives. Used in the right circumstances, these instruments are likely to be more cost-effective than more traditional policy instruments.
Policy-makers should also remember consumer behaviour is both context-and product-specific. While the existing evidence on consumer behaviour provide guidance on how people make choices, policy-makers need to remember that consumer responses will vary across product groups and policy areas.
These insights focus on the role of consumer behaviour in responding to and delivering policy objectives and are relevant to those considering how messages about levels of comfort and associated environmental impact can be best communicated and acted on. Comfort is clearly to some degree a social construct that it may be possible to influence. However, returning to Chappells and Shove's six families of literature on comfort discussed earlier there is obviously a need for these research and practice domains to interact and learn from one another if comfort is to be delivered equitably and without unacceptable levels of environmental distress. □
[1] Chappells H., Shove E. 2004. Comfort: A review of philosophies and paradigms. Paper produced for the Future Comforts: re-conditioning urban environments project [OL]. http://www.lancaster.ac.uk/fass/ projects/futcom/fc_litfinal1.pdf.
[2] IPCC, 2014a. Summary for Policymakers. In: Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate Change. Contribution of Working Group III to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA.
[3] IPCC, 2014b. Climate Change 2014, Synthesis Report, Summary for Policymakers. [OL]. http://www. ipcc.ch/pdf/assessment-report/ar5/syr/AR5_SYR_ FINAL_SPM.pdf.
[4] Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (2005). Ecosystems and Human Well-being, Synthesis. [OL]. http://www.millenniumassessment.org/en/index. html.
[5] United Nations, 2014. The Millennium Development Goals Report 2014. [OL]. http://www. un.org/millenniumgoals/2014%20MDG%20report/ MDG%202014%20English%20web.pdf.
[6] Fouquet. R., Pearson P.J.G. 2006. Seven Centuries of Energy Services: The Price and Use of Light in the United Kingdom (1300-2000), The Energy Journal, Vol 27, 1: 139-177.
[7] PSI, 2009. Designing policy to influence consumers: Consumer behaviour relating to the purchasing of environmentally preferable goods. A project under the Framework contract for economic analysis ENV.G.1/ FRA/2006/0073 – 2nd. [OL]. http://www.psi.org.uk/ site/project_detail/real_world_consumer_behaviour_ relating_to_the_purchase_of_environmentally_p.
Some key findings: what do we know about consumer behaviour?[7]5
Consumers rarely weigh up all the costs and benefits of choices. Instead, purchasing decisions may be made automatically, habitually, or be heavily influenced by an individual's emotions or the behaviour of others.
Consumers use mental short-cuts to help speed up decision-making. These short-cuts can distort consumers' decisions and include relying on recognised labels or brand names, and being influenced by the way in which information is presented and the context.
Consumers respond more to losses than gains. This means people are more reluctant to give something up or suffer loss than they are motivated by benefits of equal value. This aversion to loss has a significant impact on the way in which people interpret information and can lead to consumers avoiding making choices altogether.
Consumers value products much more once they own them. In addition, the value placed on a product is inconsistent. It can vary over time, and can be affected by the previous cost of the product and the emotional attachment someone places on a product. This makes people reluctant to trade in old products, even when it would be cost-effective to replace them.
Consumers place a greater value on the immediate future and heavily discount future savings. This impacts on the way in which consumers value the efficiency and lifetime costs of appliances.
Too much choice can be overwhelming to consumers, making decisionmaking difficult. As choice increases, consumers may consider fewer choices, process less overall information and evaluate information differently. When choice is particularly excessive, consumers may actually avoid making a choice altogether.
Consumers are heavily influenced by other people. This might take the form of an indirect influence, for example from seeing neighbours or friends buying a product, or a more direct, explicit influence, for example when a salesperson persuades someone to buy a certain product. Nearly all consumption choices are subject to some kind of social influence.
Consumers use products to make a statement about themselves. Products meet far more than just a functional need; they make a statement about a person's identity and about the type of person they are and would like to be. One of the most important lessons from marketing is that people buy products for very different reasons; for example, while some people may be motivated by concern for the environment, many others will not.
Comfort: How Much Is Too Much? The Challenge for Environmental Policy
This article highlights the many research framings and perspectives of comfort in relation to the built environment. It addresses the question of how much is too much by placing the trend for increased comfort and its energy and resource requirements in the context of the pressing global challenges of maintaining climate stability, viable ecosystems and addressing social and distributional issues. Considering the policy framework that will affect the planning of built environment and comfort within it, the article highlights research findings on insights into how consumers behave in relation to environmental choices. This focus on the role of the consumer is based on the premise that comfort is at least partly a social construct which those working in architecture, planning and policy need to be able to shape.
comfort, environment, policy, climate, resources