



      Erratum to “Estimation of drag forces caused by natural woody vegetation of different scales”

      2015-04-20 05:53:16JALONENJohannaRVELJuha

      JALONEN Johanna, J?RVEL? Juha

      Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland

      In pages 610 and 621 the drag coefficients should be:

      and all have the unit of (m/s)-χ.

      Subsequently, the sentence in page 610 below Eq.(8) should read: “The drag coefficients correspond toand, and have units of (m/s)-χSand (m/s)-χF, respectively.”


      [1] JALONEN Johanna, J?RVEL? Juha. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2014, 26(4).

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